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Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School!. Spirituality, Scholarship, Service. Tuesday April 23. DAY 3. Miss Benacquista’s acting class will meet at 3:10 today in the JOA theater.
Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
TuesdayApril 23 DAY 3
Miss Benacquista’s acting class will meet at 3:10 today in the JOA theater.
Today is your last chance to purchase a sweet treat and have the opportunity to win a fantastic basket filled with items such as Vera Bradley and Paul Mitchell hair products! Cupcakes today are $2.00 and you receive 3 raffle tickets with your purchase. • Thank you!
“A sweet taste of Summer” Cupcake Sale Extended to Tuesday April 23rd during all lunch periods Cost: $2 *With purchase of a cupcake, you will receive 3 raffle tickets to have a chance to win various prizes such as Vera Bradley, Paul Mitchell items and more
Attention Students! • Please remember to keep your course selection appointment at the scheduled time. • Thank You, • Guidance Office
The Anatomy Club will meet on Tuesday, April 23rd after school in the Lecture Hall. Our guest speaker, Mrs. Ozolek, will be talking about pediatrics.
Schenley Gardens service opportunity next Wednesday, April 24th. • We will leave from OC at 3:15 and return by 4:45. • If you're interested in volunteering, please see Ms. Farrell.
National French Exam Results • Congratulations to the following 4A and 5A French students: • Emma Doerfler placed 1st in our chapter and her national rank was 9! • Maria Navarro-Gutierrez placed 5th in the chapter and a national rank of 16. • Kate Girdhar was 5th in the chapter and a national rank of 12. • Lyndis Kenny-Howell was 8th in the chapter and a national rank of 16! • Stephanie Lemieux was ranked 10th in the chapter and a national rank of 19. More results from Levels 1,2,3 will be announced tomorrow.
Congratulations, Track Team • Taylor McCorkle won the 100 meter dash and the 200 meter dash on Saturday at the Tri State Coaches Track Meet. • Other OC medal winners were Olivia Rowe – 8th in the 100 meter hurdles • Sophia Means – 7th in the 1600 meter run • Melissa Zegeer – 8th in the Shot Put • 400 meter relay team of Olivia Rowe, Hanna Bursic, JaylaCappetta and Taylor McCorkle placed 4th.
Crew News • This weekend the Oakland Catholic Crew team traveled to Dillion lake in Ohio, the same location for their Midwest Championship in three weeks, for the Dillion invitational. The Varsity eight placed second in their race, coming up just short of Loyola in the sprint. • The second varsity eight rowed a tough race to come second in their event. • The third varsity eight rowed as lightweights this weekend, and finished second to a fast crew of Marietta lightweights. • The varsity and Novice four came up just short of advancing to finals, finishing fourth in a fast heat. • The Novice eight finished 2nd after a hard fought battle with Fox Chapel. • The team will be traveling to Fairfax Virginia this weekend to compete against the fast Virginia
The Oakland Catholic ultimate team won their game yesterday with a score of 15- 10. • OC Softball lost to plum 10 to 0 in 5 innings.
Kennywood School Picnic Information • Tickets will be on sale at Oakland Catholic on Thursday, May 2 from 10:30 – 11:00am. • The price of a ticket is $24 and only cash or money orders will be accepted.
ALL JOA SCHOLARS, especially SENIORS, should check their email and respond as needed!
Attention Juniors and Seniors Prom contract and Cedar Point deadlines have been extended to Friday, April 26
MAPS is holding a drive for gently used blankets and children's books. • The drive benefits the babies and young children of Angel's Place and will run through April 30th. • Donations can be dropped off in the Guidance Office.
Sign up for Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh, Saturday, April 27th. • We will fix up a home in need of repair. • See the Campus Ministry board for details. • Space is limited.
"If you missed the brochure turn in date for the second annual 'Race Against Cancer' you can still participate in the race on Saturday May 4th with the cost of not having a t shirt. You can still pick up a brochure in the office for details or to sign up before the day of the race.Thank you!
Pittsburgh PiratesCatholic School Night Friday, May 31 at 7:05 Order Forms for Tickets are available in the office.
April is HeadandNeckCancerAwareness Month • Tobacco and alcohol use are major risk factors for head and neck cancers • 3% of cancers in the United States • Commonly found in men over the age of 50 • Ribbons colors are burgundy and ivory