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ANSYS 7.1 TUTORIAL Magneto quasi-static problems Ruben Specogna A.A. 2005/06. Università di Udine Dipartimento DIEGM Gruppo di Elettrotecnica. Eddy current problem. A-V Formulation for Eddy current problems: Low frequency Time or frequency domain. EXAMPLE 1.
ANSYS 7.1 TUTORIAL Magneto quasi-static problems Ruben Specogna A.A. 2005/06 Università di Udine Dipartimento DIEGM Gruppo di Elettrotecnica Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Eddy current problem • A-V Formulation for Eddy current problems: • Low frequency • Time or frequencydomain Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
EXAMPLE 1 • Toroidal massive coil feeded by a current sinusoid with various frequencies (frequency domain simulation) • We want to see the “skin effect” in the coil Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
quasi-mag_esempio5.inp /PREP7 /TITLE,Toroidal coil in frequency domain ET,1,PLANE53 !(AIR) KEYOPT,1,1,0 !activating keypoints (by defaults are 0) KEYOPT,1,2,0 KEYOPT,1,3,1 !axisymmetric KEYOPT,1,4,0 KEYOPT,1,5,0 KEYOPT,1,7,0 ET,2,PLANE53 !(COIL) KEYOPT,2,1,4 !source: 4 = massive coil + coupled circuits KEYOPT,2,2,0 KEYOPT,2,3,1 !axisymmetric KEYOPT,2,4,0 KEYOPT,2,5,0 KEYOPT,2,7,0 ET,3,INFIN110 !(INFINITY) KEYOPT,3,1,0 KEYOPT,3,3,1 !axisymmetric Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Real constant & materials *SET,r1,1e-3 !radius of the conductor wire *SET,r,3e-3 !mean radius of the coil *SET,pi,3.141592654 !pi *SET,CURR,100 !current *SET,hf,50000 !frequency f=50kHz !defining the real constants R,1,r1*r1*pi,,0,0 !in this case we have to define !the real constant of the area of the coil, needed to !specify the source (help plane53 to see all real !constants available) !materials, UIMP is an alternative to MP UIMP,1,MURX, , ,1 !mur for air UIMP,2,MURX, , ,1 !mur for the coil UIMP,2,RSVX, , ,1.8e-7 !sigma of the conductor Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Geometric modeling CYL4,0,0,r1 !drawing the coil AGEN,,all,,,r,,,,,1 !translate all areas along x !(or use “wpave,r,0,0”) !CSYS,0 rectng,0,2*r,-r,r !air rectangle rectng,0,4*r,-2*r,2*r !inf region rectangle AOVLAP,all alls,all AATT,1 !by default all areas are associated with mat 1 LSEL,S,EXT !select all external areas ASLL,U !deselect areas that contains those lines AATT,2 !coil material to the remaining area Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
The model is complete LSTR,7,11 !create line from kp 7 to 11 LSTR,6,10 !create line from kp 6 to 10 ALLSEL,ALL !synonym of alls,all asbl,all,all !subtract lines form areas alls,all In this picture you can see the two new lines Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Mesh of air and coil !create component “infinito” LSEL,S,EXT !select external lines LSEL,U,LOC,X,0 !deselect lines on x=0 ASLL,R !select areas with the remaining lines cm,infinito,area !group this areas into a component !meshing the other areas (air and coil) alls,all CMSEL,U,INFINITO !select all less the component ESIZE,r1/4 !dimension of the mesh MSHAPE,0,2D !quadrangular element MSHKEY,0 !free mesh AMESH,All alls,all Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Mesh of air and coil Air and coil are meshed Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Meshing the infinite region CMSEL,S,INFINITO !select the component “infinito” LSLA,R !select all lines contained in this areas (blue lines) LSEL,U,LOC,Y,-2*r !(1) LSEL,U,LOC,Y,-r !(2) LSEL,U,LOC,Y,r !(3) LSEL,U,LOC,Y,2*r !(4) LSEL,U,LOC,X,2*r !(5) LSEL,U,LOC,X,4*r !(6) !assign a mesh size to !the 4 selected lines !