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2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop. Giovanni in Russia at Moscow State University: aerosol studies and educational process. Dr. Natalia Chubarova Faculty of Geography, Moscow S tate University, 119991, Moscow, Russia, chubarova@imp.kiae.ru. Scientific aspects:
2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop Giovanni in Russia at Moscow State University: aerosol studies and educational process. Dr. Natalia Chubarova Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Russia, chubarova@imp.kiae.ru
Scientific aspects: Aerosol studies are one of the main objectives in the scientific activity at the faculty of Geography of Moscow State University and Meteorological Observatory of Moscow State University (http://www.momsu.ru/english.html ). Giovanni system is widely used to obtain different datasets for our aerosol studies. The main objectives: • Spatial and temporal variability of aerosol properties over Northern Eurasia • Validation of aerosol retrievals against measurements at the Meteorological Observatory of Moscow State University and other Russian sites.
1. Aerosol climatology in UV spectral range over Europe from MODIS via Giovanni and AERONET: Using the aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm from MODIS (collection 5) for the 2000–2008 period combined with the aerosol products from the ground-based AERONET network since 1996, monthly mean values of key aerosol parameters have been obtained with 1 degree resolution over Europe.
Monthly spatial distribution of AOT at 340 nm according to MODIS/AERONET data. • from Chubarova N. Y. Seasonal distribution of aerosol properties over Europe and their impact on UV irradiance Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2, 593–608, 2009, www.atmos-meas-tech.net/2/593/2009/
MODIS/AERONET AOT at 308nm Distribution of PM2.5 aerosols over Europe in 2000, From LOTOS-EUROS aerosol analysis system. Apr
January April July October Relative ( left) and absolute (right) differences in UV index due to aerosol • from Chubarova N. Y. Seasonal distribution of aerosol properties over Europe and their impact on UV irradiance Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2, 593–608, 2009, www.atmos-meas-tech.net/2/593/2009/
Temporal variations of AOT500 in Moscow and Zvenigorod during 7 August 2010, when the highest aerosol loading was observed (a); spatial aerosol variation according to MODIS AOT550 data over the Moscow region for the same day (b) (from http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/giovanni). from N. Chubarova et al., 2012. “Smoke aerosol and its radiative effects during extreme fire event over Central Russia in summer 2010 Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 557–568, 2012, www.atmos-meas-tech.net/5/557/2012/doi:10.5194/amt-5-557-2012
The dependence of LDI increase (deltaE0=E0meas-E0calc)calculated as a function of AOT500 with the same temperature and W. Daytime conditions at AOT500>1. from Nezval, Chubarova 2012
Educational aspects: • We use the Giovanni system in seminars devoted to the satellite aerosol data in the course “Meteorological datasets” • During the student summer practices in different geographical regions of Russia. • As a tool in the research student projects.
Class work in the course “Meteorological datasets” • We use the Giovanni system as a very useful tool for students to make a brief acquaintance with different datasets and methods of satellite measurements and to make the analysis of the obtained results. The main objectives of this educational program are • to learn student to critically analyze different sort of data (mainly gas species, aerosol and radiation) and • to reveal the climate related features from real datasets.
Some examples of the tasks concerning aerosol at the seminars: • MODIS AOT 550 and Angstrom exponent comparison and their analysis over different geographical regions- ocean and continental areas, as well as over large cities. • Comparison of different aerosol collections available in Giovanni.
Another applications in student summer practices: • Volcanic aerosol plumes. The volcanic aerosol cloud migration from aerosol datasets and the comparisons with the backward trajectories analysis. • The distribution of fire aerosol plumes over European territory in July-August 2010 and its intensity together with backward trajectories analysis.
Volcano “Kizimen”, Kamchatka, 21 July 2011 before the eruption 21/07/2011 after from the report prepared by AndreyDebolsky, Kamchatka summer student practice materials 2011.
The student research projects: January July • Konstantin Verichev’s project was devoted to the development of corrected aerosol maps over Russia in different months on the base of MODIS and ground-based aerosol measurements. MODIS data were obtained via Giovanni system. April October from K. Verichev, N.Chubarova “Spatial distribution of aerosol characteristics on the base of satellite and ground measurements” 2010 . student project. 3d course.
Seasonal cycle of different satellite products. Moscow. from K. Verichev, N.Chubarova “Spatial distribution of aerosol characteristics on the base of satellite and ground measurements” 2010 . / student project. 3d course.
Mean fire power in MW over 2002-2008 taken from Giovanni system april july october from K. Verichev, N.Chubarova “Spatial distribution of aerosol characteristics on the base of satellite and ground measurements” 2010 . student project. 3d course.
Correlation coefficients between the MODIS AOT550 and fire mean power for revealing the areas were the effects of fire aerosol can prevail. from K. Verichev, N.Chubarova “Spatial distribution of aerosol characteristics on the base of satellite and ground measurements” 2010 . Scientific student project. 3d course.
Conclusions: Giovanni is a very useful tool both in the scientific analysis and educational process. I hope that it will be successfully developed further and this would be the best l’hommage to Gregory Leptoukh memory.