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Special Education Applications in Poland: Diagnosis of Children with Disabilities

Learn about the competences of psychological and pedagogical clinics in diagnosing children with disabilities in Poland. The Adjudicating Panel gives judgments and opinions, aiding in early interventions and specialized education for disabled youth. Discover the stages of the diagnosis procedure, including interviews with parents, observations, and specialized testing. Explore the diagnostic tools used, such as IQ tests and specific scales for different age groups. Experience the multilateral appraisal of children's function level in special schools, supported by a team of specialists, pedagogues, and therapists. Stay informed about the diverse diagnostic tools used in Polish educational institutions.

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Special Education Applications in Poland: Diagnosis of Children with Disabilities

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  1. SpecialEducationApplicationsin Poland ZespolPlacowek Edukacyjnych Olsztyn Poland

  2. Diagnosis of childrenwithdisabilities • In Poland, withthediagnosis of children and youngpeoplewithdisabilitiesdeal public and non-public psychological-pedagogicalclinics.

  3. Competences of psychological and pedagogicalclinics • Publicclinics– AdjudicatingTeamsgivejudgements and opinions (eg. theneed of earlyintervention of child development); • Privateclinics – AdjudicatingTeamsgivefeedbacks (opinions) consideringchild'sfunctioning (eg. theneed of earlyintervention of child);

  4. TheAdjudicating Panel: 1.Appointed by thedirector of thespecifiedclinic. 2. Consists of: • a chairman of the team (usuallythedirector of theclinic, or a person authorized by him); • a doctor, a psychologist, a educator; 3. Depending on theneeds - otherspecialistifitsshareinthe team isessential (a speech therapist, hearingtherapist, visiontherapist).

  5. TheAdjudicating Team givesjudgements and opinionsconsideringdisabledpeople: specialeducation for children and youthwithdisabilitiesoranotheropinion (eg.theopinion on theneed of earlyintervention of child development - for children not yetattendingschool and requiringspecialeffects to stimulatethe development.

  6. Importantinformationin a judgement: • In a decisionabouttheneed for specialeducationshall be prescribed, theconditions for theimplementation of educationalneeds, forms of stimulation, rehabilitation, therapy, rehabilitation, development of potentialabilities and strengths of thechild and otherforms of psychological and pedagogicalassistance.

  7. Stages of theprocedurefor diagnosis: 1. Interview of a character of a structureconversation set to help parentsrememberalltheimportantevents and behavior of thechild, emotionalsituation, care, health, etc. 2. Analysisobtainedfromtheparents and otherdocumentation of facilities (includingmedicalrecords, health books).

  8. Stages of theprocedurefor diagnosis: 3. Theobservation of spontaneousactivity of thechildindifferentsituations (amongothersintherelationshipwithparents, withoutparents, ways of communication, types of games, mobility). Itapplies to youngerchildren and childrenwithdifficultiesindiagnosis.

  9. Stages of theprocedurefor diagnosis: 4. Theobservationdirectedintasksituations, conversationwiththechild (ifpossible), examinations: psychological, educational, speech therapy, analysis of creations, analysis of thework of thechild. 5. Discussionwithparents(or legal guardians) of thechild.

  10. Stages of theprocedurefor diagnosis: 6. Preparationin a written form of a fulldiagnosiswithjustification and explanation of itsmeaning. Presentation of it to theparents(or legal guardians) of thechild.

  11. Theresults of thediagnosisshould be thebasis for constructing a plan and a programme of thetherapy (education) and should be a source of knowledge on methods, techniques, opportunities for useintheprocess of personalinteraction.

  12. In thespecialschoolsin Poland, wheredisabledchildrenattend (eg. pre-schools, primaryschools, etc.) multilateralappraisal of functionlevelismaken. • Thisappraisalismade by the team of specialsits, pedagogues and therapists, whoworkwithchild.

  13. Pedagogicclinics as well as specialinstitutionsusediversediagnosingtools to establish an assesment of children’sdevelopmentallevel.