(in red) LESIZE,ALL,,,1,1,1 AATT,3,,3,0 MSHAPE,0,2D MSHKEY,1 !mapped mesh AMESH,All 4 3 5 6 2 1 Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Meshing the infinite region The mesh of the infinite region Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Coupling with circuits 1 !the source is given by a coupling with circuits ESEL,R,MAT,,2 !select material 2 (coil) NSLE,R !select all nodes of the coil cm,cond,node !create a component “cond” !for coupling I have to choose one node of the coil !and one node of the other domains *get,nmin,node,,num,min !select the “min label” node alls,all *get,nmax,node,,num,max!select the “max” of all domain !doing so we are sure that the nodes are not the same !we create other 2 nodes external to the domain. We’ll use !this nodes as nodes for the external circuit N,nmax+1,-r,-r,0 !create a node with label nmax+1 N,nmax+2,-r,r,0 !create the other node (nmax+1) Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Coupling with circuits 2 New nodes Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Coupling with circuits 3 R,2,CURR,, !create real constant (label 2) current ET,4,CIRCU124,3,0 !et 4 (kopt 3 = Independent Current Source) !one can specify the keyopt directly with et, see “help et” TYPE,4 !element type 4 MAT,1 !air E,nmax+1,nmax+2,nmin!create a new element circu124 R,3,,!voltage is not imposed but it’s a state variable ET,5,CIRCU124,6,0!et 5 (6 = 2D Massive Conductor Voltage Source) TYPE,5 !element type 5 MAT,1 !air E,nmax+1,nmax+2,nmin !new element circu124 CP,1,CURR,cond !coupling coil-current generator CP,2,EMF,cond !coupling coil-voltage Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Coupling with circuits 4 The two generators: 1) independent current generator and 2) voltage controlled generator coupled with the coil nodes Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Solution D,nmax+1,VOLT,0,0, !V=0 on one circuit node alls,all LSEL,S,EXT !select external lines LSEL,U,LOC,X,0 !unselect line along x=0 SFL,all,INF !on this lines apply inf condition FINISH /SOLU alls,all ANTYPE,3 !frequency domain HARFRQ,0,hf, !harmonic response from 0 to hf NSUBST,10, !frequencies steps KBC,1 !stepped or ramped load (1=stepped) SOLVE FINISH Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Postprocessing |B| |J| With “Read results” -> “By pick” you can choose different frequencies. Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
EXAMPLE 2 One voltage driven coil over a receiver coil. 2d axialsymmetrical problem. Time domain solution Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Preprocessing /PREP7 /title,Analisi del transitorio ET,1,PLANE53 KEYOPT,1,1,4 !coupling with circuits KEYOPT,1,3,1 ET,2,PLANE53 KEYOPT,2,3,1 ET,3,PLANE53 KEYOPT,3,3,1 R,1,0.25,, !coil area (real constant, see help plane53) *SET,Ra1,4 *SET,Ra2,4.5 *SET,za1,11 *SET,za2,11.5 *SET,rp1,3 *SET,rp2,3.5 *SET,zp1,9.5 *SET,zp2,10 Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Materials and geometry UIMP,1,MURX, , ,1, !materials UIMP,1,MGXX, , , , UIMP,1,RSVX, , ,1.8e-08, UIMP,1,PERX, , , , UIMP,2,MURX, , ,1, UIMP,2,MGXX, , , , UIMP,2,RSVX, , ,1.8e-08, UIMP,2,PERX, , , , UIMP,3,MURX, , ,1, RECTNG,ra1,ra2,za1,za2, !geometry RECTNG,rp1,rp2,zp1,zp2, RECTNG,0,15,0,20, AOVLAP,ALL NUMCMP,AREA APLOT Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Materials and mesh ASEL,ALL ASEL,S,AREA,,1,0 CM,condatt,AREA AATT,1,,1,0 ASEL,ALL ASEL,S,AREA,,2,0 CM,condpas,AREA AATT,2,,2,0 ASEL,ALL CMSEL,U,condatt CMSEL,U,condpas CM,aria,AREA AATT,3,,3,0 ASEL,ALL CMSEL,S,condatt ESIZE,0.07143 ESHAPE,2 AMESH,ALL CMSEL,S,condpas ESIZE,0.07143 ESHAPE,2 AMESH,ALL CMSEL,S,aria ESIZE,2 ESHAPE,0 AMESH,ALL /PNUM,MAT,1 /REPLOT Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Coupling with circuits EPLOT,ALL ESEL,ALL ESEL,S,MAT,,1 NSLE,S NPLOT CM,condattnode,NODE *get,nmin,node,,num,min alls,all,all *get,nmax,node,,num,max R,2,0,1,1,0.02,61,1 RMODIF,2,15,10,1 N,nmax+1,-10,-10,0 N,nmax+2,-10, 10,0 N,nmax+3,-15, 0,0 ET,4,CIRCU124,4,3 TYPE,4 REAL,2 MAT,1 E,nmax+1,nmax+2,nmax+3 R,3,1,, RMODIF,3,15,10,2 ET,5,CIRCU124,6,0 TYPE,5 REAL,3 MAT,1 E,nmax+1,nmax+2,nmin CP,1,curr,condattnode CP,2,emf,condattnode Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
B. cond.s and solution D,nmax+1,volt,0,0, alls,all LSEL,S,EXT DL,ALL,,ASYM LSEL,ALL alls,all,all ESEL,S,MAT,,2 NSLE,S NPLOT CM,condpas,NODE NPLOT CP,3,curr,condpas CP,4,emf,condpas alls,all,all eplot /SOLUTION ANTYPE,TRANS AUTOTS,ON KBC,1 TIME,1 NSUBST,10,5000,5 TINTP,,,,1,, OUTRES,ALL,ALL SOLVE TIME,11 AUTOTS,ON KBC,1 NSUBST,50,500,10 SOLVE Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems
Postprocessing With “Read results” -> “By pick” you can choose different time instants. Specogna Ruben – ANSYS TutorialLecture 3 – Magnetostatic Problems