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Explore the challenges, innovations, and trends in affordable housing at the CPD certified programme in Nigeria from 9th to 11th September 2019. Learn about sustainable approaches and the importance of housing. Join us for knowledge-building and networking opportunities with industry professionals.
THE EVENT TO GROW YOUR CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS IN NIGERIA Welcome to the CPD certified programme 9 - 11 September 2019
Presentation Title HAS YOUR BADGE BEEN SCANNED? Attendance certificates are available only to attendees who have been scanned within the first 30 minutes of this session. Head over to the scanner at the entrance of this workshop theatre if your badge was not scanned. Certificates will be available for collection in two hours and can be collected at the cpd certificate collection point. Speak to a member of the staff for more information
Presentation TitleSPEAKERS: OMOYEMI OLAYIWOLA PROJECT ARCHITECT, FMA ARCHITECTS LTD TOPIC: Sustainable Approach to Affordable Housing TIME: 2:45 – 3:15 PM A f f o r d a b l e H o u s I n g & A r c h i t e c t u r e
Presentation Title Presentation Title What brings you to the conference? Knowledge building • Networking with professionals / Meet 100+ Exhibitors • My boss made me attend • I just came to cheer Omoyemi Up! •
Presentation Title Presentation Title How Do you Feel About This CPD Session?
Presentation Title Presentation Title AREAS OF DISCUSSION Introduction / Country Focus • Housing – definition, characteristics, importance • What is Affordable Housing and its importance • Challenges to Affordable Housing • Design Approach to affordable and sustainable housing • Cost and Design Innovations / Material Use • (Case Study of an affordable housing project) Conclusion •
Presentation Title Presentation Title INTRODUCTION Housing is very fundamental to the welfare, Survival and health of individuals. In microeconomic terms, housing is a significant component of household consumption and savings. In developing countries expenditure on housing, on the average, accounts for between one-seventh and one-fifth of all consumer expenditures. In addition, for the majority of households, this investment is one of the primary objectives for savings. During this session, we will take an extensive look at the concepts of housing and what affordable housing means in real terms and current trends.
Presentation Title NIGERIA – F U N F A C T S 190.9 Ranks 6th(According to the World Bank) 51.2 % Approximately (2017) Image from www.innovationiseverywhere.com
Second Longest Bridge in Africa 2 6thMost Populous Country in the world 1 With China & India In 1stand 2ndPlace Third Mainland Bridge FUN FACTS Has the Largest Diversity of Butterflies In Calabar, Cross River 3 Has the Largest Pre- Colonial Monument Sungbo- Eredo in Ijebu Ode 5 Home to 7% of spoken languages on Earth 4
75% of Nigeria’s population will live in cities by 2050 64% of Nigeria’s population Lives BELOW the poverty line The real estate sector accounts For 7% of the GDP Nigeria ranks 181 regarding the Registration of a property Home ownership rate is about 27% $1 = N 360
HOUSING DEFICIT LAGOS Estimated to be at 22 million units Lagos is the 5thMost Expensive City in West Africa to live in Nigeria has the largest cement industry in West Africa Current formal housing production is 100,000 units / year During the recession, cement Prices increased by 40% 8.5% of the close to 22 million People in Lagos live in Poverty
Presentation Title HOUSING – DEFINITION, FUNCTION, CLASSIFICATION SUSTAINABLE HOUSING Housing By Location Housing By Size Using Energy Efficiency indicators is the process of providing a large number of residential buildings with adequate physical infrastructure and social amenities (services) in planned, decent, safe and hygienic neighborhoods to meet the basic and special needs of the population. Housing Type is of a safe, secure place that provides both privacy and protection from the elements and the temperature extremes of the outside world. Ownership Rights The Concept Of The Concept Of Housing Housing Income Level Classification – Multi-Apartment residential building, One / two room house, Rural / Urban, State – owned / municipal Housing, Low/Middle /High income housing, is of a safe, secure place that provides privacy and protection from the elements the temperature extremes of the outside Use of materials Construction Period MASS HOUSING AFFORDABLE HOUSING
Presentation Title HOUSING – CHALLENGES Nearly 6 in 10 Households in Nigeria are cost burdened >> Barriers To Barriers To Healthy Healthy Housing Housing >>52.5% Overcrowding is linked to higher Rates Of infectious diseases Nigerian cities are overcowded
Presentation Title Presentation Title INTERACTIVE SESSION T W O T R U T H S A N D A L I E • Kenya, Ghana and Uganda are African countries that require Affordable Housing Interventions. • The only Important Qualifier for Affordable Housing is Income. • The concept of affordable housing differs per Region and Country.