  14. Diagnostictools: 1.Tests, scalesused by psychologists: • WISC-R (Wechsler IntelligenceScale for Children)- for 6 years old (and more) children • WAIS (Wechsler AdultIntelligenceScale); • Psyche- CattellIntelligenceScale for SmallChildren; • Terman-MerrillIntelligenceScale (adaptacja testu Standford- Binet z 1937)- for 2 years old (and more) children

  15. Diagnostictools: • Raven’sMatrices (Raven’s Progressive Matrices)- for diagnosischildren 4-11 years old. • TheLeiter International Performance Scale- for children 3-15 years old, deafchildren: 6-14 years old. • Columbia MentalMaturityScale- for children 3,5-10 years old. IQ testsareveryimportant for diagnosingthementalimpairment.

  16. Diagnostictools: • The Brunet-Lezine Scale for measuring Psychomotor Development in Early Infancy (for children 0-5 years old) • TheScale of DyslexiaRiskworked out by M. Bogdanowicz (a polish test); • TheScale of Child Development – a polish test for children 0-3 years old;

  17. DiagnosticTools: • ADOS (AutismDiagnosticObservation Schedule): observation report withADI-R (AutismDiagnostic Interview- Revised. ADOS and ADI-Raregoing to be standarized to Polishversion. • AustralianScale for DiagnosingAspergerSyndrome

  18. Diagnostictools: Duringthediversediagnosisareveryhelpful as follows: • ICD -10 classification • DSM-IVclassification • CHAT questionnaire, • CARS (ChildhoodAutismRatingScale • A newdefinition of autism by Volkmar ;

  19. Diagnostic, pedagogictools: Thereareuseddiagnosingtoolsinspecialinstitutions as follows ( itdepends on kind of disability, theage of child, etc.) • MunichFunctional Development Screening - for childrenfrom 1 month- 3 years old; • The Denver Developmental Screening Test ofW.K. Frankenburgand J.B. Dobbs -a test for screening cognitive and behavioral problems in preschool children.

  20. Diagnostictools: • PAC (Progress AssessmentCharts) of Gunzburg – to assessthesocial development progress of childrenmentallyimpaired (PAC, PAC-1,PAC-2); • PEP-R (ThePsychoeducational Profile Revised) of Schopler- assessment and program planning tool for preschool and gradeschool-aged children with autism. • AAPEP (the Adolescent and AdultsPsychoeducational Profile ) of Schopler;

  21. Diagnostictools: • The Oregon Project for Preschool Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired (The OR Project ) fo • Southern California Sensory Integration Tests- (SCSIT) and Sensory Integration and PraxisTests – (SIPT) – worked out by J. Ayres (to diagnose S.I. disorders) • M.Frostig „Pictures and patterns”-toexaminevisualperception.

  22. Diagnostictools: • The M. Piszczek’sObservationSheet (a polish test); • The J. Kielin’s Profile of ChildAchievement (a polish test) • The Student BehaviourSheet; • TheK.Mrugalska, Z. Pakuła PeriodicFunctioning of Child (for severementallydisabledchildren) based on questionnaire of Les Amis de Karen

  23. More and moreofteninPolishspecialinstitutionsthereareworked out diversediagnosingtools, eg. an observationsheet, multilateralassesments of childfunctioning; etc. • In thosetoolsthe most popular developmentalspheresaretakenintoaccount: • Communication; • Cognitivefunctions; • Socialization; • Self-reliance, independence; • Motoricity;

  24. Methods of workusedinSpecialEducation The most popular methods of workusedinSpecialEducationin Poland are: • Themethod of workcentres(itisbased on Decrolymethod) • Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement; • Knills’ Method; • TheMethod of Good Start (MGS); • Sensory Integration; • The Doman Method ; • TheDennison Method;

  25. Methods of work: • Behavioral Method; • TEACCH; • Musictherapy; • Arttherapy; • Alternative Communication; • PedagogicTherapywith computer; • TomatisMethod; • Biofeedback;

  26. TechniquesusedinSpecialEducation • Observation • Practical action; • Based on word; • Analysis of documents; • Art. techniques; • Multimedial; • Demonstration; • Relaxationtechiques;

  27. Teaching materials: 1. visual: natural objects, models, diagrams, symbols, etc. 2. hearing : CDs,musical instruments, radio etc. 3. visual-hearing: television, etc. 4. measuresverbal: books, printedtexts 5. partiallyautomatestheprocess of teaching-learning: computers, multimedia tablets,etc. 6. AAC teaching materials: lettertablets, AAC books, devices: eg. GO TALK The most popular are multimedia teaching materials.

  28. Thankyou for yourattention

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