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Fitness and Health

Fitness and Health. CHP200:Community Health Program-l Mohamed M. B. Alnoor. CONTENT. DEFINITIONS. Components of physical fitness:. Physiological aspects of physical fitness Health related aspects of physical fitness Skill related aspects of physical fitness Sports.

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Fitness and Health

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  1. Fitness and Health CHP200:Community Health Program-l Mohamed M. B. Alnoor

  2. CONTENT • DEFINITIONS • Components of physical fitness: • Physiological aspects of physical fitness • Health related aspects of physical fitness • Skill related aspects of physical fitness • Sports

  3. Fitness and Health Fitness DEFINITIONS The state of being physically active on regular basis to maintain good physical condition. • Physical fitness A general state of good health, usually as a result of exercise and nutrition

  4. Fitness and Health DEFINITIONS • Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: • general fitness (a state of health and well-being) • specific fitness (a task-oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations).

  5. Fitness and Health DEFINITIONS • Physical fitness is generally achieved through: • exercise • correct nutrition • enough rest.

  6. Fitness and Health DEFINITIONS • Physical fitness is considered a measure of the body’s ability : • to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities. • to be healthy • to resist hypokinetic diseases • to meet emergency situations.

  7. Components of physical fitness • Physiological • Health related • Skill related • Sports

  8. Components of physical fitness Bone integrity Physiological aspect of physical fitness • Bone density (or bone mineral density BMD): amount of matter per square centimeter of bone. • BMD an indirect indicator of osteoporosis and fracture risk.

  9. Components of physical fitness Body composition Health related aspect of physical fitness • In physical fitness , body composition is used to describe the percentages of: - fat - bone - muscle.

  10. Components of physical fitness Body composition Health related aspect of physical fitness • Leanness is determined by: • - body composition • - weight • (because muscular tissue takes up • less space in the body than fat tissue) Two people at the same height and same weight may look completely different from each other because they have a different body composition.

  11. Components of physical fitness Body composition Health related aspect of physical fitness Recommendations • Healthy adult male: 8-17 % fat female: 10-21%. • Athletes, leaner individuals, and more muscular individuals will have a body fat percentage lower than these levels

  12. Components of physical fitness Cardiorespiratory fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness Refers to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to the skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity. Cardiorespiratory fitness is achieved by regular exercise

  13. Components of physical fitness Cardiorespiratory fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness • Regular exercise • increases the number of small arteries in skeletal muscles, supplying more blood to working muscles. • enlarges heart muscle, stroke volume • increases the amount • of oxygen that is inhaled and • distributed to body tissues

  14. Components of physical fitness Cardiorespiratory fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness • sometimes referred to as Aerobic fitness. • Benefits: • improving stamina, • longer endurance, • increase in energy, • better sleep,

  15. Components of physical fitness Cardiorespiratory fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness • It can reduce the risk of: • heart disease, • lung cancer, • type 2 diabetes, • stroke For an average person, cardiorespiratory exercise is recommended at least ONCE every week for a healthier body and a stronger build

  16. Components of physical fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness Flexibility • Maximum range of motion at a joint • Joint specific: better range of motion in some joints than in others. • Can prevent muscle injuries and improve low-back pain

  17. Components of physical fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness Flexibility • Decreased flexibility can be caused by: • -Sedentary lifestyle (lack of use of muscles) • -Age • -High amounts of body fat • -Stress • Loss of flexibility can be a • predisposing factor for -pain syndromes -balance disorders

  18. Components of physical fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness Flexibility • Can be improved bystaticstretching: Slowly moving into a stretching position and holding for a certain period of time (10-30 secs.; 5 times). -Contract-relaxtechnique • Relaxing of the muscle to be stretched b

  19. Components of physical fitness احتمال، قدرة على الإحتمال Muscular Endurance Health related aspect of physical fitness • Endurance(also called sufferance): is the ability of an animal to exert itself for along period. 'long' can be: -minutes in high intensity anaerobic exercise, -hours or days for in low intensity aerobicexercise.

  20. Components of physical fitness Muscular Endurance Health related aspect of physical fitness • Used in both aerobic • and anaerobic exercise • Initially during aerobic exercise: oxygen = CO2 +H2O + energy Glucose + Absence of CHO fat metabolism - slow process - decline in performance level.

  21. Components of physical fitness Muscular Endurance Health related aspect of physical fitness • Anaerobic exercise refers to: • - the initial phase of exercise • - any short burst of intense exertion sugar is respired without oxygen

  22. Components of physical fitness Muscular Endurance Health related aspect of physical fitness Training for endurance can have a negative impact on the ability to exert strength WARNING Unless the individual also undertakes resistance training to counteract this effect.

  23. Components of physical fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness Muscle strength • Strength training is the use of resistance to muscular contraction: - in anaerobic endurance - to build strength - to increase the size of skeletal muscles.

  24. Components of physical fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness Muscle strength Strength training: isachievedby opposing muscle contraction using: - gravity, or - elastic/hydraulic forces

  25. Components of physical fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness Muscle strength Strength training provides benefits in the overall health and well-being, including: • increased bone, muscle, tendon and • ligament strength and toughness • increased bone density • improved joint function • reduced potential for injury

  26. Components of physical fitness Health related aspect of physical fitness Muscle strength Strength training provides benefits in the overall health and well-being, including: • temporary increase in metabolism • improved cardiac function • elevated HDL (good) cholesterol

  27. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness رشاقة, خفة حركة Agility Agility is the ability to change the body's position efficiently. “a rapid whole bodymovement with change of velocity and/or direction in response to a stimulus.”

  28. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness رشاقة, خفة حركة Agility It requires integration of isolated movement skills. It is a combination of: • balance • Speed • Coordination • Reflexes • Strength • endurance and stamina

  29. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness توازن Balance Balance :helps prevent humans and animals from falling over, when walking or standing still.

  30. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness • Balance can be: Balance • static – for example, • standing on one leg. • dynamic – for example, • keeping balance on a bike • as it goes round a corner.

  31. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness تناسق, تسوية Coordination • Motor coordination is • a combination of body • movements that result • in intended actions. • Such movements usually • smoothly and efficiently • work together.

  32. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness Coordination Motor coordination can occur between: - subsequent parts of the same movement - movements of several limbs. Coordination allows complex actions from a number of smaller movements. For example: an effective tennis stroke requires coordinating footwork and arm action.

  33. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness مقدرة, القوة, طاقة Power • Power is a combination of strength and speed – it is the ability to do • strength performances quickly. power = strength × speed • Power is vital in getting • a good start in short races.

  34. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness Speed Speed is the ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time. • People with leg speed can run fast, • People with good arm speed can • throw fast • hit a ball that is thrown fast.

  35. Components of physical fitness Skill related aspect of physical fitness Reaction Time Reaction time is the amount of time it takes to move once you realize the need to act. People with good reaction time are able to make - fast starts in track or swimming, - dodge a fast attack in fencing or karate

  36. Team sports SPORTS • A team sport is an activity in which a group of individuals, on the same team, work together to accomplish an ultimate goal which is usually to win.

  37. SPORTS Individual sports

  38. Components of physical fitness

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