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Highlights of ISS and nufact 1. ISS 2. achieved goals 2.1 investigation of neutrino detectors set of baselines 2.2 study of accelerator -- Neutrino factory -- betabeam -- superbeam 2.3 performance studies -- new elements -- iron calorimenter performance improvement 2.4 matter effects
Highlights of ISS and nufact 1. ISS 2. achieved goals 2.1 investigation of neutrino detectors set of baselines 2.2 study of accelerator -- Neutrino factory -- betabeam -- superbeam 2.3 performance studies -- new elements -- iron calorimenter performance improvement 2.4 matter effects 2.5 low energy cross-sections 3. conclusion: towards FP7 design studies A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Physics compare performance of various options on equal footing of parameters and conventions and agreed standards of resolutions, simulation etc. identify tools needed to do so (e.g. Globes upgraded) propose « best values » of baselines, beam energies etc.. Detectors (NEW!) 1. Water Cherenkov (1000kton) 2. Magnetized sampling detector (100kton) 3. Liquid Argon TPC (100 kton) magnetized Liquid Argon TPC(15kton) 4. Hybrid Emulsion (4 kton) Near detectors (and instrumentation) ( SB,BBNF ) Yorikiyo Nagashima Alain Blondel The ISS: coordination Peter Dornan + ‘wise men’ Ken Peach Vittorio Palladino(BENE) Steve Geer Yoshitaka Kuno Accelerator: -- proton driver (energy, time structure and consequences) -- target and capture (chose target and capture system) -- phase rotation and cooling -- acceleration and storage evaluate economic interplays and risks include a measure of costing and safety assessment Michael Zisman A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Collaborators of the scoping study: -- ECFA/BENE working groups (incl. CERN) (funded by CARE) -- Japanese Neutrino Factory Collaboration -- US Neutrino Factory and Muon collider Collaboration -- UK Neutrino Factory Collaboration (also part of BENE) -- others (e.g. India INO collaboration, Canada, China, Corea ...) objectives: · Evaluate the physics case for a second-generation super-beam, a beta-beam facility and the Neutrino Factory and to present a critical comparison of their performance; · Evaluate the various options for the accelerator complex with a view to defining a baseline set of parameters for the sub-systems that can be taken forward in a subsequent conceptual-design phase; · Evaluate the options for the neutrino detection systems with a view to defining a baseline set of detection systems to be taken forward in a subsequent conceptual-design phase. A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Working groups Water Cerenkov Detectors Kenji Kaneyuki, Jean-Eric Campagne Magnetic Sampling Detectors Jeff Nelson --> Anselmo Cervera http://dpnc.unige.ch/users/blondel/detectors/magneticdetector/SMD-web.htm TASD Malcolm Ellis Large Magnet Alan Bross Liquid Argon TPC http://www.hep.yorku.ca/menary/ISS/ Scott Menary, Andreas Badertscher, Claudio Montanari, Guiseppe Battistoni (FLARE/GLACIER/ICARUS’) Emulsion Detectors http://people.na.infn.it/~pmiglioz/ISS-ECC-G/ISSMainPage.html Pasquale Migliozzi Near Detectors http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/~psoler/ISS/ISS_Near_Detector.html Paul Soler Detector Technology associated with detector type dedicated detector technology session at ISS2 in KEK Jan06. A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
ISS detector mailing list (78) A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Executive summary: I. baseline detectors A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Executive summary II. beyond the baseline,(but should be studied) A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Executive summary: III: near detector, beam instrumentation A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Magnetized Iron calorimeter (baseline detector, Cervera, Nelson) B = 1 T F = 15 m, L = 25 m t(iron) =4cm, t(sc)=1-2cm Fiducial mass = 100 kT Charge discrimination down to 1 GeV 200M$ Event rates for 1020 muon decays (<~1 year) nmsignal (sin2q13=0.01) nm CC ne CC Baseline 732 Km 3.4 x 105 (J-PARC I SK = 40) 108 2 x 108 3 x 105 3500 Km 7.5 x 106 4 x 106 A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
New analysis (Cervera) OLD: Pm> 5 GeV NEW: Lm > Lhad + 75cm (shown for three different purity levels down to << 10-4 ) new analysis old analysis A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Location of INO A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
