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MC studies of the fibre and PbGl prototypes. Raggi Spadaro Leonardi Physics and Software Working Group 9/08/2007. Outline. Spacal MC status PbGl MC status Planning for MC production Spacal PbGl First electron spectrum from Spacal Firt electron spectrum from PbGl Conclusion.
MC studies of the fibreand PbGl prototypes Raggi Spadaro Leonardi Physics and Software Working Group 9/08/2007
Outline • Spacal MC status • PbGl MC status • Planning for MC production • Spacal • PbGl • First electron spectrum from Spacal • Firt electron spectrum from PbGl • Conclusion Mauro Raggi
SpaCal & PbGl MC framework • Geant4 MC simulation • Provide a ROOT file with a hit structure containg the list of energy deposit of each hit • Digitizer (digitization program) • Describe the readout structure: fibers, light guides, PMT and ADC. Provide Nphel and ADC counts • TestRead (analysis program) • Produces hystogram using the ROOT interface of the digitazed events Mauro Raggi
16.8 cm (4 cells) 8.2 cm (2 cells) ~8X0 ~9X0 3 cells All fibers (same as KLOE) Fibers + 1-mm Pb wires Spacal prototype layout • KLOE-type lead/scintillating fiber calorimeter • 1-mm diameter scintillating fibers • 0.5-mm thick lead foils • Full-scale prototype of smallest rings • 1/3 of final radial thickness • Inner/outer radius: 60 cm - 72.5 cm • Inner/outer length: 309.5 cm - 348.8 cm • Readout granularity: 18 cells, 4.2 x 4.2 cm2 Mauro Raggi
Status of the SpaCal MC • The G4 description and simulation of the detector fully provided by Emanuele • Includes 1 half ring as in BTF tests • Includes the full tagging system • Digitization is now almost ready • Introduced in PMT class the proper Qeff • Still need optical description of fiber emission WL • First iteration to tune light generation in fiber done • TestRead interface analysis routine under development Mauro Raggi
Status of the PbGl MC • The G4 description and simulation of the detector fully provided by Emanuele • Includes 4 blocks in BTF configuration • Includes full optical tracking of Cherenkov photons • Digitization almost ready • Introduced PMT class the proper Qeff to match g spectrum • Proper segmentation of energy deposit in 4 blocks introduced • Proper calibration of P.e x MeV taken form data for each block • TestRead interface analysis routine under development Mauro Raggi
Production Planning Spacal Same amount of Photon events will be produced also Mauro Raggi
Production Planning PbGl Same amount of Photon events will be produced also Mauro Raggi
Production status MC production already started in LxBatch at CERN • Spacal • 200K events e- 200 MeV • 100K events g 200 MeV • PbGl • 100K events e- 200 MeV • 100K events e- 500 MeV Mauro Raggi
Spacal energy 200 MeV electrons s(E)/E=11.6 % MC s(E)/E=14 % Data Promising agreement obtained without any fine tuning Mauro Raggi
PbGL N of Photoelectrons 483 MeV PE per MeV Mauro Raggi
Conclusion • First development of Digitization of both Spacal and PbGl MC done • First production of data for the comparison with the BTF test ongoing • First spectra obtained show a good qualitative agreement with real data • Fine tuning using information coming from data needed for both MC Mauro Raggi