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RETI. Stakeholder Driven Collaborative Planning ProcessIdentify and Rank Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ)Transmission Plans to Access CREZ Include California
Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative
2. RETI Stakeholder Driven Collaborative Planning Process
Identify and Rank
Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ)
Transmission Plans to Access CREZ
Include California & Adjacent Lands
Inform Renewable Generation & Transmission Line
Permitting & Planning
CPUC, POU, & Federal Transmission Permitting
CPUC Procurement re IOU Renewable Contracts
CEC Transmission Corridor Designation
CAISO Transmission Plan & Queue Reform
CEC, Local & Federal Renewable Generation Permitting
Commitment to open, inclusive, & transparent process, on an expedited schedule.
Relative Ratepayer Benefits and Environmental Impacts associated with different Renewable Development options.
Establish a Rigorous Analytical Basis to Inform Regulatory and Planning Processes.
Queue ensures open access….
However, queue does not address Developable Potential, Cost Effectiveness, Best Value for Ratepayers, and least amount of Environmental Impacts.
Also does not address what the best combination of generation and transmission should be.
RETI will answer these questions, Not binding on any party but will be influential.
Inspired by SCE Advice Letter
(approved as modified by CPUC Res. E-4052) and two CEC PIER contracts- similar scope/issues
Commitment to open, inclusive, & transparent process, on an expedited schedule.
Relative Ratepayer Benefits and Environmental Impacts associated with different Renewable Development options.
Establish a Rigorous Analytical Basis to Inform Regulatory and Planning Processes.
Queue ensures open access….
However, queue does not address Developable Potential, Cost Effectiveness, Best Value for Ratepayers, and least amount of Environmental Impacts.
Also does not address what the best combination of generation and transmission should be.
RETI will answer these questions, Not binding on any party but will be influential.
Inspired by SCE Advice Letter
(approved as modified by CPUC Res. E-4052) and two CEC PIER contracts- similar scope/issues
3. RETI Organizational Structure Coordinating Committee
Stakeholder Steering Committee
Plenary Stakeholder Group (Public)
4. RETI Coordinating Committee Dian Grueneich, CPUC Commissioner
Traci Bone
Jeffrey Byron, CEC Commissioner
Chuck Najarian
Yakout Mansour, CAISO President and CEO
Robin Smutny-Jones
Southern California Public Power Authority
Northern California Power Agency
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
5. RETI Stakeholder Steering Committee Primary Working Group
Key Stakeholder Representatives
28 Members-
Transmission Owners and Generators
Electric Utilities
Environmental and Public Interest Groups
Federal, State, and Local Permitting Agencies
Each SSC member represents their class of stakeholders-
keeps them informed
brings their issues & interests to the table
Military Base Operations can conflict with renewable development.
Present in renewable areas of CA.
Need to Account for their Concerns: Radar, Flight Paths
Edwards Airforce Base
2000 Acre Solar RFP Issued
Needs Transmission Infrastructure
Each SSC member represents their class of stakeholders-
keeps them informed
brings their issues & interests to the table
Military Base Operations can conflict with renewable development.
Present in renewable areas of CA.
Need to Account for their Concerns: Radar, Flight Paths
Edwards Airforce Base
2000 Acre Solar RFP Issued
Needs Transmission Infrastructure
6. RETI Plenary Stakeholder Group All Stakeholders and the Public
Review Steering Committee Work
Provide Feedback
7. RETI Structure CPUC and CEC Contractors also support SSC.CPUC and CEC Contractors also support SSC.
8. Contractor Support CEC PIER Funded CEERT Contract
RETI Coordinator
Expanding and Dynamic
CPUC Funded Black & Veatch Contract
Prepare Phase 1 Reports
Under Direction of SSC
9. RETI Scope of Work Phase 1 (8/31/09 completion target)
Identification and Ranking of CREZs
Phase 1A: Criteria, Assumptions & Methodology
Phase 1B: CREZ Identification and Ranking
Phase 2 (3/09 completion target)
Refinement of CREZs for Priority Zones
Development of Conceptual Transmission Plans
Phase 3 (2010 completion target)
Detailed Transmission Plans of Service CREZ :
“A Competitive Renewable Energy Zone is defined as an aggregation of renewable
projects that, when combined, have improved economics. A CREZ must have the
following attributes:
• Multiple renewable generating projects that share a common transmission
interconnection point;
• Projects with similar development time frames; and
• When combined, have improved economics over individual projects.”
