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Coyote Policies & Expectations. The purpose of the agenda is to help you stay organized with assignments & to help with communication between school & home. Agendas. Agendas must be brought to every class, everyday. You have 1 week of practice until detentions are assigned.
The purpose of the agenda is to help you stay organized with assignments & to help with communication between school & home. Agendas • Agendas must be brought to every class, everyday. You have 1 week of practice until detentions are assigned. • Teachers will stamp every day in every class. • A record of hall passes is in the back cover of your agenda. Use your hall passes sparingly. Once the chart is full for the quarter, you may no longer leave the room during class. • If your agenda is damaged or lost, you are responsible for replacing it. The hall passes will be voided for that quarter. • Agendas are a communication tool, not a doodling pad. If you are a doodler, use a different notebook or you will have to buy a new agenda. • A perfect week of agenda stamps = Coyote Cash
Coyote Cash Coyote Cash can be earned for demonstrating Pride in the PACK! Teachers will reward students throughout the year with opportunities to spend the Coyote Cash. Middle School students will also be able to buy entry into Coyote Cash events.
Late Work Policy All assignments are expected to be turned in on their due date. If an assignment is missing, you will still be held accountable for completing it with accuracy and satisfactorily. This could mean that you will have working lunches or after school study sessions to make-up these assignments. Plan for big projects accordingly! .
Dress Code • Clothes must be modest- no spaghetti or thin straps, no undergarments showing or bare midriffs exposed. • Shorts must reach the length of your fingertips with extended arms at sides. • Clothing and hats must not have offensive or inappropriate print or pictures. • No pajamas or slippers except on Spirit Days when specified. • Hats may be worn to school, but must be removed inside any building. ***The exact expectations are listed in the HUSD Code of Conduct.
Synergy/ParentVUE Our district uses the on-line grading program called Synergy. Parents can log-in using the link on the school’s website and their student’s credentials or obtain a ParentVUE access code from the front office. This is where you will be able to monitor your student’s grades and access class documents and helpful website links. Log-in info: Username: firstname lastname Password: S.(student ID number)
Odds & Ends • Electronics are not supposed to be brought to school. Cell phones should be TURNED OFF during school hours. • Gum chewing is not allowed on campus- that means even before school starts & at lunch. Detention will be assigned for chewing gum- no arguments. • Athletic eligibility will be signed on Thursdays & Fridays during your class time. Do not interrupt other classes to get yours signed.
7 Habits of Effective Teens • Objective: This course is designed to help students develop an awareness and sense of ownership for the direction of their lives. • This class will have 28 lessons spread-out for the whole year. Therefore, on our once a week class, we will be reading, writing, exploring, analyzing, and discussing the topics mentioned in 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.
Solving Equations & Inequalities Ratios, Proportions & Percents Geometry Data Analysis & Probability Polynomials • Number Sense • Operations with Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions • Solving Equations • Ratios, Proportions & Percents • Integer Operations Pre-Algebra
Grades are updated weekly on Synergy 20% In-Class Practice & Projects 30% Unit Tests 30% Standards Concept Quizzes 20% Quarterly Assessment or Semester Final www.parentvue.husd.org/login Grading
Class Curriculum • 1st Quarter –Scientific Method, Rocks & Minerals • 2nd Quarter- Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes & Volcanoes • 3rd Quarter- Water & Atmosphere, Meteorology • SCIENCE FAIR! • 4th Quarter – Astronomy, ** Field Trip to Science Center
Grading Labs/in-class work – 25% Tests – 20 % Semester Final- 10 % Projects- 25% Homework- 20% If score is lower than 75% on a test, student can retake and the scores will be averaged.
Online Textbook Textbooks will not come home my.hrw.com Each student will have a login/password Time will be given in class with books and the online textbook is there to complete work
Mrs. Olson Kaycie.olson@husd.org Language Arts
Grading • My grading scale is as follows: 90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D 59&Below=F • I do not weight grades. Each assignment is given a point value, which varies with each assignments. Students will be graded on tests, assignments, practice, and participation. • Students must read a minimum of 30 minutes each night Monday-Friday.
Language Arts • Bridge year to Common Core Standards • Literary Analysis • Literary Response • Narrative Writing • Non-fiction analysis • Persuasive Reading/Writing • Research
Activities to look forward to • Literature Circles • Research writing • Individual and Team Presentations • Accelerated Reader • Essay Writing • Imaginative writing
Mr. Brandenburg • Social Studies • Phone Number-*6971 • Hours-7:40-3:40pm or any day during lunch. Also available by appointment. • Room 312 • Email-brent.brandenburg@husd.org
Social StudiesClass Description This course is American History from 1800 to 1941, beginning with Arizona History and Citizenship and continuing with a journey from the Civil War to the Great Depression. • Rights of a Citizen • Civil War • Age of Imperialism • Emergence into the Modern United States • U.S. Government • Government Systems • Roaring Twenties • The Great Depression
Textbook We will use multiple textbooks this year including: United States History The textbook is only one source of information; students will also be using the Internet and other resources, such as; primary source documents, videos, simulations, and nonfiction books in their historical research.
