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Vision and Values of the Community Action Movement. We pledge to rededicate ourselves
1. Job Readiness: Filling a Gap in the Employment and Training System Patricia Pelletier, Planning and Workforce Development Director MASSCAP
Beth Hogan, Executive Director
North Shore Community Action Programs, Inc.
Shannon Robichaud, Employment and Training Director
Community Teamwork, Inc.
2010 Community Action Partnership Annual Convention
September 2, 2010 The Job Readiness Pilot Project is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development
2. Vision and Values of the Community Action Movement We pledge to rededicate ourselves “to eliminating poverty in the midst of plenty in this Nation by opening to everyone the opportunity for education and training, the opportunity to work, and the opportunity to live in decency and dignity.” (Economic Opportunity Act of 1964)
3. Workforce Investment Act (WIA) System
Core Services
Intensive Services
Training Services Group contracting vs. ITA. CAAs should advocate for group training contracting.
Group contracting vs. ITA. CAAs should advocate for group training contracting.
4. WIA Core Services Available to all adults with no eligibility requirements. Services include:
Job search and placement assistance (including career counseling)
Labor market information (which identifies job vacancies; skills needed for in-demand jobs; and local, regional and national employment trends)
Initial assessment of skills and needs; information about available services
Some follow-up services to help customers keep their jobs once they are placed
5. WIA Intensive Services Services for unemployed individuals who are not able to find jobs through core services alone. Intensive services include:
More comprehensive assessments
Development of individual employment plans
Group and individual counseling
Case management
Short-term pre-vocational services
6. WIA Training Services Training services which are directly linked to job opportunities in the local area. These services may include:
Occupational skills training
On-the-job training
Entrepreneurial training
Skill upgrading
Job readiness training
Adult education and literacy activities in conjunction with other training
7. Job Seeker Services at One-Stop Career Centers (OSCC’s) Job search assistance and access to online job listings
On-Site employer recruitments
Career counseling, support services
Access to resources including PCs, reference materials, resume building software, and economic data
Unemployment insurance walk-in services
Access to and information on education & training Assumes that people coming in have certain basic skills and soft skills.Assumes that people coming in have certain basic skills and soft skills.
8. Typical OSCC Process Determine eligibility
Screen for employability, likelihood of good initial wage, and likelihood of lasting on the job.
Receive a voucher (“ITA”)
Refer to appropriate training program
Each WIB area established priorities for use of training funds. Career Centers are overwhelmed with customers during the recession. Many low-income, low-skilled people are unable to access the system. Entrance criteria for training programs usually require good reading/writing, communications skills, “soft” skills, etc. So where do people go if they don’t have these characteristics?Each WIB area established priorities for use of training funds. Career Centers are overwhelmed with customers during the recession. Many low-income, low-skilled people are unable to access the system. Entrance criteria for training programs usually require good reading/writing, communications skills, “soft” skills, etc. So where do people go if they don’t have these characteristics?
9. Other Ways Low-Income People Access Training/Education in Massachusetts Adult Basic Education System (ABE/GED/ESOL) – MA DESE
Job Corps
Community Colleges
Community Based Organizations
Proprietary Schools
Competitive Integrated Employment Services (CIES—TANF)
Audience Question: What are some ways in your state?Audience Question: What are some ways in your state?
10. Low Income Population in Massachusetts (Excluding Young Students) From "Who Are the Low Income Chronically Unemployed and Underemployed Popluation of Massachusetts? Why Are They Low Income?" - Andrew Sum, Ishwar Khatiwada, Sheila Palma, Center for Labor Market Studies, Northeastern University, April 2010 From Andrew Sum study…Low income people are hardest hit in economic recession. 61% of the low income population in A have a high school diploma or less. This group worked fewer weeks (0 – 26) in the year prior.From Andrew Sum study…Low income people are hardest hit in economic recession. 61% of the low income population in A have a high school diploma or less. This group worked fewer weeks (0 – 26) in the year prior.
