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College English Course for Overseas Undergraduates

College English Course for Overseas Undergraduates. 暨南大学外招生 《 大学英语 》 教学课件. JNU QUALITY COURSE. 暨 南 大 学 外 国 语 学 院. MARKET LEADER. 体验商务英语. 综合教程第三册. a new language course for tomorrow ’ s business leaders. intermediate Business English. Course Book 3. JNU QUALITY COURSE. 暨 南 大 学 外 国 语 学 院.

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College English Course for Overseas Undergraduates

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  1. College English Course for Overseas Undergraduates 暨南大学外招生《大学英语》教学课件 JNU QUALITY COURSE 暨 南 大 学 外 国 语 学 院

  2. MARKET LEADER 体验商务英语 综合教程第三册 a new language course for tomorrow’s business leaders intermediate Business English Course Book 3 JNU QUALITY COURSE 暨 南 大 学 外 国 语 学 院


  4. ML Book three unit four overview • Vocabulary • ad media and methods Starting up • Language review • articles Listening successful advertising campaigns Skills starting presentation • Reading • no reading tasks • in this unit Case study Focus Advertising JNU QUALITY COURSE Textbook-- page(30-37) 暨 南 大 学 外 国 语 学 院

  5. Starting up A: Discuss the 4 advertisements: • Color • Visual appeal • Drama • Humor • Clarity • Beauty • Glamour • Real-life

  6. Mark Glover was the winner of Pride of Britain Award in 2002 . And after years of peaceful campaigning, not only has he changed public attitudes, he has helped bring an end to fur farming in Britain. Lynx is his organization.Lynx's famous slogan was that it took up to 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat but only one to wear it. In Mark's case, it took just one man to take on an industry and save the lives of millions of animals. ''For me, always, the cowboy contains the expression of flavor,'' he said. ''I could not think of anything more convincing than the cowboy to endorse that Marlboro is the best-tasting cigarette. You could imagine that the cowboy likes his coffee strong and his horse powerful and fast.'' Mr. Dangoor added: ''Even for women, it isn't the male appeal. It's the flavor endorsement.''

  7. Starting up: B “It’s colorful, I like the music and it’s chaotic.” “…a very good-looking boy…a great tune…” “It was a funny ad. It just appealed to my sense of fun…” “I just felt I had to have those chocolates and I went out and bought them…an immediate response to an advert.”

  8. Good Advertisements: Clever Interesting … Focused Simple Creative surprising Bad Advertisements: Boring Out-of-date Confusing Disgusting Offensive Discussion: Good and bad advertisements Subliminal advertising involves images that are flashed onto a screen so briefly that they are noted only by the subconscious mind.

  9. Discussion: Do you agree… 1. People remember advertisements not products? 2. Advertising raises prices? 3. Advertising has a bad influence on children?

  10. Vocabulary: Advertising media and methods Media Radio Directories Exhibition Press Mail shots Public transport Billboards Posters Word-of-mouth Cinema Leaflets television

  11. Vocabulary: Advertising media and methods a short simple tune, often with words, which is easy to remember and is used to advertise a product on the radio or television Methods Jingles Commercials Point-of-sale Endorsement Slogans Sponsorship Free samples

  12. Vocabulary: Advertising media and methods Verbs: Persuade Run Target Publicize Promote Place Launch Research sponsor

  13. Reading: Outdoor Advertising: B 1 segments a) a place in a television schedule 2 soaring b) rising quickly 3 mass market c) small open-fronted shops… 4 TV slot d) concerned with non-luxury goods 5 kiosks e) parts of a larger market or category of customers

  14. Reading: Outdoor Advertisement C The cost of a prime-time TV slot is soaring. However, advertising on kiosks is cheap. Outdoor advertising is one of the fastest growing segments in the market.