Grading Student grades will come from areas: Participation-10% Practice/Homework-20% Tests, Projects, & Quizzes-50% Final-20%
Algebra 1 • Allison Kerivan • Experience • Ways to contact me: • Allison.kerivan@husd.org • Voice Mail : 279-6945
Math Curriculum • McDougall Littell Series • Supplemental materials • Block scheduling allows for activity based learning • Games • Real life application • Project • Group work
Expect daily homework • Not Graded – Nightly Practice • Weighted Grades • No Late Work • Absent work can be found on Teacher Page • Check students agendas, Teacher page or Synergy for updates • Grades are updated daily on Synergy Algebra Grading
Visual Arts-7th GradeMrs. Duffield • Visual Arts is four days a week for 50 minutes. • Students are focusing on the Elements and Principles of Design, they will be using various media to complete their projects. • Students are keeping a sketchbook in class for notes and bellwork. • There is a assignment given every week to do at home, it includes drawing and art history. • Schedule and Pictures of Projects are available on my teacher webpage, as are downloads, wish lists, calendars, and blog. • Grades are also available through the teacher page. • Please e-mail me at sara.duffield@husd.org if you have any questions or concerns. • I am available in the gym for any questions this evening?
BandMr. Montoya Master of Music Education, University of Colorado, Boulder shawn.montoya@husd.org 480 279-9756 • Arizona State Music Standards • Strand 1: Create Music • Playing instruments, alone and with others, music from various genres and diverse cultures. • Reading and notating music. • Strand 2: Relate • Understanding music in relation to history and culture. • Understanding music in relation to self and universal themes. • Strand 3: Evaluate • Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. • Evaluating music and music performances.
6th-8th Grade Physical Education Kyle Hall 1st Year at Coronado Elementary Completed Master’s Degree in Physical Education at ASU (April 2012) The program is student-centered with the core focus on physical activity and motor skill development. In class we will be covering a variety of health-related topics and activities that promote lifelong physical activity. Team, individual, and dual sport skills will be covered throughout the quarter. The process of learning the skills rather than the product or outcome will be emphasized throughout. Grading Points will be awarded each day to a maximum of 20 points. Points will be awarded for the following: *Dress attire (5 points) *Appropriate behavior & attitude (5 points) *Participation in all four parts of lesson (5 points) *Skill Performance (5 points) Absence/Makeup Procedures When a child is unable to participate in class due to injury/illness they will have to complete the following to receive full points for absence. Complete a 2-3 paragraph article review of a health/sport related topic or participate in a physical activity of 60 or more minutes (Must be signed by a parent). All reviews must be handed in 7 days after absence. **A note from a parent is required to excuse a student due to illness or injury. It will be accepted for a maximum of three consecutive days. Any longer, absence will require a doctor’s note. Contact: Phone (Direct): 480-279-6963 Phone (School): 480-279-6900 E-mail: kyle.hall@husd.com
Miss Amanda Block Master’s of Music Ed. [choir, general music] Bachelor’s of Music Ed. [choir, general music] Eighth year teaching; 5th in Higley; 2nd at Coronado Teaching K-5 general music, 6th-8th gr. Choir • Basic Music Theory • (types of notes and note names) • Sight-singing • (using solfege—Do, Re, Mi…) • Notation • (writing music on staff paper) Welcome to Middle School CHOIR
Additional Choir Curriculum & Performances Quarter One Performance: Wednesday, October 3rd 7:00-8:30 at the HCPA Quarter Two Performance: In Our Coronado Gym Confidence-Building Activities (Solos—not mandatory, but encouraged ) (Speaking and singing in front of class) (Constant Positive Affirmation) (Getting-to-know-you activities) (Strong, immediate discipline for bullying) • Listening and Analyzing Music • (different styles and voicings) • Cross-Curricular Activities • (Rhythm--Math) • (Writing song lyrics, reading poetry, analyzing poetry and lyrics—Language Arts) • (Studying music history—Social Studies) • (Vocal anatomy and function—Biology)
All Gifted Students – grades 2 – 5 – welcome to attend once / week for cognitively enriched activities Gifted students – grades 6,7,& 8 – attend once/ month; also invited to field trips Ms. Engel – Gifted Specialist and Differentiation Coach – Room 501 2012-13 School Year explained
GIFTED QUALIFIED… • For the parents of children who have been identified as gifted, Ms. Engel asks that you attend Curriculum Night for Gifted Students on September 20 in Room 501. • She is also available for discussion on Thursday, August 23 in the library (or gym)