Presentation Title Presentation Title - Also known as low income housing AFFORDABLE HOUSING - Housing is affordable when a household Spends no more than 30% of its income To live there (Housing cost burdened) SUSTAINABLE HOUSING - Also known as Green buildings - Varies per country and And region - Ability to meet the needs of the present Without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs - It is the potential to produce good quality housing at a price that is affordable both in the short and long term. MASS HOUSING - Generic housing - For the general market Large scale housing produced - Basic materials and finishes - And not client’s needs Based on initial cost of production
Presentation Title Presentation Title IMPORTANCE OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING Builds Sustainable Communities Reduces health risks associated with poor housing Eventual Financial Freedom Reduction in the number of homeless people and overcrowded communities Development of planned cities and reduction in the growth of informal settlements (SLUMS)
Presentation Title AFFORDABLE HOUSING – CHALLENGES With a country whose minimum wage is N30,000. Average individual income is N43,200 and unemployment rate is about 76% N HIGH COST OF LAND A simple 3 bedroom house can cost close to $50,000 compared with $26,000 in India N ZERO FINANCING INCOME DELAYS IN OBTAINING TITLES The prime lending rate remains high at 18.23% in April 2019, up from 17.24% in the same period last year. CONSTRUCTION COSTS Property registration is expensive. Nigeria ranks 184th out of 190 countries in Registering a property. N Land is very expensive especially around this part of town and there is zero access to Mortgage Finance
SUSTAINABLE AFFORDABLE HOUSING – DESIGN APPROACH Sustainable housing, as you might expect, is generally used to describe the process as it applies to the housing industry, in short, less waste, more re-use and recycling, together with lower life-cycle environmental impacts and costs, better reliability, less maintenance, and greater user satisfaction. The house is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save water and energy 1 Environmental reduce waste during construction and the house’s lifetime. SUSTAINABILITY CRADLE TO CRADLE It has security elements to reduce crime and improve the occupants’ sense of security. flexibility and comfort for people of varying abilities and at different life stages Social 2 Careful planning avoids the need for major future renovations and reduces costs associated with energy use, water use and maintenance. The house is designed to save money during Constructionand over the lifetime of the house. 3 Economic
SUSTAINABLE AFFORDABLE HOUSING – DESIGN APPROACH Construction Materials – use of recyclables • Methods • Phasing • Site Management Leverage on land Brownfields / Greenfields Flexible Housing (PODS) Interconnectivity Site and Service Scheme • • • • • Resource Management - Climate Responsive - Rainwater Harvesting - Energy Efficiency / Demand - Environmental Impact Local Sourcing of Materials Onsite Production Minimal Waste and Pollution Affordability • • • •
Presentation Title CASE STUDY 01 ECO – CITY PORT HARCOURT Conceived by Arc. Chinwe Ohajuruka - - Came about through a design Competition - “A building that uses 50 – 75% less energy than a similar building in a similar location”. Passive Design Prototype (Incorporating Bioclimatic Principles - Upgraded the “FACE-ME-I-FACE-YOU” housing typology
Presentation Title CASE STUDY 01 ECO – CITY PORT HARCOURT Conceived by Arc. Chinwe Ohajuruka - - Came about through a design Competition - “A building that uses 50 – 75% less energy than a similar building in a similar location”. Passive Design Prototype (Incorporating Bioclimatic Principles - Upgraded the “FACE-ME-I-FACE-YOU” housing typology
Presentation Title AFFORDABLE HOUSING - SOLUTIONS People Profit (Investors) - Public / Private Partnerships - Government Policies - Mortgage Finance - Rent to Own Schemes - Millennials Outreach - Zoning Rules Planet
Presentation Title AFFORDABLE HOUSING - SOLUTIONS In the words of ZIG ZIGLAR – “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation” Affordable green housing could well be the “silver bullet” to address the triple bottom line for sustainable development in Nigeria. With the sheer size of the Nigerian market and economy, Nigeria could lead the world in environmental sustainability, affordable green housing, green mortgages and leases, green facility management and achievement of its Sustainable Development Goals.
TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION TODAY Discuss with Stakeholders Execute Identify a Problem Financial Strategy N
Presentation Title REFERENCES MORE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Bocquet‐Appel J‐P (2011). When the world’s population took off: The springboard of the Neolithic demographic transition. Science. 2011;333:560‐1. Choguill, C. L. (2007) The search for policies to support sustainable housing, Habitat International, Vol. 31 pp. 143-149. Hulchanski, D. J. (1995) The concept of housing affordability: six contemporary uses of the housing expenditure-to-income ratio, Housing studies, Vol. 10 (4) pp. 471-492. Mulliner E, Smallbone K, Maliene V (2013). An assessment of sustainable housing affordability using a multiple criteria decision making method. Omega. 2013;41:270‐9. Mukherje M.Brief (2015). Inclusive Green Affordable Housing for All, IIT Roorkee, India (mahuafap@iitr.ac.in)* Sivam, A., Evans, D., King, R. & Young, D. (2002) An approach to improved housing delivery in large cities of less developed countries, Habitat International, Vol. 25 pp. 99-113. https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/publications/books/housing/cha01.htm https://housingfinanceafrica.org/app/uploads/Nigeria-Housing-Finance-Newsletter-2016.10.13-.pdf https://www.globalpropertyguide.com/Africa/Nigeria/Price-History https://www.alvarezdiazvillalon.com/5-reasons-affordable-housing-creates-better-world/ https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg11 https://ng.boell.org/2015/03/03/affordable-green-housing-nigeria