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The American Revolution: From Declaration to Victory

Explore the events that led to the American Revolution, from the Declaration of Rights to the first battles at Lexington and Concord, and the formation of the Continental Army. Witness the full-fledged Revolutionary War and its ultimate triumph for the Patriots.

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The American Revolution: From Declaration to Victory

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  1. Turn around - Harbor is CLOSED! Turn around - Harbor is CLOSED!

  2. We can’t take anymore!Should we declare war?Wait, wait lets think this through

  3. First Continental Congress Convenes

  4. Philadelphia Welcome to Carpenter’s Hall!

  5. They all came together except… 1774 But did they all agree?

  6. Our colonists want peace with Mother England Patrick Henry (VA) You’re crazy! Violence is inevitable and we must be prepared. PA GA

  7. Resultscompromise Next meeting…1775 Declaration of Rights

  8. Please we don’t want to fight! We just want a voice! Declaration of Rights

  9. Declaration of Rights • List of ten resolutions to “fix” the Intolerable Acts (this is what “we want”) • Precursor to the Declaration of Independence (this is what “we demand”)

  10. I am the KING! You are my subjects! When I want your opinion I will ask for it.# spoiledbrats As a result, the Intolerable Acts stay in effect. Resentment and boycotting of British goods grow. Colonial leaders continue to emerge to rally and unite colonists against the British tyranny. Response to the Declaration of Rights

  11. Huh? What are these words? “They tell us, Sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when will we be stronger? Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace – but there is no peace. I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.” Who’s “we” Why is there no peace? What does he mean by liberty?

  12. Both sides standing firm… • But in all reality, neither side (Patriot or GB) really wants to go to war • Expensive • Lost lives • Not prepared • Is it worth it? Will the alternative be better/worse?

  13. Before we know it… http://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution

  14. WARERUPTS First Battles of the Revolutionary War Lexington (L) and Concord (W), MA April 1775

  15. Lexington and Concord History Channel Video

  16. Lexington and Concord • Patriots are stockpiling weapons, stealing from British military forts • British troops travel across Massachusetts to stop the patriots • Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott (and eventually 40 other colonists join in) quickly rush to tell colonists that “the British are coming, the British are coming” • Not exactly though, Revere, Dawes, Prescott and others were told to be discrete about spreading the news (as to not get caught)

  17. Lexington and Concord • Colonists take-aways • “Holy cow we can do it!”, we actually won one of these battles • Reality check – “we really are unorganized and need to unite” • British take-aways • “Uh, oh. These colonists already gave us an early challenge – eek! We better take them a bit more seriously.” • “We are better, stronger, trained, and equipped! If we bring our “A” game we will win!” April 1775 Lexington (L) Concord (W) No real military advantage gained by either side But these are the FIRST SHOTS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR

  18. We meet again… While warfare had officially began, the Patriots gave one last ditch effort to avoid a long war

  19. We meet again… And so the Second Continental Congress once again meets: 1775

  20. What did they accomplish? • Colonies/States set up local/state constitutions (that included how local government was to work, rights of “citizens” (similar to the Bill of Rights)) • Creation of the Continental Army (FINALLY) • Soldiers from all colonies formed the Continental Army • Trained, organized, equipped, uniformed • Named George Washington as the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army

  21. We meet again… Olive Branch Petition And so the Second Continental Congress once again meets: 1775 This is our final attempt at with you, KING…

  22. And so it begins… Full Fledged: Revolutionary War

  23. The British are coming, the British are coming! We hear stories of… But I bet you didn’t know –History Channel Video Give me liberty or give me death!

  24. What are the basics of the Revolutionary War? History Channel video – American Revolution

  25. American Revolutionary War War of Independence 1775–1783

  26. Who? Great Britain Patriots And… Redcoats And … Loyalists/Tories And … mercenaries And … Continental Army And … Revolutionaries/Rebels And… African Americans (5,000) And… Women (roles?)

