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Progression in writing

Progression in writing. Small steps, not big leaps. The case for writing. Literacy: one of the 3 main strands in the framework Learning links between phoneme and grapheme supports Oracy . Developing KAL and LLS skills and making the links with English Literacy

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Progression in writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Progression in writing Small steps, not big leaps

  2. The case for writing • Literacy: one of the 3 main strands in the framework • Learning links between phoneme and grapheme supports Oracy. • Developing KAL and LLS skills and making the links with English Literacy • Writing supports the visual learners: they want to write things down • Miss, I can’t write in French! Supporting transition


  4. Silent letter at end of word Awareness of gender And definite / indefinite articles Phoneme: a Phonemes: ch like charlotte (later in year 4/5 I’ll learn it can also be ‘K’ for scientific vocabulary) NC Level 1 (yr 3) cat un chat I can copy it!

  5. Comparison & reinforcement of English conventions of punctuation. NC Level 2 J’ai petit un chat noir . • Phoneme / grapheme knowledge • Adjective • Adjectival agreement • Position of adjective • Singular / plural • Simple structure + noun + adjective.

  6. NC Level 3 J’ai un petit chat noir et il s’appelle Rex. • Short phrases, increasinglyfrom memory • Connectives – et / mais / parce que • Increase variation of structures • Awareness of liaison/elision • Understandingof words as building blocks of sentence

  7. NC Level 4 –some year 6 – definitely year 7 J’ai un petit chat noir qui s’appelle Rex. J’aime mon chien. Demain il va manger un os. • Extended sentences withvariety of connectives. • Usingdictionary for additionalvocabulary • Manipulation of 1st, 2nd, 3rdperson • Structures mayinclude simple variation of tenses • Use of possessive pronouns

  8. How to introduce writing • The BIG leap? A threat for non-specialists? from labelling to writing a paragraph, a letter or a poem! • It is all about SMALL steps • Good scaffolding leads to independent and confident writing paragraphs sentences phrase words

  9. Writing without a pen! Word level activities • Word bag/word shapes [pairs] • Writing with hand and body [ writing whispers] • Grapheme mats: linking sounds to spelling to aid writing Sentence level activities [KAL] • Human sentences – simple • Human sentences – complex, with moving parts • Walking or running dictation

  10. Adapting a model Adapting knowledge to say something new: scaffolding and creativity towards independent writing Bonjour les magasins Au revoir mon argent! Bonjour quarante-six Au revoir quarante-cinq! Bonjour l’automne Au revoir l’été! Bonjour les vacances Au revoir ………..!

  11. Bonjour ….. Au revoir Bonjour mardi …au revoir lundi! Bonjour le soleil …au revoir la pluie! Bonjour la paix … au revoir la guerre!

  12. ¡…Nogracias!¡…Síporfavor! More poems at word levels Ma grand-mèreestsamedi Ma grand-mèreestun chat Ma grand-mèreestune orange Ma grand-mèreest Ma grand-mère Ma grand-mère Ma grand-mère Ma grand-mère Ma maison, c’est …… La France c’est….. A bas…….! Vive………! …...., non merci! …, ouis’ilvousplaît! HolaAdiós ¡Abajo…! ¡Viva…! ¡…No gracias! ¡…Síporfavor! Phrase poems Octopoems

  13. UneMaman Des milliersd’étoilesdans le ciel,Thousands of stars in the sky, Des milliersd’oiseauxdans les arbres, Thousands of birds in the trees, Des milliers de fleurs au jardin,Thousands of flowers in the garden, Des milliersd’abeillessur les fleurs,Thousands of bees on the flowers, Des milliers de coquillagessur les plages,Thousands of shells on the beaches, Des milliers de poissonsdans les mers, Thousands of fish in the seas, Et seulement, seulementunemaman. And only one, only one mum.

  14. UneMaman/un papa Des milliers d’ dans Des milliers d’ dans Des milliers d’ dans Des milliers d’ dans Maisseulement , seulementunemaman.

  15. Sentence level: using codes Mon monstre a deux , trois et six   

  16. Silly sentences j’aimangé …….. ……………. ……….

  17. Using writing frames • To help build more complex sentences • What do you know about the different words? • Look at the word order • What kind of word is it that we don’t know? • What could we change? Léaaun chat noirqui aimele poisson Théo a un oiseau bleu qui aime les frites Serge a unesourisverte qui aime le chocolat

  18. lily-pads 2.pdf

  19. Using writing frames • Create pin numbers for each other: 1 6 10 16 20

  20. Making books! • Storybirds http://storybird.com/books/les-monstres/?token=nzc3vg http://mfl-storybirds.wikispaces.com/French+Storybirds • Mini books Quevois-tu, petit garçon? Je voisune petite fourmi Je voisunepierremarron Je vois un papillon bleu • Mini books of all shapes! http://library.thinkquest.org/J001156/makingbooks/minibook/index.htm how to make a mini book http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-AAaGQwDB0 mini book with pockets http://changing-phase.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/mini-books lift the flap books, concertina books, etc http://origami.org.uk/origami_shirt.htm football shirt

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