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Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 13 Topic : 1.4 Organ Systems Essential Question :

1.4 Organ Systems. 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules. Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 13 Topic : 1.4 Organ Systems Essential Question : Choose an organ system. Describe the general functions of that organ system and its parts in a circle map on the top half of pg. 12.

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  1. 1.4 Organ Systems 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 13 Topic: 1.4 Organ Systems Essential Question: Choose an organ system. Describe the general functions of that organ system and its parts in a circle map on the top half of pg. 12 Choose an organ system. Describe the general functions of that organ system and its parts in a circle map on the top half of pg. 12

  2. Organ Systems Organ Systems: The human organism consists of several organ systems, each of which includes a set of interrelated organs that work together to provide specialized functions. The maintenance of homeostasis depends on the coordination of the organ systems.

  3. Pg. 13

  4. Pg. 15

  5. Integumentary System: Protects underlying tissues, helps regulate body temperature, and houses sensory receptors Consists of : skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands

  6. Skeletal System: Provides frameworks and protective shields for softer tissues, serves as attachment for muscles, movement, and tissue within bones produce body cells and store inorganic salt Consists of : bones, ligaments, and cartilages

  7. Muscular System: Provides forces that move body parts, maintain posture, and are the primary source of body heat Consists of : muscles

  8. Nervous System: Nerve cells within these organs use electrochemical signals called nerve impulses (action potentials) to communicate with one another and with muscles and glands Consists of : brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sense organs

  9. Endocrine System: Includes all the glands that secrete chemical messengers, called hormones. The effect of hormones is to alter the metabolism of the target cells- travel through the blood, slower than the nervous system Consists of : pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, testies, pineal (pin-e-al) gland, and thymus

  10. Cardiovascular System: (Circulatory System) Passes nutrients to and from cells to fight diseases, stabilizes body temperature, and maintains homeostasis • Consists of : heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, and blood • Heart: pumps blood • Blood: transports gases, nutrients, hormones, and wastes • Arteries, veins, capillaries: The passageway where blood travels

  11. Lymphatic System: Defends the body against infections by removing pathogens (disease causing agents) from tissue fluid Consists of : lymphatic vessels, lymph fluid, lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen

  12. Digestive System: Receives foods and then breaks down food molecules into simpler forms that will then be absorbed into the internal environment Consists of : mouth, tongue, teeth, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small intestine, and large intestine

  13. Respiratory System: Take air in and out and exchanges gases between the blood and air Consists of : nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs

  14. Urinary System: Or Excretory System, removes wastes from blood and assists in maintaining the body’s water and electrolyte balance producing urine Consists of : kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra

  15. Reproductive System: Produces whole new organisms like itself- process of producing offspring Consists of : Male: scrotum, testes, epididymides (epi-did-eh-mi-dees), vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, Cowper’s gland, urethra, and penis Female: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, clitoris, and vulva- supports the development of embryos, carries a fetus to term, and functions in the birthing process

  16. Homework On the top half of pg. 12: Choose a system and draw a bubble map describing that system AND its parts

  17. Please choose 11 colors (highlighters, colored pencils, crayons, pens) • Shade in or outline each of the 11 systems with a color for each of the following: • Notes • Advanced Matching-Organ Systems (taped on pg. 14) • Organ System Pictures • Table 1.2 (taped on bottom of pg. 12)

  18. Skeletal Muscular

  19. Integumentary Endocrine

  20. Cardiovascular Lymphatic

  21. Digestive Respiratory Urinary

  22. Reproductive Nervous

  23. Organ System Video- 10 mins. • On the top half of pg. 14: • Please take 15 bullet points (video notes) • Make sure to include the name of each system your notes pertain to

  24. Organ System Posters: • Create a group of 4 (at least one person MUST have an Anatomy book in the classroom) • Choose an organ system • First 15 minutes- gather/locate information about your organ system (bottom ½ of pg. 14) • Remainder of class- Create Poster (due at the end of the period)

  25. Title of Organ System Organ system: Job/function What it does Organ system: Parts/labels Anatomy book: 16-19 Biology Book: Nervous- 885 Endocrine-899 Respiratory- 911 Cardiovascular- 913 Lymphatic-930 Digestive- 977/979 Excretory- 986 Skeletal- 1000/1003 Muscular- 1006 Reproductive- 1025/1026

  26. Organ System Mini Essay (3-4 Paragraphs) • Introduce your organ system • What is the function of your organ system? • What organs are part of this system? • Research a disorder associated with your organ system • Explain the disorder • What is the cause of this disorder? (How does someone “get it”) • Is it genetic? Life style? Habits? Are you born with it? • Is it contagious? • What treatments are available to treat this disorder? • What will happen if the disorder goes untreated? • Is it curable? Fatal? DUE: FRIDAY!!!!!!

  27. You must: • Times New Roman Font (12 pt) • Double-spaced • Name/Period/Date • Title of Essay • Cite Sources • Have a list of ALL the websites that you gathered information from • If you copy something directly, you need to use “quotes” and cite your source • Citationmachine.net can help you accurately cite your sources Create an account and submit on Edmodoby Friday 9/13 P.3 code-yzdp4i P. 5 code- 672mg6

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