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Coral Reefs and Tourism Impacts in Mesoamerica Barrier Reef System ( SAM). By Claudia Cortés UNAH-WWF-RTD8. 3 . Coral Reef 2 . Tourism Impact 1 . Mesoamerica Barrer Reef System (SAM). One all inclusive Hotel on Roatán, Honduras, Central America.
Coral Reefs and Tourism Impacts in Mesoamerica Barrier Reef System ( SAM) By Claudia Cortés UNAH-WWF-RTD8
3. Coral Reef2. Tourism Impact 1. Mesoamerica Barrer Reef System (SAM)
One all inclusive Hotel on Roatán, Honduras, Central America
The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (SAM) extends over 1,000 km along the Caribbean Sea of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. 1. Mesoamerica barrier reef system (SAM), where is it? 1ra Barrier reef System = Australia ( 2,600 km) 2da Barrier reef System= SAM (1,000 km) SAM ( México, Belice, Guatemala y Honduras)
Why is important the SAM for Tourism on Latin America *? • Economyrelevance • The OMT proyectforregionincreasefor 2030 aroundofmilmillionsof international arrivefromemergenteconomies (include SAM): • 1980- 30% • 2012- 47% • 2030- 57% • Education and researchrelevances • Educationisthekeyforcomprenhension and responsable • making use of sustainableresource • Educatesocietyprotectfor a Healthyreef and healthypeople. Theywill be a goodreceptors of responsibletourists. • Tradicional surviver and cultural life • Mayas, Misquitas and Garifunas(etnicalcomunities) depend of marines coastal resources and depend to tourism activities.
Report of OMT for SAM region Fuente: Organización mundial del Turismo (OMT) , junio 2013 Clasificación basada en el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), véase el anexo estadístico del FMI World Economic Outlook de Abril del 2012, pagina 177
2.Tourism impact Potencialization and increase Positive Impacts Prevention, reduce, eliminate Negative impacts
Development Sustainability
The countries of Mesoamerica region are working to: • Sustainable, inclusions and justice international policies for the integrate wellness of local society of the countries. • Aplication of estrict policies for prevention the environmental polution ( compliance with provisions of international conventions) • Invest of many eficient alternative of Trattetment Sistem for diferent development process • Acreditation and certifications responsable and credible programs for public and private sectors proyects.
Less dredge and more aplication and incentive for responsable, friendly environmental alternatives.
Increase the production and rentability of Responsible, eficiency and beneficy of renovable energy industry for the comunities.
3 . Coral reef. Many species of marines organisms: Porites asteroides Agariciatenuifolia Rhincodontipus** Panuluris argus** Diademasp.** Strombusgigas** ** protected species for international convention ( CITES, CB, RAMSAR) Each country have to take action to protect preserv and conservancy this species and yours marines and terrestrial ecosistems too.
In 1mts2 of coral live more than 100 species livings organisms. Important for many human activities : • Tourism • Prospection of biodiversity • Research • Energy industry • Fashion Industry • Textil Industry • Healthy eat Industry • Fishing industry • Artesanal fishing • Medicine, kinestecy and drugstore industry
Three topics of analizes on RTD8, 2014, for take correct responsible desicions: • Carbonemisions and climatechange • Local developmenteconomy • Human right and social inclusions
Combat Climate-Change ( CC) Programs for mitigated are not suficient for combat the change climate. Are necessary stregthness the actuals policies and implementation other kind of programs… Prospection of biodiversity The Resilency Adaptation Education Transfer of tecnology Security Ethic http://c-fish.org/about/caribsave/ http://www.murraysimpson.com
Local economy development The most important resource of the society is people. Is necessary preparate the comunities on responsible way to receive this kind of investments to garantee the quality of tourism destinies and ecosistems. http://www.mun.ca/socwrk/faculty/rklein.php
Increase the Responsable Tourism of the Tourism Industry = Sustainability * Evaluate and mesure through the correct implementation of indicators and after that take the best desicions. *http://www.haroldgoodwin.info http://www.icrtourism.org/http://www.healthyreefs.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/2014-Eco-Audit-Poster.pdf http://www.tsc.gob.hn/Auditorias/Informes_de_Auditoria/Sector_Recursos_Naturales_Ambiente/2012/004-2012-DARNA-MUNI-ROATAN-A.pdf
Human Right and social inclusion * More quality actions around: Strengthenthe Human DevelopmentSustainable (Informe Brutdland- 1987). Integraleducation Strengthennationallaws for generateanatractivearea for internationalinvestments (generatespecialslaws for prospection and valuation of publicresources CDB (1992) ** Strengthen of generationof knowledgequalityand increaseskillstecnology. Strengthen the creativity, innovation, property sence, global culture and happiness- spiritual growth. Strengthen the professionals competences for enterpreunerships and corporate culture.** *
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