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Early Conflicts with Britain

Early Conflicts with Britain. Conflict Over Taxes. Britain created a new tax – Sugar Act. This taxed not only sugar, but many other imported goods such as coffee and cloth The colonists were protesting throughout the colonies Some merchants smuggled imported goods to avoid paying taxes

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Early Conflicts with Britain

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  1. Early Conflicts with Britain

  2. Conflict Over Taxes • Britain created a new tax – Sugar Act. • This taxed not only sugar, but many other imported goods such as coffee and cloth • The colonists were protesting throughout the colonies • Some merchants smuggled imported goods to avoid paying taxes • Boycott British goods

  3. Patrick Henry • “Britain is using their power unfairly!” • Patrick Henry went to protest Britain’s taxes at the Virginia House of Burgesses • There, he gave a speech filled with anger stating, “GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!” • He strongly urged the colonists to arm themselves in self-defense against the British troops

  4. Townshend Acts • Created by the British after they repealed the Stamp Act • Tax on imported tea, glass, lead, paints, and paper • Colonists were just as angry with this tax as they were with the Stamp Act and Sugar Act! • Angry colonists went out in throngs and attacked British people

  5. Colonists’ Form Groups • Sons of Liberty – Samuel Adams, leader • Started in Boston, Massachusetts in protest of the Stamp Act of 1765 • Sometimes used violence to resist the Stamp Act (burned British homes, beat up tax collectors)

  6. Colonists form Groups (continued) • Daughters of Liberty – made cloth for clothing so colonists didn’t have to import as much from Britain

  7. Main Argument • The colonists wanted to be represented in Britain’s Parliament • They wanted a “say” in what happened where they lived and in the laws they had to live by • Britain wouldn’t allow it • The conflict will continue to grow – something’s going to give…STAY TUNED!

  8. Next Class…Sneak Preview • See what happens when a compromise can’t be reached!

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