“A Competitive Renewable Energy Zone is defined as an aggregation of renewable
projects that, when combined, have improved economics. A CREZ must have the
following attributes:
• Multiple renewable generating projects that share a common transmission
interconnection point;
• Projects with similar development time frames; and
• When combined, have improved economics over individual projects.”
10. RETI Scope of Work Phase 1: Identification & Ranking of CREZs
Assess developable renewable resources
Develop CREZ Selection Criteria (Phase 1A)
Develop Study Assumptions/Methodology (1A)
Integrate Environmental Factors (1A & 1B)
Identify CREZs (1B)
Create short-list of top-priority CREZs (1B)
CREZ Identification & Characterization:
Two or more Multiple Renewable Projects Aggregated to Create CREZs.
Lead to Formation in Common Areas.
“A fundamental criterion for a CREZ or sub-CREZ is that it must have improved
economics over individual projects included in the CREZ. If adding a project to a CREZ
(or sub-CREZ) worsens the economics for either the project added or the projects that are
already in the CREZ, the project will not be included in the CREZ.”
Transmission Requirements
Timing: Short, mid, & long-term
Working Group/BV Developed Assumptions:
Current generation and transmission system assumptions----
“Base case” assumptions:
Existing Renewable Resources, permitted, interconnection agreements (6500 MW renew CA = 11%)
Lowest generation capacity specified in PPA
CA ISO approved Transmission, existing, under construction
Queue: considered as indication of commercial interest in general area, interconnection points
Cost and Performance assumptions:
Capacity factors, capital costs, heat rates, fixed O&M, Variable O&M, Fuel Costs, Levelized Costs
Financing Assumptions (life expectancy 20 yrs, depreciation schedule, dept equity, terms, etc = capital cost component
Financing incentives- tax deductions, credits, excellerated depreciation
Renewable demand (20% w/flexible compliance 2013 and longer term RPS 33%)
CREZ Identification & Characterization:
Two or more Multiple Renewable Projects Aggregated to Create CREZs.
Lead to Formation in Common Areas.
“A fundamental criterion for a CREZ or sub-CREZ is that it must have improved
economics over individual projects included in the CREZ. If adding a project to a CREZ
(or sub-CREZ) worsens the economics for either the project added or the projects that are
already in the CREZ, the project will not be included in the CREZ.”
Transmission Requirements
Timing: Short, mid, & long-term
Working Group/BV Developed Assumptions:
Current generation and transmission system assumptions----
“Base case” assumptions:
Existing Renewable Resources, permitted, interconnection agreements (6500 MW renew CA = 11%)
Lowest generation capacity specified in PPA
CA ISO approved Transmission, existing, under construction
Queue: considered as indication of commercial interest in general area, interconnection points
Cost and Performance assumptions:
Capacity factors, capital costs, heat rates, fixed O&M, Variable O&M, Fuel Costs, Levelized Costs
Financing Assumptions (life expectancy 20 yrs, depreciation schedule, dept equity, terms, etc = capital cost component
Financing incentives- tax deductions, credits, excellerated depreciation
Renewable demand (20% w/flexible compliance 2013 and longer term RPS 33%)
11. RETI Phase 1 Methodology CREZ Criteria:
“Technical and economic characteristics of CREZs reflect the projects that
comprise that CREZ. With the exception of transmission cost, the economic
characteristics of a CREZ (or sub-CREZ) will simply be the sum or weighted average
of the constituent project characteristics. These economic characteristics include:
• Capacity (MW)• Generation (GWh/yr)• Capacity factor• Development time-frame
• Capital cost• Operating and maintenance costs• Fuel costs (if applicable)
• Resource valuation (generation, transmission, energy, capacity)
Each CREZ will then be assigned an economic ranking cost, analogous to the
ranking cost assigned to each project , and the CREZs will be ranked
in comparison to each other and to any individual, stand-alone projects.
