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WSPIR REGIONAL FORUMS. Topics for Discussion. The role of the SDF The role of the Training Committee Definition of Disability Regulations – WSPIR WSPIR Template 2008/09 WSPIR Online Submission Criteria for approval of the WSPIR Advantages of submitting the WSPIR. Slide 2.
Topics for Discussion • The role of the SDF • The role of the Training Committee • Definition of Disability • Regulations – WSPIR • WSPIR Template 2008/09 • WSPIR Online Submission • Criteria for approval of the WSPIR • Advantages of submitting the WSPIR Slide 2
SESSION 109h45 – 10h30The Role of the SDFThe Role of the Training CommitteeDefinition of Disability Slide 3
The Role of the SDF Who is an SDF? An SDF is a person who will ensure that the organisation’s Workplace Skills Plan / Implementation Report is developed and implemented and also serves as a liaison person between the company and the SETA. Slide 4
The SDF can be appointed from within the organisation, usually a person within the training division and/or Human Resources Division. An independent (external) SDF can also be used to assist the organisation with the implementation of skills development at the workplace Slide 5
The role of the SDF: The SDF is responsible for: • The development and planning of the organisation’s skills development strategy • Enabling the SETA to maintain a register of contacts with whom it can liaise • Facilitating a mechanism through which grant allocations can be released from SETA’s to organisations Slide 6
The following may be appointed as an SDF: • An employee • A formally contracted, external person • A person who is jointly employed by this employer and a number of other employers to assess the skills development needs of the group of employers and the employees concerned Slide 7
Requirements and Functions of an SDF: An SDF acts as a resource person to stakeholders within the organisation. The SDF must have a good understanding of the legislation, regulations and their implications for the workplace. Slide 8
SDF Functions: • Liaise with the SETA • Develop Quality Assurance / Management Systems • Develop the WSP • Submit the WSP • Implement the WSP • Draft the IR (Implementation Report) against the WSP Slide 9
The SDF must: • Assist the employer and employees to develop a WSP which complies with the SETA requirements • Submit the WSP to the SETA • Advise the employer of the implementation of training against the WSP • Advise the employer on quality assurance requirements as set out by the SETA • Serve as a contact person between the employer and the SETA • The SDF must be registered with the SETA (Refer to SDF Registration Form) Slide 10
SDF’s can register as follows: • Online (through the website – www.hwseta.org.za) • Fax • Email • Once the SDF has registered online or via email / fax, the application will be evaluated. • Once the application has been evaluated, the SDF will be contacted with a password and username. • This password and username will allow the SDF access to the SMS. Slide 11
To register online, log onto: www.hwseta.org.za • Select Stakeholder Login • Please select: Register as a Skills Development Facilitator, as follows: Slide 12
The Role of the Training Committee Organisations that employ more than 50 employees must establish an in-company committee for consultation with regard to skills development. Slide 14
The Process: • Step 1 – Establish the Training Committee • Step 2 – Train the Training Committee • Step 3 – Give Input on the Appointment of an SDF • Step 4 – Give Input into the Organisation’s Skill Priorities Slide 15
Step 5 – Give Input Into the WSP • Step 6 – Finalise the Draft WSP • Step 7 – Prepare the Implementation Report • Step 8 – Monitor Quality and Progress of Training Interventions Slide 16
Definition of Disability The Employment Equity Act, No 55, 1998, Section 54(1)(a) defines people with disabilities as follows: People who have a long term or recurring physical or mental impairment which substantially limits their prospects of entry into, or advancement in, employment. Slide 17
First, a person must have an impairment: • An impairment may either be physical or mental or a combination of both. • A physical impairment means “a partial or total loss of a bodily function or part of the body”. • A mental impairment is a clinically recognised condition or illness that affects a person’s thought processes, judgements or emotions. Slide 18
Secondly, the impairment must also be long-term or recurring: • Long-term means the impairment has lasted or is likely to persist at least 12 months. • Recurring means the impairment in one that is likely to happen again and to be substantially limiting. The condition can go away for a period of time and return again but it is never cured. Slide 19
Progressive conditions are those that develop or change or recur. People living with progressive conditions or illnesses are considered as people with disabilities once the impairment starts to be substantially limiting. Slide 20
Thirdly, the impairment must be substantially limiting: • An impairment is substantially limiting if its nature, duration or effects substantially limit a person’s ability to perform essential functions of the job for which he/she is being considered. Slide 21
SESSION 210h30 – 11h30Regulations – WSPIRWSPIR Template 2008/09 Slide 20
Regulations - WSPIR • WSPIR submissions must be made on or before 30 June 2008. • The signature page needs to be signed off. • Proof of consultation with the Training Committee needs to be attached (if applicable) • The WSPIR submission must include the following: • A copy of a cancelled cheque • EMP201 Slide 21
WSPIR Template 2008/09 Please refer the copy of the WSPIR Template for 2008/09 from your handout pack for this session. Slide 22
SESSION 311h45 – 13h00WSPIR Online SubmissionQuestion / Answer Session Slide 23
WSPIR Online Submission Please remove the Online Submission Print Screens from your handout pack for this session Slide 24
SESSION 414h00 – 15h00Criteria for Approval of the WSPIRAdvantages of Submitting the WSPIR Slide 25
Criteria for Approval of the WSPIR • The submission must be made with the following documents attached: • Copy of a cancelled cheque • EMP201 • The SDL number must be registered with the HWSETA • Levy exempt organisations that are unable to obtain a SDL number from SARS – need to apply for an E-number. Slide 26
Organisations requiring an E-Number will need to submit the following with their WSPIR: • A copy of a cancelled cheque • EMP201 • Tax Clearance Certificate • Proof of Company Registration • A covering letter requesting an E-Number from the HWSETA Slide 26
The SDF must be registered with the HWSETA • For organisations submitting with a hard copy: • Please ensure that ALL SECTIONS of the document are completed. • For organisations submitting online: • Please note your submission will not be successful if you have left any field blank Slide 27
Please ensure that your SDL Number is written on the space allocated on each page. • If your organisation is submitting online – the following documents need to be faxed or emailed through to the HWSETA Head Office: • Copy of a cancelled cheque • EMP201 • Signature Page • Proof of Consultation (if applicable) Slide 28
The WSPIR must be submitted on or before the 30th of June 2008!!! Slide 29
Advantages of Submitting the WSPIR • Levy paying organisations receive upto 50% of their levy contributions in the form of Mandatory Grants • All organisations (levy-paying, non-levy paying and government departments) qualify to apply for Discretionary Grants. Slide 30
These Discretionary Grants will be: • Learnerships • Skills Programmes • Internships • Work Experience Grants • Bursaries • ABET Slide 31
Levy Exempt Organisations that identify training needs for the Sector Priorities will qualify to access the Sector Priority Grant. • During the 2007/08 financial year, the following Sector Priorities were funded: • ABET • Computer Skills • Customer Service • Financial Management • Fundraising Slide 32
HIV/AIDS • Human Resource Management • Life Skills • Management, Development and Leadership • Project Management • Research Slide 33
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE. Please visit our website: www.hwseta.org.za Or Contact our Head Office: Tel: (011) 607-6900 Fax: (011) 616-8939 Slide 34