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New way of systematic management of delay reduction projects in courts – combining external expertise and internal participation. Finnish Ministry of Justice and Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland Department of Industrial Engineering
New way of systematic management of delay reduction projects in courts – combining external expertise and internal participation Finnish Ministry of Justice and Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland Department of Industrial Engineering Supply Chain and Operations Management Petra Pekkanen, M.Sc. (Tech.) researcher Pauliina Seppälä, M.Sc. (Tech.) researcher Timo Pirttilä, D.Sc. (Tech.) Professor
Logistics projects in Finnish courts LUT - Petra Pekkanen Supreme Administrative Court 1/2011 – 12/2013 Helsinki Administrative Court 1/2011 – 12/2013 Helsinki District Court 1/2010 – 12/2013 Insurance Court 8/2008 – 6/2010 Helsinki Court of Appeal 3/2006 – 12/2009 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Logistics projects - aims • Analyze the judicial processes and improvement potentials from operations management perspective • Create collectively designed tools and procedures to reduce delays, improve process performance and enhance time management in courts LUT - Petra Pekkanen
The basic idea of the approach to judicial process improvement and delay reduction Research group from LUT: supply chain and operations management perspective Work group from courts: expertise concerning court operations LUT - Petra Pekkanen • INITIATIVE ANALYSIS • Getting familiar with the organization and identifying targets for development through interviews and data analysis • TARGETS OF DEVELOPMENT • Identifying main targets of development and determining developing areas in workshop meetings • PLANNING • Planning operational practices and improvement initiatives in workshop meetings • IMPLEMENTATION • Implementing operational practices and improvement initiatives to daily practices in the organization • MONITORING • Evaluating and monitoring the success of implementation and determining corrective actions through interviews and data analysis 9-12 months 12-18 months
Process improvement needs Very urgent Very large ”Mass” Case differentiation – different requirements GOAL SETTING AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT – Differentiated time- targets and dead-lines PROCESS AND INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEMS – Online pending inventory control systems and control of the progression of cases PRODUCTION AND CAPACITY PLANNING – Project and resource planning for complex cases LUT - Petra Pekkanen
Jako Jako Jako Jako 1. Käsittelytavan 1. Käsittelytavan 1. Käsittelytavan 1. Käsittelytavan Osaston Osaston Osaston Osaston valinta valinta valinta valinta työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu 2. Karkea 2. Karkea 2. Karkea 2. Karkea aikataulutus aikataulutus aikataulutus aikataulutus 3. Henkilökohtainen 3. Henkilökohtainen 3. Henkilökohtainen 3. Henkilökohtainen työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu Henkilökohtainen Henkilökohtainen Henkilökohtainen Henkilökohtainen Muut Muut Muut aikataulutus aikataulutus aikataulutus aikataulutus työtehtävät työtehtävät työtehtävät PROJECT PLAN FOR A CASE Jako Jako Jako Case distribution Example of project planning for complex cases (Helsinki Court of Appeal) 1. Käsittelytavan 1. Käsittelytavan • Choosing the • handling procedure 1. Käsittelytavan Osaston Osaston Department Osaston valinta valinta valinta työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu working plan 2. Karkea 2. Karkea 2. Karkea 2. Setting the time-frames according to the targets set aikataulutus aikataulutus aikataulutus 3. Henkilökohtainen 3. Henkilökohtainen 3. Henkilökohtainen 3. Preparing personal working plan työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu työsuunnittelu Henkilökohtainen Henkilökohtainen Henkilökohtainen Muut Personal Other tasks aikataulutus aikataulutus aikataulutus työtehtävät schedule Differentiatedtime-targets LUT - Petra Pekkanen
Example of online pending inventory control system and time-frame alarm-system (Insurance Court) • process control points, time-frames and alarm-levels set for normal and priority cases • case needing priority handling marked with green label • complex case needing active handling and co-operation marked with black label • case exceeds the lower alarm-level one exclamation mark • case exceeds the upper alarm-level three exclamation marks LUT - Petra Pekkanen
Example of the basic scenein the Insurance Court data system preparation (Court Clerk) referendary upper alarm-level exceeded judge responsible person (identification information hided) chairman priority case complex case case age in days lower alarm-level exceeded handling stage LUT - Petra Pekkanen
Summary of process improvement solutions Changes to management system Changes to production system • Case differentiated time-frames and targets • Process phased time-frames and targets • Practical tools to control time-frames online and alarm of delaying cases • Procedures to control pending inventory situations regularly • Procedures for intervening in problem situations • - Procedures for taking the case immediately under guidance and control • Procedures for project and life cycle planning for the cases • Practices for personal working plan and scheduling • Differentiated handling procedures for different cases • Tools to help use online inventory data as a basis for work planning Time is regarded and taken into account better Tools and new procedures to time management Differentiated procedures for different requirements LUT - Petra Pekkanen
Age and size of pending cases in Helsinki Court of Appeal Months LUT - Petra Pekkanen
Age of pending cases in Insurance Court Months LUT - Petra Pekkanen
Challenges of improvement – adoption and implementation Research group from LUT Work group from courts Challenge of finding novel improvement solutions Challenge in carrying out the improvement work systematically and target oriented External expertise Participation and commitment Systematic project management Challenge of prejudice towards improvement solutions Challenge of maintaining the ownership of the solutions Systematic progressive project LUT - Petra Pekkanen
Lessons learned from delay reduction projects • Commitment and willingness to change – current and important issue • clear emphasis that delay reduction is important • continuous process improvement culture • Visible involvement and commitment of top management and wide internal participation • affirmative attitude towards changes made, nature of work and suitable working methods • External expertise and new improvement methods • Easily acceptable and adoptable solutions • “simple” planning solutions • Enough time to adopt and internalize changes • gradual changes and improvement projects • systematic improvement efforts LUT - Petra Pekkanen