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Smart Growth in Burrillville, RI

Smart Growth in Burrillville, RI. Who We Are Mission How We Get it Done. Who We Are. Statewide non-profit organization Diverse coalition of interests. Mission. Promote patterns of development that…… - Revitalize city & town centers - Preserve cultural and natural resources

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Smart Growth in Burrillville, RI

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Smart Growth in Burrillville, RI

  2. Who We Are Mission How We Get it Done

  3. Who We Are • Statewide non-profit organization • Diverse coalition of interests

  4. Mission Promote patterns of development that…… - Revitalize city & town centers - Preserve cultural and natural resources - Expand economic opportunity for all Rhode Islanders

  5. How We Get it Done • Policy Reform / Advocacy • Information / Education • Helping Municipalities

  6. What is Smart Growth? • Thriving City and Town Centers • Neighborhood Livability • Better Access, Less Traffic • Keeping Open Space Open • Citizen Participation in Planning • Lower Costs, Lower Taxes

  7. Thriving City & Town Centers • Direct investment & economic development to existing community centers • Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place.

  8. Neighborhood Livability • Compact & walkable • Range of housing types and prices • Convenient to services

  9. Better Access, Less Traffic • Emphasis on mixing land uses • Providing a variety of transportation choices

  10. Connecting new development to existing

  11. Keeping Open Space Open • Smart growth protects and preserves rapidly vanishing open space, farmland and forests

  12. Citizen Participation • Citizens and stakeholders participate in development decisions that are predictable, fair and cost-effective

  13. Lower Public & Private Costs • Sprawl costs money • Taking advantage of existing infrastructure conserves resources and keeps taxes down

  14. Open Spaces - Sweets Hill on East Avenue Downtown Pascoag Today’s Mission To protect and enhance Burrillville’s quality of life, economic vitality and authentic character created by its historic villages and by its farms, forests and open spaces.

  15. We are here to discuss: The Burrillville Zoning Map and varying zoning densities within the Town of Burrillville; Traditional neighborhood patterns / designs Proposed zoning ordinance amendment to encourage smart growth for the future.

  16. Burrillville Zoning Map

  17. Continuing: The Burrillville Zoning Map and varying zoning densities within the Town of Burrillville; Existing structures and neighborhoods Proposed zoning ordinance amendment to encourage smart growth for the future.

  18. Mixed-use structures are required – nothing new to Burrillville Historic elements will be incorporated into new construction – Proposed Dunkin Donuts in Pascoag Existing buildings serve as a guide

  19. Acceptable Unacceptable Traditional Neighborhoods Grid pattern streets provide multiple escape routes for vehicular traffic and therefore disseminate traffic more efficiently than cul-de-sacs

  20. Whitney Estates - a modern day suburban subdivision The Remington Plat, locally known as Oakland, is a traditional grid pattern neighborhood. An example of what the VPD supports.

  21. Hauser Field - Pascoag Grid Pattern The VPD mandates useable open space such as Town Commons or field space. Similar to the pattern found in Pascoag adjacent to Hauser Field Useable open space adds value to communities.

  22. Target lot areas where the VPD would benefit. The logical expansion of Pascoag Village is to the east towards Harrisville.

  23. Disconnect delays emergency response The observed disconnection between Edgewood Road and Paula Drive would not comply with VPD objectives

  24. Finally, let us discuss: The Burrillville Zoning Map and varying zoning densities within the Town of Burrillville; Existing structures and neighborhoods Highlights of proposed VPD ordinance

  25. Highlights of the Village Planned Development Ordinance Replicates existing village neighborhoods Offers density bonus as a reward for locating development adjacent to village neighborhoods Mixed-use buildings are required Fully-planned and reviewed by Planning Board to ensure health, safety and welfare – absolved from zoning board of review Cul-de-sacs are not allowed Density bonus supports affordable housing (20% is required)

  26. Challenges for the Development Community • RIDEM jurisdictional wetland areas give us less land to work with (50, 100 and 200 foot setbacks prevail) 2. Developing grid connections amidst Natural Constraints (ledge outcrops, slopes >15% and wetland areas) 3. Incorporating Historic features, i.e., old growth trees, stone walls, vacant historic buildings.

  27. www.Burrillville.orgwww.growsmartri.com 345 South Main Street Providence, RI 02903 273-5711 Jflaherty@growsmartri.com

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