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CEOS accomplishments in 2011 and future challenges. Enrico Saggese ASI 25th CEOS Plenary Lucca 8-9 November 2011. A chair’s feelings. Difficult to single out achievements and future challenges in a moving and evolving landscape but CEOS is m oving CEOS is a team
CEOS accomplishments in 2011and future challenges Enrico Saggese ASI 25th CEOS Plenary Lucca 8-9 November 2011
A chair’s feelings Difficult to single out achievements and future challenges in a moving and evolving landscape but • CEOS is moving • CEOS is a team • There isprogress in nearly all areas It is all in the agenda and in the expectedoutcomes of this meeting: thisis the way the meeting has been organized
Theoutcomes Progressing in the CEOS contribution to climate to climatestudies, climateforecasts and the set up of a climate monitoring architecture fromspace. The need for CEOS to ensure a visible and effective presence in an operational GEO common infrastructure and the associated data access and data sharing schemes Identify and quantify contributions of CEOS members to the Carbon observation strategy as requested by GEO Progress in defining the CEOS contributions to GFOI Integration of ideasfrom the data democracy initiative with the existing WG Education elements and activities To consolidate new initiatives and establish a wayforward for all of them To acknowledge the results of the self-study and indicate the follow-on actions To acknowledgeprogress in the area of virtual constellations and endorse the new SST VC To prepare the CEOS presence for Rio+20
The GEOSS space component • It remains a major engagement of CEOS • It includeseverything • Progress to beachievedthroughindividual initiatives • A pattern isshowing up • GEO ispresenting a quitecomplete range of opportunities • CEOS isselecting an (expanding) subset in order to offerits support • By coordinating observation assets and data/productsavailability CEOS is in factimplementingseveralelements of the space component • Virtual constellations become the actualtools for coordination and data/productdelivery • The building blocks of the space component are progressively in place • The processprovides the basis for CEOS to bepresent in other fora: UNFCCC, RIO+20, etc.
Implementation of the GEO space component • Tremendous advance • The example of the Climate WG coupled with the new role of constellations is showing the way ahead • CEOS is focused on delivery: this means • Coordination of data providers and data sources • Clear identification of products and “customers” • Organized plan of observations and of data availability • Visibility of available data sets through GCI
The « deliverables » issue • CEOS ismovingbeyond the sheer data availability issue • By concentrating on « delivery » CEOS intends to focus on initiatives; thismeans • Get away from blindly registering available data sets • Register only data made available for a specific initiative or application • Identify observation media useful to a given objective • Expandavailability to higherlevelproducts and registerthem • Cleardeliverablesmeanclearvisibility
Progress We have been takingprogressively conscience of thiscommitment to deliver Thismaywell have been the main achievement of 2011 The terms of reference of WG Climate are a tribute to thisact of taking conscience We have to reproduce the pattern for the other initiatives
New initiatives • We have to review the criteria for accepting new initiatives • The new initiatives have to fit the overall objective of building the GEOSS space component • We cannot be content with some of us just “taking the leadership” • We have to identify what we want to deliver and how we can deliver it • To whom • When • How • SIT, with the assistance of CEO, must be the guarantee that these simple criteria are applied
Beforeconcluding In the last few years, and particularly in 2011, we have been askingourselvesseveral questions This meeting is a step on the way to finding replies Questioningourselves, ourcommitments and ourcapabilitiesis a sure way to perpetuateourrole
Conclusions Theactualachievements of 2011 and the challenges ahead are evidentfrom the agenda of this meeting A tribute has to be paid to all the agencies and the enlarged CEOS leadership team who have contributed to the discussions we are going to have in the next two days