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presented for Cabrillo College extension speaker series on the business of art
Social Media for Artists Social Media for artists: Joining conversationsSusan Tenby, Director of OnlineCommunity and Social Media@SUZBOOP on Twitter Business of Art: Cabrillo College Extension
Susan Tenby, Director of Online Community and Social Media @SUZBOOP on Twitter December 2, 2011GOAL: Creating Community Evangelists Susan Tenby, Director of Online Community and Social Media @SUZBOOP on Twitter December 2, 2011GOAL: Creating Community Evangelists
What We Do• Connect with your community to each other while amplifying the messages and missions of this community We aim to build community both internally and externally• Amplify the message of a variety of and weave strong networks partners, including artists, curators, gallery owners• Document and Showcase• Curate What We Do• Connect with your community to each other while amplifying the messages and missions of this community We aim to build community both internally and externally• Amplify the message of a variety of and weave strong networks partners, including artists, curators, gallery owners• Document and Showcase• Curate
AGENDA… Sharing Listening Documenting your process & progess Serendipitous Community Building Joining Collaborative Curation Communities Following examples of experts Tag Sniffing Facebook Twitter… not necessarily in that order AGENDA… Sharing Listening Documenting your process & progess Serendipitous Community Building Joining Collaborative Curation Communities Following examples of experts Tag Sniffing Facebook Twitter… not necessarily in that order
CHOOSE YOUR NAMECAREFULLYname carefully; it becomes permanent• Choose FB Page after 100 “likes” • Your name should be a consistent brand across all networks • It shouldn’t be too long, as twitter is only 140 characters • It should be memorable and not easily confused/mispelled • It will become your identity, so be strategic for SEO reasons CHOOSE YOUR NAMECAREFULLYname carefully; it becomes permanent• Choose FB Page after 100 “likes” • Your name should be a consistent brand across all networks • It shouldn’t be too long, as twitter is only 140 characters • It should be memorable and not easily confused/mispelled • It will become your identity, so be strategic for SEO reasons
• A blog can help you sell your work• Gives you something to point to• Better image framing• A longstanding archive• Opt-in subscription• Sharing ARTIST BLOGS • A blog can help you sell your work• Gives you something to point to• Better image framing• A longstanding archive• Opt-in subscription• Sharing ARTIST BLOGS
OPTIMIZING SHARING IS THE• POINT! module to @mention yr org, not the tool’s name Configure Tweetthis• Create a list of friendly tweeters to DM & help u spread word• Use hashtags to broaden yr audience • You can tag people, places, and pages in anything you share. You can also tag people in the text of FB posts or comments by using the @ symbol before typing• Make Facebook sharing easy and configurable for yr fans• Spend time; look at how each share is displayed in each network• Use local language of each tool (no hashtags on FB)• Make tweets/URL short enough to have others RT and MT OPTIMIZING SHARING IS THE• POINT! module to @mention yr org, not the tool’s name Configure Tweetthis• Create a list of friendly tweeters to DM & help u spread word• Use hashtags to broaden yr audience • You can tag people, places, and pages in anything you share. You can also tag people in the text of FB posts or comments by using the @ symbol before typing• Make Facebook sharing easy and configurable for yr fans• Spend time; look at how each share is displayed in each network• Use local language of each tool (no hashtags on FB)• Make tweets/URL short enough to have others RT and MT
TWITTER Share announcements and mentions of you Twilerts Google alerts Hootsuite Join the conversation Tweetchats Hashtags Amplify/RT Find your peeps Keep it real_______________2- Way ConversationKeeps you currentKeeps you as AuthorityFeedback LoopSpread word abt youCOMMUNITY TWITTER Share announcements and mentions of you Twilerts Google alerts Hootsuite Join the conversation Tweetchats Hashtags Amplify/RT Find your peeps Keep it real_______________2- Way ConversationKeeps you currentKeeps you as AuthorityFeedback LoopSpread word abt youCOMMUNITY
. Twitter account branding: Think abtit! Carefully name your account & Fill out/update your bio with campaign info. Show people! Find your peeps through hashtags, twitter lists, Listorius & Twellow Best Practices Rules: • 80/20 rule; it’s not all about you • Post daily; schedule updates • Don’t be a marketing robot • Talk with people, not at people • Vary content: text, video, images • Don’t auto-link your Facebook account to your Twitter or your blog • Reciprocate, engage, share
. USE TWITTER TO JOINCONVERSATION & MEETPEOPLE• Let them know you’re listening by @mentions• Broaden conversation via #hashtags• Always give link to amplify
. Not overly self-promotional good balance of pointing to others balanced tone/ humor Elegant promotion of workWhat makes this good?