INO Detector Concept A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Upgrade of the proton accelerator complex at CERN Protons Accelerators for the Future (PAF) WG Present chain: weak link in Linac 2 and in the PS (old!) A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Priority is given to LHC but efforts should be made to incorporate the demands of the High intensity neutrino programme the cheapest way to LHC luminosity consolidation is to -- implement the LINAC 4 and replace the CERN PS Step I: replace linac 2 by Linac 4 increase injection rate no major improvement for neutrinos ~2011 A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Priority is given to LHC and efforts should be made to incorporate the demands of the High intensity neutrino programme the cheapest way to LHC luminosity consolidation is to -- implement the LINAC 4 and replace the CERN PS Step II: new PS2 (5-50 GeV) PS remains in operation for injection at 5 GeV in PS2 possible increase of SPS intensity --> CNGS ~2015 A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Step III: New SPL (or RCS) to ~5 GeV inject directly in PS2 Multi-MW oportunity @~5 GeV no date yet (i.e. a few more years) A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
ephysics at CNGS+? Basic issues to solve: 1. no near detector --> no knowledge of absolute cross sections (at osc. max there are no to normalize…) difficult to measure absolute rates of e and to compare vs or different energies for CP or matter effect 2. modifications of CNGS beam line are necessary. possible? perhaps easier to build new dk tunnel -- with adequate length and near detector. then why keep the same direction? 3. can SPS and targets really handle 4x more protons? 4. 100 kton Larg or 1Mton water are large investments -- may be they deserve better! A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
LINAC4--> PS2: an opportunity for MultiMW physics Eventually the PS should be phased out completely: need for a machine that bridges 1.4 (booster) to 5 GeV, or better 0.16 Linac4 to 5 GeV (PS2) Superconducting Proton Liac or Rapid Cycling Synchrotron both fast cycling (O(10-50 Hz). potentially a high power machine serving -- LHC -- neutrinos -- nuclear physics (Eurisol) for neutrino physics: conventional p decay superbeam proton driver for neutrino factory A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
CERN-SPL-based Neutrino SUPERBEAM 300 MeV n m Neutrinos small contamination from ne (no K at 2 GeV!) target! Fréjus underground lab. A large underground water Cherenkov (400 kton) UNO/HyperK or/and a large L.Arg detector. also : proton decay search, supernovae events solar and atmospheric neutrinos. Performance similar to J-PARC II There is a window of opportunity for digging the cavern starting in 2009 (safety tunnel in Frejus) A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
CERN SPL LSM-Fréjus Near detector 130km TRE Super-beams: SPL-Frejus A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Nuclear Physics CERN:b-beam baseline scenario neutrinos of Emax=~600MeV SPL target! Decay ring B = 5 T Lss = 2500 m SPS Decay Ring ISOL target & Ion source ECR Cyclotrons, linac or FFAG Stacking! Rapid cycling synchrotron PS Same detectors as Superbeam ! A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Eurisol baseline Study • CERN site (use PS and SPS as are) • -- could benefit from PS2 • Max. ion in CERN SPS is 450 GeV Z/Mion • g = 150 for 6He, • g = 250 for 18Ne ==> En ~ 600 MeV 2.9*1018 /yr anti-ne from 6He Or 1.1*1018 /yr ne from 18Ne (1017 with avail. tech.) • race track (one baseline) or triangle (2 base lines) • so far study CERN--> Fréjus (130km) • longer baseline ~ 2-300km would be optimal • + moderate cost: ion sources, 450 GeV equiv. storage ring (O(0.5M€)) • + no need for 4MW target Enmax=2. Q0. ion A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Combination of beta beam with super beam combines CP and T violation tests e m (+) (T)me (p+) (CP) e m(-) (T)me (p-) A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
3s sensitivity to sin22q13 10 year exposure issues: -- 18Ne flux? -- low energy --> cross-section accuracy? (assume 2%) -- energy reconstruction OK -- near detector concept? sensitivity sin2213 ~2-5 10-4 combine SPL(3.5 GeV) + bB ==> improves sensitivity by T violation! J-E. Campagne et al. hep/ph0603172 A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Better beta beams: main weakness of He/He beta-beam is low energy (450 GeV proton equiv. storage ring produces 600 MeV neutrinos) Solution 1: Higher g (Hernandez et al) Use SPS+ (1 TeV) or tevatron ==> reach g= 350 expensive! Solution 2: use higher Q isotopes (C.Rubbia) 8B --> 8Be e+ne or 8Li --> 8Be e-anti-ne A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
A possible solution to the ion production shortage: Direct production in a small storage ring, filled [Gas + RF cavity] for ionization cooling For 8B or 8Li production, strip-inject 6Li / 7Li beam, collide with gas jet (D2 or 3He) reaction products are ejected and collected goal: >~ 1021 ions per year A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Advantages of 8B5+ (ne Q=18MeV )or 8Li3+ (anti-ne Q=16MeV) vs 18Ne, 6He (Q~=3 MeV) The storage ring rigidity is considerably lower for a given En ==> for ~1 GeV end point beam for 8B5+ : 45 GeV proton equiv. storage ring for 8Li3+:75 GeV proton equiv. storage ring Two ways to see it: 1. Beta-beams to Fréjus (Emax =600 MeV) could be accelerated with PS2 into a 50 GeV proton-equivalent storage ring (save €) 2. Beta beams of both polarities up to end-point energy of ~6 GeV can be produced with the CERN SPS (up to 2000km baseline) A new flurry of opportunities A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Electron Capture: N+e- N’+ne rates are low but very useful for cross-section measurements Burget et al EC: A monochromatic neutrino beam A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
