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E-Everything Putting It All Together

E-Everything Putting It All Together. 2011 Charleston Conference. Organizers. Leah Hinds – Charleston Information Group Jackie LaPlaca – CredoReference Laura Warren - CredoReference. Program. Patron-driven a cquisition of electronic r esources: The obvious n ext s tep

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E-Everything Putting It All Together

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  1. E-EverythingPutting It All Together 2011 Charleston Conference

  2. Organizers • Leah Hinds – Charleston Information Group • Jackie LaPlaca – CredoReference • Laura Warren - CredoReference

  3. Program • Patron-driven acquisition of electronic resources: The obvious next step • Moving forward with electronic content procurement • Ebooks: Access, technology & licensing • Time to embrace video in the academy • The eBook user experience • Econtent integration: If you’re not open, your’re not integrating

  4. Peter McCracken • Co-founder, Serials Solutions and ShipIndex.org • ALCTS Ulrich’s Serials Librarianship award

  5. Emilie Delquie • Vice President, Publishers Communication Group

  6. Cory Tucker • Head of Collection Management, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  7. Lisa Carlucci Thomas • Director, Think Design Do • 2009 ALA Emerging Leader and 2010 LJ Mover and Shaker

  8. Stephen Rhind-Tutt • President, Alexander Street Press

  9. Michael Gorrell • Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer, EBSCO Publishing

  10. Mark Johnson • Director, Public Relations, HighWire Press

  11. Pre-conference Organizer • Audrey Powers, Research Librarian for College of The Arts, University of South Florida

  12. PATRON-DRIVEN ACQUISITION OF ELECTRONIC RESOURCES:THE OBVIOUS NEXT STEP Peter McCracken Co-Founder & Director of Content and Business Development, ShipIndex.org Charleston Pre-Conference, 2 November 2011

  13. Librarians love PDA, DDA, PIA

  14. Let’s expand demand-driven acq… …to where it makes the most sense of all. Large amounts of discrete data Already online Low cost per item

  15. The concept, in brief Offer “per use” purchasing of selected content through discovery layers Library chooses which databases are pay-per-use Discovery layer vendor manages micro-payments Patron sees no difference in databases

  16. DDA in discovery layers – DDDLA? ad tracking software $ 0.00 $ 0.25 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $1.00 $0.25 $0.05 $1.25 + 4% Discovery Layer Accounting Server

  17. Full-text view data, dollar transfer ad tracking software $0.00 $0.13 $3.25 $3.25 Discovery Layer Accounting Server $3.25 + 4%

  18. How the future will work Unlimited access to select databases Library chooses certain databases; offers buffet access to patrons Other databases are not available at all Select access to unlimited databases Some databases have unlimited access, as before Other databases are pay-per-use, through discovery layer interfaces TODAY TOMORROW

  19. Financial management issues • When library pays 120% of list price to a pay-per-use database, it pays no more year • Shows value of direct purchase • Library maintains account at discovery layer; when it’s empty, no more PPU resources are displayed • Librarian can control which databases are PPU based on cost, if they choose • “Don’t show $8 PPU / $30 PPC results”

  20. Benefits: To libraries • More efficient purchasing • Among low-use databases, buy what you use • For high-use databases, nothing changes • Greater breadth of subject offerings • Improved services to patrons • Better, more meaningful usage statistics • Easy to try new databases with low risk

  21. Benefits: To content providers • Broader opportunities for niche databases • Increased revenue • Less revenue per institution, but now from many more; some new subscriptions • Sales go from “buy it now” to “just try it” • Revenue will more accurately reflect usage

  22. Benefits: To discovery layers • Discovery layer role in library is enhanced further • Becomes sole access point to many databases • Increased revenue through service plans • Further opportunities available through usage data delivery & mining

  23. Benefits: To patrons • More content • Patron at a small institution could see exact same results as patron at a large institution • At small institution, most data is pay-per-use; at large institution, most data is from a direct subscription – but patron doesn’t know and doesn’t care • Emphasizes importance and value of libraries and librarians

  24. Drawbacks • Objections to pay as you go • This is just reference ILL, writ large and immediate • Possible end-of-month problems if most money in account is spent • Need to closely manage budgets

  25. Conclusion It just makes sense. It improves and enhances the services that discovery layers provide to libraries, and that librarians provide to patrons It’s relatively easy to do. Personally, I want it tomorrow.

  26. Thank you. Peter McCracken peter@shipindex.org

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