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The chemical monitoring of organic pollutants using passive samplers within the framework of the PORTONOVO project (water quality in harbours of the Atlantic area).
The chemical monitoring of organic pollutants using passive samplers within the framework of the PORTONOVO project (water quality in harbours of the Atlantic area) Marie-Hélène Dévier1, Nathalie Tapie1, Angel Belles1, Karyn Le Menach1, Maria Gonzalez-Rey2, Maria Bebianno2, Beatriz Echavarri Erasun3, José Antonio Juanes de la Peña3, Hélène Budzinski1 1 EPOC (UMR 5805), LPTC, CNRS, University of Bordeaux 1,Talence, France; 2 IH Cantabria, University of Cantabria, 39005 Santander, Spain 3 CIMA, University of Algarve, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
Portonovo Project www.portonovoproject.org Water Framework Directive (WFD) Ports Economic development Heavily modified water bodies (HMWB) "Good ecological potential" "Good chemical status" "Good ecological status" "Good chemical status" Hydromorphological changes What has to be protected? What does it have to be protected from? How can it be protected? Atlantic Area Programme 2007 – 2013 : Interreg project PORTONOVO Priority 2 - Marine Environment & Renewable Energies Financing: 1 800 000 € (60% ERDF) PORTONOVO (Nov. 2009 – Feb. 2012): to standardize a methodology for the water quality management in port areas all over along the Atlantic Area Installation of acommon tool allowing a sustainable management of harbour waters("Decision Supporting System", DSS)
Partners of the project • Lead partner: University of Cantabria(Santander, Spain) José A. Juanes de la Peña, Environmental Hydraulics Institute "IH Cantabria" • 11 partners + 12 associated partners: - Spain: 3 partners(plus 2 associated partners) - France: 3 (+5) - Portugal: 3 (+3) - United Kingdom: 2 (+2)
Ports associated to the project Belfast Falmouth Cherbourg Bordeaux Santander Aveiro Portimao Huelva very different hydromorphological et socio-economical characteristics
Interconnected activities EPOC mainly involved in activity 6, but also in activity 7
Act. 3 – Governance: Cherbourg Urban Community - CUC (FR) Act. 5 – Environmental modelling: Instituto Superior Técnico - IST (PT) 1) Identification of HMWB zones 2) Division in relation to the water renewal rate Activities ERA & Indicators - Monitoring 3) Establishment of management zones HMWB types:
Act. 4 - Environmental Risk Assessment: IH Cantabria (SP) Methodology to identify and characterise environnemental hazards in port areas (point and diffuse sources) 48% 52%
Act. 6: Indicators and environmental monitoring:AZTI Tecnalia (SP) Methodology for the evaluation of the water quality in port areas Support of new tools and of relevant indicators Which ones ?
Act. 7 - Decision Supporting System (DSS):Falmouth Harbour Commissioners (UK) Installation of a tool allowing for the processing, storage and interchange of all information related with water quality under a decision making perspective Validation of the methodology and DSS through case studies application
Passive sampling as complementary approach relevant to the chemical monitoring - Time-integrated average (TWA) concentrations and episodic events - Quantification of extremely low pollution levels in water, undetected using conventional spot sampling - Simplified logistics which permits to increase the number of sampling sites and the frequency of monitoring (as well as simplification of analyses)
Passive samplers SPMD Semi Permeable Membrane Device POCIS Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler hydrophobic organic compounds hydrophilic organic compounds Silicone strips hydrophobic organic compounds
Port of Bordeaux: Gironde estuary (France) 6 port terminals along 100 km
Variable and diluted environment making the chemical quality assessment very difficult (complex transferts, tidal dynamics, particulate load...) Passive sampling • POCIS PRC (Performance Reference Compounds) • 49 Pesticides + 21 Pharmaceuticals • Continuous since April 2010 (Bordeaux) or summer/winter (Pauillac)
Most frequently detected compounds in Bordeaux (annual mean) Pesticides (frequency = 100% & max. concentrations > 10 ng/L) Pharmaceuticals (frequency = 90% & max concentrations > 2 ng/L) Minority pesticides: 5% Except caffein and theophylline > 50%
Seasonal variations of levels S-metolachor and its metabolites (Bordeaux)
Most frequently detected compounds in Bordeaux (annual mean) Pesticides (frequency = 100% & max. concentrations > 10 ng/L) Pharmaceuticals (frequency = 90% & max concentrations > 2 ng/L) Minority pesticides: 5% Except caffein and theophylline > 50%
Detection of very low concentration levels (POCIS) (Minority compounds only) Effects of these chemical coktails on aquatic organisms ?
Port of Portimao (Portugal) In collaboration with the University of Algarve WWTP Arade River Marina de Boca do Rio port authority buildings PAB MBR
Main pesticides detected in POCIS during 3 months MBR PAB Also used as antifoulants (DMSA: dichlofluanid metabolite) Pharmaceuticals (POCIS): carbamazepine, paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, gemfibrozil (1 - 100 ng/L), diazepam, nordiazepam, alprazolam, amitriptyline (0.1 - 1 ng/L) + caffein, theophylline (~70-80%)
Port of Santander In collaboration with IH Cantabria POCIS SPMD Silicone strips Analyses in progress
PAHs in SPMD (1 month) Proposed revised EQS probably by far lower than actually
CONCLUSION Portonovo objective: Installation of a Decision Supporting System (DSS) for the balanced management of activities in harbour waters as well as a monitoring of the environmental quality in harbours along the Atlantic Area www.portonovoproject.org Passive sampling as complementary approach in the WFD: Confirmed interest of passive samplers for the chemical monitoring in the context of the WFD (other than logistics ...): Determination of TWA concentrations (although freely-dissolved conc.) Detection of numerous pesticides and pharmaceuticals in port waters Detection of pollutants undetected using conventional spot sampling (< 0.1 ng/L) Detection of WFD priority pollutants (atrazine, simazine, diuron, isoproturon, PAHs) and some other pollutants, notably those included in the ongoing review of the WFD priority pollutants (irgarol, terbutryn, ibuprofen, diclofenac)
Thank you for your attention! www.portonovoproject.org