NON MAGNETIC MAGNETIC A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
NEUTRINO FACTORY -- paradoxically quite mature option. ISS (International Scoping Study) revisited accelerator and detector options in 2005-2006. A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Overall comparisons from ISS (nearly final plots) sign Dm213 q13 CP phase d NuFACT does it all… (+ univ. test etc…) but when can it do it and at what cost? A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
SYSTEMATICS - related topics A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
NB: 3sigma = 60 means that +-1 sigma = +-3.50 d [1800-2700 ] d [2700-3600 ] A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
for NUFACT: • work on systematic errors on matter effect A preliminary study was made by E. Kozlovskaya, J. Peltoniemi, J. Sarkamo, The density distribution in the Earth along the CERN-Pyhäsalmi baseline and its effect on neutrino oscillations. CUPP-07/2003 • the uncertainties on matter effects are at the level of a few% J. Peltoniemi A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
ISS-3 at RAL Warner Such a study, in collaboration with geophysicists will be needed for candidate LBL sites A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
near detector constraints for CP violation ex. beta-beam or nufact: P(nenm) - P(nenm) sind sin (Dm212 L/4E) sin q12 sin q13 = ACP a sin2q13 + solar term… P(nenm) + P(nenm) • Near detector gives ne diff. cross-section*detection-eff *flux and ibid for bkg • BUT: need to know nm and nm diff. cross-section* detection-eff • with small (relative) systematic errors. • knowledge of cross-sections (relative to each-other) required • knowledge of flux! • interchange role of ne and nm for superbeam A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
experimental signal= signal cross-section X efficiency of selection + Background this is not a totally trivial quantity as there is somethig particular in each of these cross-sections: for instance the effects of muon mass as well as nuclear effects are different for neutrinos and anti-neutrinos while e.g. pion threshold is different for muon and electron neutrinos need to know this: and of course the fluxes… but the product flux*ssig is measured in the near detector A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
3.5 GeV SPL g = 100 b-beam -- low proton energy: no Kaons ne background is low --region below pion threshold (low bkg from pions) but: low event rate and uncertainties on cross-sections A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Uncertainties in the double ratio (Sobczyk at RAL meeting) 1. problem comes from compound of Fermi motion and binding energy with the muon mass effect. the double ratio calculation is very insensitive to variations of parameters … but A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
at 250 MeV (first maximum in Frejus expt) prediction varies from 0.88 to 0.94 according to nuclear model used. (= +- 0.03?) Hope to improve results with e.g. monochromatic k-capture beam A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Conclusions CERN priority to LHC makes it unlikely to raise a new neutrino programme until at least 2016. However opportunities are open by the upgrades of the LHC acclerator complex -- upgrade of CNGS … tempting and politically attractive. but is it feasible? worth it given the time scales? -- SPL would offer a powerful low energy nm beam -- beta-beam offers extremely clean ne beam new ideas to improve flux/energy/cost…. -- baseline detector for sub-GeV neutrinos is WaterCherenkov -- in few GeV range, Larg, TASD etc… competitive -- near detector and monitoring systems should not be forgotten A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Conclusions (ctd) -- neutrino factory still the ultimate contender, especially if q13 is very small. Requires magnetic detectors -- design studies of Superbeam/betabeams/ NuFact and of the associated detector systems will be necessary for a choice around 2010/2012; organization ongoing. A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
Regional Oversight Committees Superbeam study (or studies) Accelerator Detectors Physics Nufact study Accelerator Detectors Physics Betabeam study Accelerator Detectors Physics Neutrino Oscillation Physics Working Group -- exact structure of each study to be decided by proponents -- Regional Oversight Committees will possibly converge to a single international committee for a future precision neutrino facility A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay
FP7 design studies under ESGARD Design studies : ~2M€ each mostly calculation or engineering work (personnel) 3 years? NUFACT+SuperBeam b-beam SLHC SC-SPS call: february 2007 --> application likely in sept. 1st 2007 funding mid 2008? A. Blondel GDR neutrino 4 0ctobre 2006 Orsay