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Etruscans. By: Page Anderson, Alexis Boles, and Taylor Boles. How Rome bega n. Between 800-900 B.C. the Etruscans settled in the Italian Peninsula; arriving from Asia Minor 3000 years ago, a tribe called the Latins lived on the Tiber River. The village grew and became Rome. Etruscan Life.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Etruscans By: Page Anderson, Alexis Boles, and Taylor Boles

  2. How Rome began • Between 800-900 B.C. the Etruscans settled in the Italian Peninsula; arriving from Asia Minor • 3000 years ago, a tribe called the Latins lived on the Tiber River. The village grew and became Rome.

  3. Etruscan Life • Gods looked like humans, exactly like Greek gods • Women and men were fairly equal in status • Each town was organized by the Etruscans to form city-states, which each had a king • Each city-state worked together in a league and that called the Etruscan league

  4. Etruscan life cont.. • The Etruscan league began to trade with people along the African coastline, along with people in the east. • Trade route included a village on the Tiber River • Rome was a busy place • Rome grew while Etruscans was building their civilization • Rome was a center of commerce • Some of the early kings from Rome were Etruscans

  5. Etruscan Art • Religious and/or light-hearted topics • Created artistic objects mostly for religious purposes • Famous artworks are in baked clay or terra-cotta • Decorative art are imported then copied painted Greek pottery • Are famous for their gold jewelry

  6. Language/Writing • The Etruscans used Greek alphabet • Only some of the language has been deciphered

  7. Social Classes Upper class -Wealthy landowners, nobles, and priests Middle Class -Farmers, traders, and city workers Lower Class -enslaved people

  8. Religious Beliefs • Had many gods • They first worshiped gods outdoors on platforms made of stone or dirt • Later, they built temples of wood, mud-brick, and clay on stone foundations • Soothsayers predicted events • Omens were signs of what was going to happen

  9. Military • Had a strong, powerful military • Soldiers wore heavy leather shoes that laced around the ankle

  10. Farming • Grew barley, wheat, grapes and other fruit • They raised sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, and cattle • Cattle was used for food and to pull plows and wagons

  11. Entertainment • Played board games • Watched and took part in sports • They loved music and dancing, it was a big part of their religion • Gambled with ivory dice

  12. Reference http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&gbv=2&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=3&q=etruscan+entertainment http://www.il-girasole.com/images/bronzes/SB13.jpg http://www.google.com http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dl.ket.org/latin1/gallery/military/images/combat_.jpg

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