11. Systemic Barriers for Low Income People OSCC’s system geared toward quick turn around to jobs (6 months or less), therefore people must be “ready”
Many lower-skilled, low-income people are unable to meet the entrance criteria (academic levels, “employability” skills) for OSCC’s training programs
Few support services (wrap-around works supports) available for people with multiple barriers to employment in OSCC system (such as those that CAAs offer)
Limited stand-alone, intensive job readiness/soft skills programs available in WfD system (devoted primarily to TANF adults)
Few services for Limited English Speaking population
12. MASSCAP’s Job Readiness Project Target Group TANF recipients
Limited, sporadic or non-existent work history
Long term unemployed
Homeless/at risk of homelessness
Immigrants (w/legal status)
Long-term unemployed/under-employed
Older youth at risk (high school drop out, court involved)
Education levels between 3.0 and 6.0 GLE or SPL 4
These characteristics are barriers to services in OSCC system. Most vulnerable in recession. DHCD (CSBG state agency) recognized a gap, which became much more prominent in the recession…..
These characteristics are barriers to services in OSCC system. Most vulnerable in recession. DHCD (CSBG state agency) recognized a gap, which became much more prominent in the recession…..
13. Comparison of Training Topics
OSCC’s Resumes
Cover Letters
Career Exploration
Labor Market Trends
(most are 60-90 minutes) MASSCAP Job Readiness Exploring My Story, Creating My Path (10 hours)
Career Readiness Skills (30 hours)
Preparing to Enter the World of Work (15 hours)
Soft Skills to Get and Keep a Job: Communications and Interpersonal Skills (25 hours)
Financial Foundations for Success (20 hours)
Job Search and Retention (20 hours)
Computer Literacy/Internet MASSCAP’s project includes much more intensity…(refer to curriculum Table of Contents)MASSCAP’s project includes much more intensity…(refer to curriculum Table of Contents)
14. A Curriculum Sampling Identifying Job Values (p. 34-36)
Rank the Job Values Inventory from 1 to 12 with 1 being the most important and 12 being the least important.
15. Job Readiness Strategic Partnership Explain Explain
16. Results of MASSCAP-DHCD Strategic Partnership DHCD provided “seed” funding to develop pilot job readiness project
MASSCAP designed pilot model and curriculum
MASSCAP coordinated Job Readiness Pilot Project with 3 CAAs
17. Unique Aspects of Developing the Job Readiness Pilot Project Developed project design and curriculum using a collaborative model (DHCD, MASSCAP WD Committee, Women’s Union, SABES)
Implemented assessment/evaluation process (w/ IASP-Brandeis)
Intensive documentation of processes
Developing replication guide for sustainability/expansion
18. Elements of the Job Readiness Project Model Outreach and recruitment
Intake and assessment
120 hours of classroom and independent curriculum
Partnerships with local businesses, post secondary education, job training system
Case management and support services
Assessment and evaluation
19. Job Readiness Pilot Project Sites Community Teamwork, Inc.Lowell, MA
North Shore Community Action Programs, Inc.
Peabody, MA
Community Action!
Greenfield, MA
20. Successes Creative Programming
Computer Literacy Training
Overcoming Barriers to Participation
Connecting with Students
Filling gaps
21. Challenges Participant barriers
Participant buy-in
Multi-level classrooms/English proficiency
Connecting with other systems
22. Student Spotlight
Why the Job Readiness Project
Worked for Me Student presentsStudent presents
23. Overall Progress to Date Demographics 158 Enrollments
89 TANF (56%)
124 Unemployed
49 Homeless/near homeless
114 Females
44 Males
Ages 16-70 Outcomes 108 Completed Curriculum
41 Entered GED/ESOL Class
23 Entered Post-Secondary Education
30 Got Job
22 Entered Job Training
17 Dropped Out
24. Some Lessons Learned Improve up-front student assessments
Have plan for addressing multi level students in one class (use peer mentors, responsive teaching methods)
“Captured audience” (i.e. homeless shelter/housing services program, DTA vendor status) works best for recruitment vs. general public recruitment
Good partnerships are key to success