  15. Reading:Outdoor advertising – A breath of fresh air Verbs: L4: is worth…值, 相当于 L11: are prompting clients to consider alternatives. 将促使客户考虑其它的广告形式 L39: have been replaced by entertainment, clothing and financial services. 已被娱乐业、服装业、金融服务业所取代 L48: accounts for…占,占据

  16. Reading:Outdoor advertising – A breath of fresh air Nouns: L9: outdoor advertising appeal 户外广告的吸引力 L14: the last true mass –market medium 最后的真正的大众市场(廉价)广告媒体 L20: a revolution in the quality of outdoor displays 户外广告展示质量上的巨大革新

  17. D-1:

  18. D-2: what do these numbers in the article refer to? 6 20 5 A percentage of outdoor advertising accounted for by street furniture in America. B percentage of the world’s annual advertising spending accounted for by outdoor advertising C percentage of outdoor advertising accounted for by street furniture in Europe

  19. D-2: what do these numbers in the article refer to? 18 30 60,000 100,000 90 A The cost of placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks B annual value of the world outdoor advertising market C the dollar equivalent of ₤60,000 D the cost of a 30-second prime time TV slot E the length of a prime-time TV slot

  20. F: The Advantages And The Disadvantages of:

  21. Listening: Successful advertising campaigns 6 front of mind 意识的前沿 7 automatic response 自动反应 8 sponsorship 赞助 9 tie-up 密切联系,合作 10 nutrition 营养 Vocabulary: 1.marmalade 橘子酱 2 classical music 古典音乐 3 cost effective 注重成本效益的 4 cream cheese spread 涂抹奶酪 5 bombard 轰炸

  22. Listening: Successful advertising campaigns A/B: 1. Food products including biscuits, dairy products, coffee, confectionery. 2. Cost-effectiveness; targeting; The ad was simple, fun. The kids liked it. C: 1. Older people (marmalade); children (cheese spread). 2. Radio (marmalade); TV (children).

  23. Listening: Successful advertising campaigns D/E: Advertising helps to keep a product at the front of consumers’ minds, so they are more likely to select it, rather than a competitor’s product, when they go shopping.

  24. Listening: Successful advertising campaigns advertising techniques marketing promotions public outlets retail campaign price relations promotional mix

  25. Listening: Successful advertising campaigns 1 Our new advertising campaign gets underway in June. 2 So you know what the four Ps in the marketing mix are? 3 Good public relations is essential in this day and age. 4 We sell through a wide range of retail outlets. 5 Price promotions are a good way of boosting sales. 6 We choose which promotional techniques to use for new products very carefully.

  26. Language review: Articles An advertisement for the new Ford Puma at the end of last month (L2) the 44th International Advertising Festival (L3) the 4000-plus commercials (L5) the multinational advertiser ideal (L6) a simple idea (L7) on the same level (L8) the awards ((L9)

  27. the 45th (L13) the late ((L17) a Ford Puma ((L18) the streets of… (L18) in the manner (L19) a 1960s Ford Mustang (L20) the film (L21) the use of…(L22) the Ford Puma(L24) The car(L24) Language review: Articles An advertisement for the new Ford Puma

  28. Language review: Articles An advertisement for the new Ford Puma • the routes(L24) • The Mustang(L24) • the film (L25) • the city (L26) • the car (L26) • a traffic cop (L28) • an attractive woman (L28) • the Puma (L30) • the original Mustang (L30)

  29. Language review: Articles B Put a or an before the words in the box. advert commercial concept USP (Unique Selling Point) university VIP hour European exhibition MBA employee endorsement an a a a a a an a an an an an

  30. Language review: Articles C Look at the underlined words in the text. Then answer the questions below. • In paragraph 4 which streets are we talking about? • In paragraph 5 which: a) film b) car c) route d) Mustang are we talking about? • In paragraph 6 which: a) city b) car c) Puma d) Mustang are we talking about? The streets of San Francisco a) Bullitt b) The Ford Puma c) One of the routes taken by the Mustang d) The 1960s Mustang Steve McQueen drove in Bullitt a) San Francisco b) The Ford Puma c) The one Steve McQueen has been ‘driving’ round the city d) The one Steve McQueen drove in Bullitt

  31. Skills: Starting presentations A Decide whether each sentence in the Useful language box is formal or informal. Write F (formal) or I (informal). Useful language Introducing yourself *On behalf of myself and Focus Advertising, I’d like to welcome you . My name’s Sven Larsen. *Hi, I’m Dominique Lagrange. Good to see you all.

  32. Skills: Starting presentations Useful language A Giving background information *I’ll give you the background and talk you through the results of the market study. *I’ve divided my presentation into three parts.

  33. Skills: Starting presentations Useful language A Introducing the topic *This morning, I’d like to outline the campaign concept we’ve developed for you. *I’m going to tell you about the ideas we’ve come up with for the ad campaign.

