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Lixto Travel Price Intelligence 2.0 forJason. Price Analytics & Price Operations Home Dashboard. Price Analytics Dashboard selected by default. Applied filters shows which filter restrictions apply to the displayed data.
Price Analytics & Price Operations Home Dashboard Price Analytics Dashboard selectedbydefault Applied filtersshowswhich filter restrictionsapplytothedisplayeddata Filter includes relative (relative totoday) extraction (past) and check-in (future) dates Dashboard homeshowsathowmanyofferstheuserislooking per attribute A wholesectioncanbecollapsed Clicking on anyattibute bar reducestheconsidereddatatotheselection - a pagereloadisdoneautomatically (shownas filter restriction in the top page filter too)
Price Analytics Hotel Switch betweencurrencies; Switch between min./max./avg in combinationwith Switch betweenvaluesonly, values+%, values+percent+rating/ranking Bydefault, min. price, reviewsandrankingsaredisplayed in thetable Drill-downstopricedevelopmentby check-in dateandpriceevolutionreportoftherespectivehotel showsathowmanyofferstheuserislooking per attribute (as on homedashboard)
Price Analytics Price Development by Check-in date Price developmentforonehotelonly – either via drill-down fromhotelorselection Switch currencyand min./max./avgprices Select onespecificextractiondate (bydefaultthemostcurrent in thepast) Display prices (accordingto min./max./avgselection) for all available check-in datesfetched on thedefinedextractionday Display pricegraph (accordingto min./max./ avgselection) for all available check-in datesfetched on thedefinedextractionday Display min./max. + avg. Prices for all available check-in datesfetched on thedefinedextractionday showsathowmanyofferstheuserislooking per attribute (as on homedashboard)
Price Analytics Price Development by Check-in date (Price Evolution) Same reportaspricedevelopmentby check-in BUT Select onespecific check-in date(bydefaultthemostcurrent in thefuture) Display prices (accordingto min./max./avgselection) for all availableextractiondatesfetchedfordefined check-in day Display min./max. + avg. Prices for all availableextractiondatesfetched on thedefined check-in day
Price Analytics Price Exception Sorttableby check-in date/ pricedeviation / Country, City, Hotel Per defaultsortedby check-in date Comparepricefor same hotelroom on different web channels Like-to-likecomparison Drill-down toofferlevel
Price Analytics Price Exception Mails Email preview per hotel Exceptiondetails
Price Operations Hotel peer group report Switch betweencurrencies; Switch between min./max./avg in combinationwith Switch betweenvaluesonly, values+%, values+percent+rating/ranking Displays prices per hotelanditscompetitiveset on theproperty‘sownchannelandmonitored web channels Bydefault, min. price, reviewsandrankingsaredisplayed in thetable Drill-downstooffer showsathowmanyofferstheuserislooking per attribute (as on homedashboard)
Mockup – Hotel peer group exception Sorttableby check-in date/ pricedeviation / Country, City, Hotel Per defaultsortedby check-in date Compareownroompriceswithpricesofcomparableroomsfromthecompetitiveset Like-to-likecomparison Drill-down toofferlevel