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Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Wind-loaded Structures

This study compares conventional simplified beam analyses with exact three-dimensional plate analyses through numerical examples of structures under wind loads. It highlights the disadvantages of conventional beam analyses and provides analysis procedures for both beam and plate elements. The numerical examples include evaluation of pressure coefficients, calculation of wind load vectors, and analysis results such as bending moments and principal stresses. The study concludes that exact three-dimensional plate analyses are necessary for the analyses of wind-loaded structures.

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Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Wind-loaded Structures

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  1. 한국강구조학회 2001년도 학술발표대회 Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Structures under Wind Loads *Byoung-Wan Kim1), Woon-Hak Kim2) and In-Won Lee3) 1) Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, KAIST 2) Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Hankyong Univ. 3) Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAIST

  2. Contents 1. introduction 2. analysis procedures of wind-loaded structures - beam analysis procedure - plate analysis procedure 3. numerical examples 4. analysis results 5. conclusions

  3. 1. introduction 1) Compare conventional simplified beam analyses with exact three dimensional plate analyses through numerical examples with plates under wind loads 2) Show the disadvantages of conventional beam analyses of wind-loaded structures

  4. 2. beam analysis procedure 1) finite element modeling with beam elements 2) evaluate lift coeff., drag coeff. and moment coeff. 3) calculate distributed lift forces, drag forces and moments 4) solve equation of motion Ref.) Simiu, Emil and Scanlan, Robert H., Wind Effects on Structures, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.

  5. 3. plate analysis procedure 1) finite element modeling with triangular plate elements 2) evaluate pressure coeff. 3) calculate wind load vectors 4) solve equation of motion

  6. 4. numerical examples • example structures center line edge line 6 m 30 m Young’s modulus: 2.5105 kgf/cm2 Poisson ratio: 0.17 thickness: 60 cm density: 2.446 10-6 kgf-sec2/cm4 damping ratio: 5 %

  7. example winds - time history of wind velocity Skipheia, Norway, 1993 density: 1.250 10-9 kgf-sec2/cm4 Ref.) Hansen, Kurt S. and Courtney, Michael S., “http://www.winddata.com,” 1999 European Wind Energy Conference, March 1-5, 1999 in Nice, France.

  8. - wind direction (angle of attack) z y x z 90º 75º 60º 45º 30º 15º x y

  9. evaluation of pressure coeff. z Cpb y Cpl Ref.) Abernathy, F. H., “Flow over an Inclined Plate,” Journal of Basic Engineering -Transactions of the ASME, vol. 84, 1962, pp. 380-388.

  10. - transformed coordinates along plate width direction - real coordinates along plate width direction

  11. - parameters

  12. evaluation of lift coeff. and moment coeff.

  13. pressure coeff. distriutions • lift coeff. and moment coeff.

  14. modeling with beam elements - number of nodes: 31 - number of beam elements: 30 • modeling with plate elements - number of nodes: 217 - number of plate elements: 360

  15. 5. analysis results • bending moments at center line

  16. torsional moments at edge line

  17. principal stresses at center line

  18. distributed bending moments along center line time = 154 sec

  19. distributed torsional moments along edge line time = 154 sec

  20. 6. conclusions 1) Bending moments and principal stresses from beam analyses are similar to those from plate analyses but torsional moments are not. 2) It is possible to get member forces which are variant along width directions from plate analyses but not from beam analyses due to constant distributions of member forces along width directions. 3) Instead of conventional simplified beam analyses, exact three dimensional plate analyses are required in the analyses of wind-loaded structures.

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