CREZ Criteria:
“Technical and economic characteristics of CREZs reflect the projects that
comprise that CREZ. With the exception of transmission cost, the economic
characteristics of a CREZ (or sub-CREZ) will simply be the sum or weighted average
of the constituent project characteristics. These economic characteristics include:
• Capacity (MW)• Generation (GWh/yr)• Capacity factor• Development time-frame
• Capital cost• Operating and maintenance costs• Fuel costs (if applicable)
• Resource valuation (generation, transmission, energy, capacity)
Each CREZ will then be assigned an economic ranking cost, analogous to the
ranking cost assigned to each project , and the CREZs will be ranked
in comparison to each other and to any individual, stand-alone projects.
12. RETI Scope of Work
Phase 2:
Develop Conceptual Transmission Plans
Expand/Refine CREZ Analysis
Siting/Environmental Constraints
Renewable Resource Mix Scenarios
This is where we see synergy with Corridor Designation Program.
Play leading role re corridor analysis.
Spin-off Corridor Designation Applications.This is where we see synergy with Corridor Designation Program.
Play leading role re corridor analysis.
Spin-off Corridor Designation Applications.
13. RETI Scope of Work Phase 3:
Detailed Transmission Plans of Service
CAISO Driven
Timing linked to 2010 CAISO Transmission PlanCAISO Driven
Timing linked to 2010 CAISO Transmission Plan
14. RETI Informs key agency renewable processes.
Facilitates Coordination among these key agency processes.
CPUC new rulemaking re how CPCN application process will use RETI (08-03-009 & 08-03-010)
CAISO: Consider phase 1 results in developing their 2009 Grid Plan.
CEC: Phase 2 results will be used in developing 2009 IEPR and SP.
The California ISO is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation charged with operating
the majority of California’s high-voltage wholesale power grid.
Informs key agency renewable processes.
Facilitates Coordination among these key agency processes.
CPUC new rulemaking re how CPCN application process will use RETI (08-03-009 & 08-03-010)
CAISO: Consider phase 1 results in developing their 2009 Grid Plan.
CEC: Phase 2 results will be used in developing 2009 IEPR and SP.
The California ISO is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation charged with operating
the majority of California’s high-voltage wholesale power grid.
15. RETI Committee Meetings September 20, 2007- Public kick-off meeting
October 29, 2007- SSC Meeting
December 17, 2007- SSC Meeting
January 22, 2008- SSC & Plenary Meetings
February 6, 2008- CC Meeting with Generators
February 27, 2008- SSC Meeting
March 19, 2008- SSC Meeting
March 26, 2008- Plenary Meeting
April 16, 2008- SSC Meeting
May 21, 2008- SSC & Plenary Meetings
June 18, 2008- SSC Meeting
July 16, 2008- SSC Meeting [and Plenary?]
August 20, 2008- SSC Meeting [and Plenary?]
16. May 21 PSG Meeting Agenda Opening Remarks
Commissioners Grueneich and Byron
Update on Phase 1A (BV)
Status of Phase 1B Work (BV)
EWG Status Report (Sierra Club, NRDC)
Q and A
17. May 21 SSC Meeting Agenda Adoption of Phase 1A Final Report
Discussion of Phase 1B Work Activities
EWG Coordination with BV
Role of PACT in EWG Work
BV Data Needs
Consideration of SSC Chair & Co-Chair
Roles and Responsibilities
18. RETI Schedule March 2008- Environmental Work Group Formed
March 14, 2008- Draft CREZ Assumptions & Methodology
Report Issued
April 12, 2008- Draft Final CREZ A/M Report Issued
April 16, 2008- SSC Accepted Draft Final CREZ A/M Report and
and Approved Initiation of Phase 1B Work
April 24, 2008- Deadline for Additional Comments to A/M Report
May 8, 2008- Deadline to Post Final A/M Report
May 21, 2008- SSC to Consider Adopting Final A/M Report
August 31, 2008- Phase 1 Ranking CREZ Report Completed
March, 2009- Estimated Completion of Phase 2
2010- CAISO Transmission Plan Integrates RETI
19. RETI Information How to register & RETI website:
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