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Hydropower. Hydrop ower. By the group number 7 : Maite, Aitor, Alejandro, Adexe y Jesús David. By the group number 6: Ubay , Aitor , Adexe , Alejandro and Maite . What is Hydropower ?.
Hydropower Hydropower Bythegroupnumber 7: Maite, Aitor, Alejandro, Adexe y Jesús David. By the group number 6: Ubay, Aitor, Adexe, Alejandro and Maite.
WhatisHydropower? • Thehydropoweris a type of renewablefont of energythatderived from the energy of falling water and running water. Is a inexhaustible energy too. • Is a green energy, because it environmental impact is minimal.
Uses and operatingway • We can use thisenergyforheating and electricity and itoperatingwayisthis: • Thewaterenters at highspeedfrominside of thedamwhereit´sstored. • Thenactivates a turbine and themovementisconvertedintoenergy in thetransformer. • Thisenergypassto a transformer and finallyforittransportationtothepowerlines.
Advantages • It is a clean renewable energy and energy efficient. • It is an inexhaustible energy. • It is green. • Is inexhaustible. • It's a completely clean energy, emits no fumes, no emissions toxic and does not cause any form of acid rain. • Allows storage of water to supply irrigation systems easily. • Are adjustable flow controls if there is a risk of flooding.
Disadvantages • The construction of large dams can flood significant areas of land. • Dams and reservoirs can be destructive to aquatic ecosystems. • Changes river´s ecosystem downstream.
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