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RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. General Info. Delivers O2 to the body; disposes of CO2 Works with circulatory system Thoracic cavity: surrounded by ribs and diaphragm. Nose. External nares (nostrils) - Lined with mucus on a superficial network of veins Nasal cavity: interior of nose

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  2. General Info • Delivers O2 to the body; disposes of CO2 • Works with circulatory system • Thoracic cavity: surrounded by ribs and diaphragm

  3. Nose • External nares (nostrils) - Lined with mucus on a superficial network of veins • Nasal cavity: interior of nose • Surrounded by paranasal sinuses: lighten skull, resonance chambers for speech, produce mucus. Infection of the nose can spread to the sinuses = sinusitis (blocked passageways between nasal cavity and sinus = partial vacuum and causes a sinus headache)

  4. Cilia create a gentle current that moves contaminated mucus down the throat where it is swallowed and digested by the stomach • Cold weather slows cilia

  5. Pharynx (throat) • Passageway for food AND air • muscular Pharyngeal tonsils

  6. Auditory tubes drain ear here which is why an ear infection sometimes follows a sore throat. • Pharyngeal tonsils get swollen and block nasopharynx and person breathes through mouth  mouth breathing is not properly moistened, warmed or filtered

  7. Larynx (voicebox) • cartilage • Contains vocal cords – vibrate when air passes over • Epiglottis -tilts when swallowing, blocking the opening of the larynx

  8. Trachea • Lined with ciliated mucosa – cilia moves foreign material AWAY from the lungs. • Smoking destroys cilia

  9. Primary bronchi • Division of trachea

  10. Lungs • Left = 2 lobes; right = 3lobes • Bronchi subdivide into secondary, tertiary bronchi • Ends with bronchioles • Lead into alveoli (air sacs)  place of gas exchange

  11. enlarged

  12. SUMMARY • Thoracic cavity surrounded by rib cage and diaphragm • Pulmonary arteries (2) go to the lungs to unload CO2 • Pulmonary veins (4) bring oxygenated blood back to heart • Ciliated cells line respiratory track. WHY? • Mucus lines respiratory track. WHY? • Most organs of respiratory track are passageways for air. WHAT’S THE EXCEPTION?

  13. A smoker’s lungs

  14. Pleura • Pulmonary (or visceral) pleura: surrounds each lung. • Parietal pleura line the thoracic cavity • These membranes produce pleural fluid

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