  34. Skills: Starting presentations Useful language A Inviting questions *If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to interrupt me. *If you’re not clear about anything, go ahead and ask any questions you want.

  35. Skills: Starting presentations B 4.4 Listen to the openings of one formal presentation and one informal presentation. Check your answers to Exercise A.

  36. Skills: Starting presentations C Presenters can use different techniques to get their audience’s attention at the start of a presentation. Match the techniques below to examples. a) tell a personal story c) ask a question b) offer an amazing fact d) state a problem • I wonder if any of you here know the answer to this question: What’s the most popular holiday destination in Europe for people under the age of 25? • When I was on holiday a few years ago in Greece, the owner of a taverna told me that in 20 years’ time, the little village where he lived would be a popular tourist resort. • Let me give you a statistic: 92% of Americans do not own a passport. Consider the opportunity this presents to the travel industry. • We’re facing a crisis with our market share. What are we going to do about it?

  37. Skills: Starting presentations Choose one of the presentation situations below. Prepare four different openings using the techniques above. Practise the openings with a partner. D • Your company is developing a small car aimed at women. Audience: a group of car dealers. • Your bank wishes to encourage young people to save money. Audience: a group of students. • Your firm has produced a new lamp which has unique features. Audience: a group of buyers at a trade fair.

  38. Unit four Advertising Lesson four Case study Focus Advertising

  39. Case study: Focus Advertising vocabulary Unisex Up-market Cuisine Prime Focus Reputation Compete The management Adapt to

  40. Case study: Focus Advertising vocabulary Mortgage   noun [C]an agreement which allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house or apartment, or the amount of money itself:(抵押贷款) They took out a £40 000 mortgage (= They borrowed £40 000) to buy the house.a monthly mortgage payment

  41. Case study: Focus Advertising questions 1 where is Focus based? 2 What is it famous for? 3 What was Focus’ problem? 3 Is the current presentation important to Focus?

  42. Case study: Focus Advertising Some interesting slogans Ogilvy’s ad for Rolls-Royce remains the most famous automobile advertisement of all time. “At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.”

  43. Case study: Focus Advertising Some interesting slogans Volkswagen, the German car brandSlogans: Volkswagen. Drivers wanted. (US marketing campaign)              For the love of the car.              Relieves gas pains.              Surprisingly ordinary prices (UK campaign for VW Passat, Golf, Polo)

  44. Case study: Focus Advertising Some interesting slogans Toyota car brandTaglines: Today Tomorrow Toyota. (Europe)              Toyota. Moving Forward.              The best built cars in the world.              Get the Feeling. Toyota.              Drive Your Dreams.              The car in front is a Toyota.              I love what you do for me - Toyota!              Your new experience of motoring.

  45. Case study: Focus Advertising Some interesting slogans Chevrolet CarsSlogans: Chevrolet. An American Revolution.              See the USA in your Chevrolet.              The Heartbeat of America.               The road isn't built that can make it breathe hard!              Eye it - try it - buy it!

  46. Case study: Focus Advertising Some interesting slogans “Between love and madness lies Obsession(执意,着迷)“: Calvin Klein ; (ca.1985) "Her kiss. Her body. Her perfume." : Chanel N°5 "Promise her anything, but give her Arpege“: Lanvin

  47. Case study: Focus Advertising Some interesting slogans IHOP (International House of Pancakes restaurant), chain of restaurants, USASlogan: IHOP restaurant. Come hungry. Leave happy. Jasper White's Summer Shack seafood restaurantsAdvertising slogan: Summer Shack. Food is Love.

  48. Case study: Focus Advertising Some interesting slogans Casa Rico Mexican Restaurant, Maryland, USASlogan: Casa Rico. We're better… We're fresher… We're tastier! Sir Walter Raleigh Inn Restaurant, MarylandSlogan: Sir Walter Raleigh. Good food. Good cheer. Good times.

  49. Case study: Focus Advertising Some interesting slogans Yours Truly Restaurants, casual dining, OhioSlogans: Make People Happy, Have Some Fun and Be Number1 !   Yours Truly Restaurant. For AM & PM people.

  50. Case study: Focus Advertising How to describe a sports car exceptionally high driving safety high-tech ride comfort steering with sensitivity exceptional build quality as distinctive as its owner clear view to the rear music pleasure supreme performance practical utility

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