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MISSION, VISION, OBJECTIVES, VALUES and STRATEGY. By Dr. Humodi A. Saeed Associate Prof. of Medical Microbiology College of Medical Lab. Science Sudan University of Science and Technology E mail address: Saeed@sustech.edu. The “4” Pillars. Mission statements Vision statements
MISSION, VISION, OBJECTIVES, VALUES and STRATEGY By Dr. Humodi A. Saeed Associate Prof. of Medical Microbiology College of Medical Lab. Science Sudan University of Science and Technology E mail address: Saeed@sustech.edu
The “4” Pillars • Mission statements • Vision statements • Objectives • values
MISSION and VISION Mission Statements and Vision Statements can be power-packed drivers in a university culture when they are done right, and when they are used to release the potent energy within the students who make up that university.
MISSION and VISION The Difference Between Vision and Mission
The Difference Between Vision, and Mission What is the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement?
The Difference Between Vision, and Mission What are you trying to achieve right now (your mission)
The Difference Between Vision, and Mission Where are you going (your vision).
The “5” Corners 1. MISSION?
1. MISSION A mission statement concerns what the university is all about.
1. MISSION A mission statement gives the overall purpose of the university.
1. MISSION A mission statement explains what the university does, for whom and the benefit.
1. MISSION MISSION establishes the parameters upon which objectives are set, strategies developed and tactics implemented. The mission is a statement of university values and is also a framework within which colleges prepare their plans. It is therefore referred to as “INVISIBLE HAND”. which guides geographically scattered colleges to work independently and yet collectively towards the university objectives.
1. MISSION A mission statement answers three key questions:
1. MISSION • What do we do?
1. MISSION 2. For whom do we do it?
1. MISSION 3.What is the benefit?
1. MISSION Examples 1: Centers for Disease Control To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability
1. MISSION Example 2: Minnesota Department of Health To protect, maintain and improve the health of all Minnesotans.
1. MISSION Example 3: Ball State University is a learning community engaged in the discovery of knowledge, the integration of learning experiences, and their application through civic and professional leadership.
1. MISSION Example 4: The mission of the Johns Hopkins University Office of Human Resources is to support the people who perform the research, teaching, patient care, and public service, with quality, innovative and timely human resources policies, programs and services.
1. MISSION Coca cola • To Refresh the World... in body, mind, and spirit. • To Inspire Moments of Optimism... through our brands and our actions. • To Create Value and Make a Difference... everywhere we engage.
1. MISSION School: • Mission Statement • To provide leadership and inspiration for learning and human development in urban communities.
1. MISSION Ozaukee Bank's MissionTo make a difference in the lives of our Clients, our Associates, and the communities we serve.
1. MISSION Dell Computer's mission statement is: • "Dell's mission is to be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve. In doing so, Dell will meet customer expectations of: • Highest quality • Leading technology • Competitive pricing • Individual and company accountability • Best-in-class service and support • Flexible customization capability • Superior corporate citizenship • Financial stability"
كلية علوم المختبرات الطبية Mission
كلية علوم المختبرات الطبية Mission College of Medical Laboratory Science (CMLS) provides an opportunity for public and private healthcare centers, hospitals, organizations and other related fields to hire the quality graduates who have successfully completed the prescribed course and prepared for production career in medical laboratory science.
كلية علوم المختبرات الطبية رسالة كلية علوم المختبرات الطبية هي اتاحة الفرصة لمراكز العناية بالصحة العامة والخاصة والمستشفيات والمنظمات والمؤسسات ذات الصلة لتوظيف خريجين متميزين أكملوا بنجاح المنهج الموصوف وتم اعدادهم بمؤهل منتج في علوم المختبرات الطبية.
كلية الهندسة رسالة كلية الهندسة هي خدمة المجتمع السوداني كافة و سيؤثر خريجيها لما لهم من سمعة طيبة على مجتمعاتهم والنهوض بها من البداوة الى النهضة الحديثة في العالم اليوم. تقديم دراسات الجدوى في المشاريع الحيوية و الاقتصادية.انشاء مراكز لتدريب اكثر العناصر تاهيلا و تميزا في المجالات التي تحتاجها سوق العمل و متطلبات التنمية القومية و المحلية.