. Engaging lead-in w/question Sent from hootsuite NOTE: 9 RT, 7 FavesWhat makes this good?
. Don’t Tweet Like CHER.• Don’t tweet like Cher• Don’t make up #uselesshashtags• Don’t spam via DM• Don’t call yourself a rockstar or guru• Don’t put an emoticon or exclamation mark after every tweet• Don’t be self-referential in all your tweets• Track click-thru using Bit.ly & do what works• If yr going to RT something, READ IT first
. FACEBOOK PAGES: Document YOU Show your interests by setting which Pages show up as “Featured” likes on the left hand side of your profile (add ArtSpan, SOMArts, your studio space, the pages of causes or orgs.) Add your personal profile as Featured Page owner so people can find your personal profile and message youOnce you have a personal profile, visitfacebook.com/pages/create.phpSkip “invite friends” step until your page ispopulated with contentAfter 25 “likes” visit facebook.com/usernameto set up your permanent “vanity URL”
. Profiles vs. PagesPersonal Profiles Pages• Friend limit: 5K • Unlimited friends/fans• Public or private • Public • SEO friendly• Not SEO friendly • No barrier to “like”• Friend requests require • Offers Apps approval • Can only comment on your• Person to person Page and other Pages messaging • Better website integration• May not promote sale of your work
. Show Behind the Scenes Exclusives VIDEO: #CHEN Graffiti Time-lapse
. KEEP IT OPEN, LIVELY, PERSONAL• Find your network• Engage with them• BE RESPONSIVE• Keep it fresh• Exclusive value• Showcase images well• Connect by tagging• Hold campaigns• Link back to yr blog
. ARTISTS USING SOCIAL MEDIATO:•promote themselves and their work by announcingopportunity for audiences to engage with his work (group andsolo exhibitions, art fairs, special projects, publicationsfeaturing his work, etc.)•Documenting the inside story: a "virtual studio" via Pinterestwhere visitors can see what they are looking at and thinkingabout (the images, films, music, etc that informs theirsensibilities and (directly / indirectly) influences their work
. Clearly drive ppl to yr blog & give them away to opt-in/subscribe and share on everypage Don’t be overly self- promotional Keep balance of life, observations, responses & amplification
. • Creates virtual tours, online exhibitions, in- progress videos for YouTube• Has a custom landing page & email sign-up app• Updates 1-3 times a day about his work, life in SF, and the work of friends• Researches and engages with his fans• Runs campaigns
. • Integration with other social media toolsUses EtsyStore app• Exclusivity: Runs print give-away contests and posts about limited edition prints•Uses a Tumblr blog to collect inspirational photos•Takes fans behind the scenes with studio tours, in-progress & preview photos of her work
. • Exclusive content• Don’t be overly self-promotional• Provide “backstage” access experience• Engage with your fans• Make Sharing easy so your fans can help you spread the word• Use integrated tools, for a variety of presences on social graph• Run campaigns and contests• Don’t auto-feed to a tool• Have an easy way to subscribe to your work• Showcase and document your process and inspiration
. 1. Find APPROPRIATE HASHTAGS2. Set in your account info3. Monitor lists4. Engage in the channels Listening: Listening While your top-down strategy is creating awareness, the content and conversation help people make decisions together. You need to hear those conversations. Market yourself as a brand. Pick a short/consistent username -- Don’t forget your brand permutations Make yr brand a hashtag (for ex #CHEN)
. #artgallery, #artnews, #artinfo,Hashtags? #painting, #abstract, #acrylic,Research and find tags from #watercolor #artgallery, #artnews, many communities related toyour field #artinfo, #painting,#abstract, #acrylic , #watercolorParticipate in conversations thathelp you engage newaudiences and strengthen yourauthority positionsUse tags to organizeInformation & grow diverseconversationshttp://twubs.com/http://wthashtag.com/
. A few goodDashboards: Use for listening,NOT Broadcasting
. HootsuitePros:•Good for listening, include tags, common misspellings, lists/groups•Allows us to follow multiple streams across many social media sites, creatingspecialized campaign and search tabs for various projects, events andorganizations•Paid version gives downloadable reports for ROI informationCons:• Free version won’t allow for multiple accounts or multiple users
. TWEETDECKPros:•Very easy to start on•Chrome Browser Extension•Free version is enoughCons:• Not as good for listening to tags
. Pros: FREE CoTweet•Schedule & assign Tweets ahead of time PR releases & allows teamsto manage accounts•CoTweet & Hootsuire allow us to see who responded, when & so wecan figure out how to follow up to each requestCons: Not as easy to use as a listening interface
. Combine images, YouTube,Tweets into a publishable story
. Find your own secret sauce• Make sure you are actually IN all the channels you choose• Don’t auto-feed into them• Embed complementary tools
. reate your own combinatio • Figure out what your needs are, use a combination of tools • Don’t forget about mobile tweeting (Tweetdeck for multiple accounts, channels mobile interface) • Many mobile clients have pic uploader installed in the app (Peep) • Figure out a workflow that isn’t confusing to avoid Freudian tweets • When you don’t have anything to say: Curate, ReTweet, reply to conversations using hashtags and Share widely • Think more about RETWEETS & amplification than followers
. Follow accounts that will help you find artists like you Look at who’s listed on the twitter lists Tweet at them. Join tweetchats. Follow them Find curators, connect with them, have them notice you Follow lists & others & tweet @ them
. Who’s talking about you & what hashtags & FOLLOW!