  27. Where? New EnglandColonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies Western Frontier Sea

  28. Why? Inalienable rights of any person…life, liberty, property King George III Patriots Government should protect, not abuse these rights. We will not forfeit them, only fight for a government that is not tyrannical!

  29. Outcome? VICTORY! Through almost every possible suffering and discouragement for the space of nine long years, was little short of a standing miracle. • 10,000 British deaths • 7,500 Hessians died • 25,700 American deaths • 10,000 died in camp • 8,500 died in British prisons • 7,200 died in battle

  30. Hudson River Turning Point? British defeat at Saratoga (1777) Saratoga, NY International Support aids the continental Army

  31. Outcome? • The United States was independent • Boundaries: Mississippi River (western), Canada (northern), Spanish Florida (southern) • Each side would repay its debts • The British would return any enslaved persons • Congress would recommend that states return any property they had seized from Loyalists Treaty of Paris of 1783

  32. War can wait… Before we get to the good stuff Read Franklin’s “disunited state”

  33. T/F – The western boundary following the Revolutionary War was the Mississippi River. • T/F – One of the goals for the Battle of Saratoga was in capture Philadelphia (capitol of the colonies). • T/F – Join, or Die was intended to threaten the colonists into joining the war effort. • T/F – The Revolutionary War was the first time colonists had ever seen the image/message of Join, or Die. • What was the intended message of Join, or Die?

  34. How do we unite? Unify? Come together? Rally support? Example: Charities – Breast Cancer Awareness

  35. Were most Americans in support of the war? Raising an Army PP

  36. Individuals to UnityDeveloping a colonial identity • Each individual colony working for Mother England • Great Awakening – religious retreats opened up a political dialogue across colonies • French and Indian War – local militias realizing they can provide their own protection • Committee of Correspondence – Samuel Adams encourages colonists to discuss their future relationship/taxes with GB • Continental Congress (1st & 2nd) – Colonial delegates drafting documents to illustrate the concerns/provisions to improve relationship • Continental Army – soldiers from all colonial militias

  37. Working on unity Join or Die Common Sense Declaration of Independence

  38. But how do you get everyone on the same page? JOIN, or DIE JOIN, or DIE Q&A - Wikipedia

  39. Read Wikipedia article for worksheet answers • Go over wksht • Read Ben Franklin’s article • Raising an army PP

  40. And now for the fighting…

  41. Nov. 19, 2013 • Compare battle notes (pd. 3, 6) • Ensure all information is obtained • Write a script • Determine • Props –min. one per person • Costumes – ex. British (red), Patriots (blue) • Signs – pictures of the scenes, location, characters name (ex. G.W.)

  42. Nov. 19, 2013 • Introduce Rev. War Battle skits (pd. 1, 7) • Select groups • Skit expectations • Battle selection • Take notes (to be checked for hmwk on Wed.) • Perform Thurs. and Friday

  43. Nov. 20, 2013 • Ensure all information is obtained • Write a script (copies of the script) • Performing TOMORROW! • Determine • Props –min. one per person • Tents, boats, hats, maps, PowerPoint, etc. • Costumes – ex. British (red), Patriots (blue) • Signs – pictures of the weaponry, scenes, location, characters name (ex. G.W.)

  44. Showtime • Group selection • Read and take notes on the battle assigned (all group members) • Reconvene – discuss/determine the most important and critical facts/factors

  45. Showtime • What were the circumstances that led up to the battle? • Who was there? • When did it take place? • Where did it take place? • Who won? • What was the significance of the battle?*****Goal: Depict the significance of the battle (ex. Saratoga as the turning point, Yorktown as the finale, Valley Forge as a harsh winter, etc.)

  46. Showtime • Now think about how to make those facts into a skit • Determine • Roles, lines, pictures, props • Practice • Be prepared to explain skit/early battle immediately following performance • Audience questions

  47. Showtime • All group members: • Must take battle notes (hmwk) • Must have a speaking role • Must have an action role • Must have a minimum of one prop throughout the skit

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