كلية الهندسة • توفير مكتبة مركزية غنية بالمراجع العلمية و الهندسية و التكنولوجية و الثقافية و بالمراجع الاجنبية و الدوريات العالمية في المجالات المختلفة مستخدمة احدث النظم المواكبة للمكتبات و كذلك انشاء مكتبة الكترونية مرتبطة بجميع مراكز المعلومات و المعارف العالمية و متصلة و موفرة لجميع الاقسام و المراكز و معاهد الكلية و وحداتها المختلفة
The “5” Corners 2. VISION
2. VISION A vision statement is what the university wants to become.
2. VISION A vision statement describes how the future will look if the university achieves its mission.
2. VISION A vision statement describes a picture of the "preferred future."
2. VISION Example 1: Centers for Disease Control Healthy People in a Healthy World.
2. VISION Example 2: Minnesota Department of Health Keeping All Minnesotans Healthy
2. VISION Example 3: • Johns Hopkins University Office of Human Resources committed to: • Be a strong, client-focused, service-oriented organization. • Pursue quality in the development and implementation of human resources practices to the extent that we become a world-class leader in the field of human resources. • Lead the university in becoming an inclusive community. • Design and implement processes / procedures that are unobtrusive and take advantage of state-of-the-art techniques and technologies. • Consult with department managers and supervisors in the management of human resources under their leadership and facilitate their ability to make decisions. • Serve as a resource to employees in supporting them to make informed decisions regarding work and life issues. • Be an open organization in terms of sharing information with each other and clients while respecting the need for confidentiality.
2. VISION Coca cola • To achieve sustainable growth, we have established a vision with clear goals. • Profit: Maximizing return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. • People: Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. • Portfolio: Bringing to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples’ desires and needs. • Partners: Nurturing a winning network of partners and building mutual loyalty. • Planet: Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference.
2. VISION School • Vision Statement • To become a premier urban school of education recognized for its diversity, and known for excellence in teaching, learning and research.
2. VISION Ozaukee Bank's VisionTo be America's Best Community Bank
2. VISION جامعة أبوظبي رؤية الجامعة تسعى جامعة أبوظبي لتصبح إحدى مؤسّسات التعليم الجامعي البارزة محليا وإقليميا ودوليا.
كلية علوم المختبرات الطبية VISION
كلية علوم المختبرات الطبية VISION College of Medical Laboratory Science committed to: • Be student-focused and research-oriented college. • Design and implement procedures that are take advantage of techniques and technologies. • Serve as a resource to employees in supporting them to make informed decisions regarding work and life issues. • Be an open college in terms of sharing information with each other and graduates while respecting the need for confidentiality. • Foster the development of the human talent of the university to maximize its contribution to teaching, research, patient care and health service.
كلية الهندسة الرؤيا • ستكون كلية الهندسة بجامعة السودان للعلوم و التكنولوجيا عام 2020م منارة افريقيا والعالم العربي عامة و السودان بصفةٍ خاصة , مصدراً للاستشارات والخدمات الهندسية في مختلف التخصصاتبما لها من باع طويل في البحث العلمي و تنوع التخصصات للمساهمة فى انتقال المجتمع الرعوي الى مجتمع معاصر يستخدم كافة انواع التكنولوجيا المتاحة و وسائط الأتصال الحديثة لتحدث التمازج المطلوب في كل بقاع السودان حتى تنهض دولة السودان معافاةً قوية.
Mission and Vision AGAIN WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Mission and Vision
Mission and Vision • your mission is what you do best every day . • your vision is what the future looks like . • - what are you trying to achieve right now (your mission)where are you going (your vision)
Mission and Vision Vision • Time & cost frame • Define planned main goal of a firm • Purpose to been achieved • Something we want to create
Mission and Vision Mission • Time & cost not framed. • Describe activity of a firm in the domain of the goal. • Guideline to what purpose is about.. • Something describe what we want to create.
3. OBJECTIVES • OBJECTIVES (GOAL)—these are almost the same in meaning. They all refer to a thing aimed at or wished for; a purpose or a target. They are things that a person or a company pursues or desire to achieve (get)
كلية علوم المختبرات الطبية Objectives