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AP Lang: Vocab 3:2

AP Lang: Vocab 3:2. Word:. Word:. Word:. Word:. Word:. Word:. Word:. Word:. Word:. Word:. Rhetorical Modes: Patterns of Development. 8 major patterns. Narration Description Process Analysis Exemplification Comparison & Contrast Classification & Division Definition

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AP Lang: Vocab 3:2

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  1. AP Lang: Vocab 3:2

  2. Word: Word: Word: Word: Word: Word: Word: Word: Word: Word:

  3. Rhetorical Modes: Patterns of Development 8 major patterns • Narration • Description • Process Analysis • Exemplification • Comparison & Contrast • Classification & Division • Definition • Causal Analysis Author’s Purpose Organize individual paragraphs or sections Organize entire text

  4. Rhetorical Transaction Exigence Rhetorical Situation Audience Purpose Logos Appeals Ethos Pathos Rhetorical Modes Organization/Structure/Form Figurative Language Imagery Syntax Diction Surface Features

  5. Narration • Tells story; recounts events; personal • Chronological (detail, pov, dialogue) • Craft story to support thesis • Often used as a way to enter topics • Draws a reader in

  6. Description • Paints a picture with senses; details • Establishes mood/atmosphere • Empathy; connection to text

  7. Process Analysis • Explains how something works • Clear and logical • Proper transitions • Concise verbs

  8. Causal Analysis • Cause leads to an effect • Effect that results from a cause • Needs logic • “Why” in the title

  9. Identify the Modes

  10. Causal Analysis • What Causal Analysis Does: • Focuses on explanations • Shows a connection between a situation and its cause or effect • Answers the question: • 1) “Why did this happen?” • OR • 2) “What will this do?” Explanation of CAUSE Prediction of EFFECT

  11. Causal Analysis: When & how to Use • How to use: • Know the difference between necessary, sufficient, and contributory cause • Make your purpose clear • Be modest in your choice of subject • Concentrate on immediate rather than remote cause • Don’t be arrogant about cause • Use common sense in asserting cause • When to use: • Trying to explain WHY something happened • Trying to predict the likely results if an event does or does not occur Cause Situation Effect

  12. Causal Analysis: When & how to Use • How to use: • Know the difference between necessary, sufficient, and contributory cause • Necessary Cause: • must be present for the effect to occur • But, it alone cannot make the effect occur • EX: Irrigation is necessary for a crop of good grapes, but irrigation alone will not cause a good crop. What else is necessary?

  13. Causal Analysis: When & how to Use • How to use: • Know the difference between necessary, sufficient, and contributory cause • Sufficient Cause: • can produce a given effect by itself. • EX: An empty gas tank can keep a car from running even though other problems may be present. List three other “Sufficient” causes: 1. 2. 3.

  14. Causal Analysis: When & how to Use • How to use: • Know the difference between necessary, sufficient, and contributory cause • Contibutory Cause: • Might produce an effect but cannot produce the effect by itself • EX: Vitamin E may help a long distance runner win a race, but cannot by itself determine the performance of a runner who got a bad start, didn’t train well, etc. The runner may also win the race without the help of Vitamin E. List three other “contributory” causes: 1. 2. 3.

  15. Causal Analysis: When & how to Use • How to use: • Know the difference between necessary, sufficient, and contributory cause • Few causes are “sufficient”; most are merely necessary or contributory • Do not say: “A vegetarian diet will prevent cancer.” • Do say: “A vegetarian diet is a contributing factor in preventing cancer.” • Qualifying statements: “may be”, “is one of the reasons,” “is a major cause,” “is influenced by,”etc.

  16. Causal Analysis Warm-up Effects List 3 effects that result from the following: Having one’s car stolen The fear of further terrorist attacks in the US Discovering an infestation of rats in one’s basement Causes List 3 causes for each: Teen Drug use Recent increase in obesity rates Children’s feelings of guilt during a divorce

  17. Causal Analysis Assignment 1 (due for Tuesday) Read: “A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun” (pgs. 522 – 525) Do the Following: List the author’s reasons that she stated for carrying a gun; provide the text example, please. State what type of cause she is using (necessary, sufficient or contributory) and explain your reasoning. Identify and explicitly state her thesis.

  18. “A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun” Most important words paragraph: Directions: Craft a paragraph that explains the importance of the following words in last night’s assigned reading: 1) Pistol 2) Power 3) Balance 4) Defend 5) Safety

  19. Speed Dating?!

  20. Homework! • Complete the AP Language College Board Test on your own by FRIDAY • Grade based on a) completion of the test with evidence of annotations b) participation in Friday’s activity

  21. Causal Analysis Assignment 2 (due @ end of hour) Read: “Coming Into Language” (pgs. 527 - 533) Do the Following: The Facts: #2, #4 The Strategies: #1, #3 The Issues: #5 Give 3 examples of this piece being a work of causal analysis…

  22. Define in your own words: 1) Glass ceiling 2) Feminism 3) Status Quo 4) Equality

  23. “The Farce of Feminism” Rebecca Rubins (pgs. 561 - 563) “The New Feminism” Kate Gubata (pgs. 557 – 559) Directions: Read each of the articles on feminism written from college students’ p.o.v’s. As you read, list each author’s major points and reasons for supporting or not supporting “feminism”. When finished, give reasons as to how each article falls into the causal analysis mode of organization.

  24. Writing your own Causal Analysis • Determine if you will write an explanation of cause, or a prediction of effect Cause: Why _____ is unable to _____. Effect: Doing ______ will ________. • Ground Rules! * Thesis must be in the last paragraph * Include an aphorism * Include any previous vocabulary word(s) * Include an inverted sentence * Include at least two examples or anecdotes • Final paper: Due on Tuesday, 25 points * No more than 4 paragraphs; no less than 2 * Be sure to use qualifiers, not all inclusive statements * Be aware of necessary, sufficient, and contributory causes! Must label in your final draft!

  25. AP Lang: Vocab 3:2

  26. AP Test • Have your completed AP test out • Write your assigned # on your test • Get with the two other people w/same # • Compare answers; if you CHANGE your answer, highlight your new answer • Score & Discuss • Record Scores for base

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