. Use TAGS to serendipitously search forpeeps• Look for others using a tag you choose• Find what else those people bookmarked• Find other relevant tags• Packrati.us = Twitter + Delicious (you tweet, it bookmarks automatically)• Share your resources via social media• If you’re listening, you can learn new tags on twitter & search other networks too
. Amplify, but speak the right loclanguage• Don’t use other people’s pages as a platform for your spam• Don’t Auto Feed your Status updates to Facebook• Don’t use Selective Tweets• Do take a little time, show you care• Do take advantage of features of the channel such as crosstagging to groups, people and places at once with links• Do find your niche community & stay focused on that topic
. Social: What to do & what NOT to do• DO find a third party listening dashboard tool that you like such as NetVibes or Google Reader for RSS/alerts• DO subscribe to Alerts about relevant topics• Don’t delete or Ignore negative feedback, address it• Don’t use your friends and followers for their networks• DO tag Strategically, redundantly across many channels• Don’t only broadcast about your org, share stories & respond• Don’t be a control freak: guide conversations• Don’t just expect someone will run your SM channels, designate someone!• DO track your progress using social analytics tools that help you track success
. Curate, Point to others, Save bookShare• Don’t ever be afraid of having nothing to say: you can always Curate!• Use Delicious to save bookmarks and share them• Use Scoop.It to help you find topical, relevant, reusable content• Share it and content from others• When in doubt, ReTweet and be generous with @replies
. How We Do It• Our outward facing wiki is the hub for all of these activities and their recap blog posts (http://techsoupcommunityteam.wikispaces.com/home)• Our SlideShare page contains all our presentations (http:// www.slideshare.net/TechSoupGlobal)• Our Flavors page shows where we are on the web (http://flavors.me/techsoup) Consistent Listening and spotlighting Make it easy for your members to be your evangelists Organize your evangelists; get to know them!
. Collaboration via communitycuration Make your work easy to share See who favorites/shares They are yr network
. Timing and Investment NeededBlogs: 1-4 hours per postTwitter: 5-30 minutes a dayFacebook: 5-30 minutes a dayLinkedIn: 15-30 minutes, weeklyListservs: 30 minutes weeklyOther Groups: 30 minutes weeklyPhoto Uploads: 15 minutes weeklyVideos: 2-4 hours a weekCuration: 1 hour a weekTotal Average Social Media Time:90 minutes per day11 hours per week
. • Upload a new image to your Facebook fan page and respond to comments on your page.• Comment on Facebook pages where you want to be noticed (e.g. galleries, niche markets, and museums).• Remember to comment as your page on other pages.• Add an event or campaign about your art to your page.• Comment on someone else’s blog.• Respond to comments on your blog.• Recommend someone on LinkedIn and leave a recommendation on a business page on Facebook.• Send one tweet and retweet two others from your Twitter stream.• Find a new hashtag to listen to• Post-date three tweets using HootSuite or TweetDeck.• Organize FB photo albums 5 min tasks, courtesy of www.ArtsBizBlog.com http://www.artbizblog.com/
. Contact Me.. Really!http://susantenby.com/@suzboopsusan@susantenby.comRESOURCES: http://bit.ly/socmedartshttp://www.slideshare.net/suzboophttp://www.delicious.com/suzboophttp://npsocialmedia101.wikispaces.com/