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A Formative Review of the 2013-2014 School Improvement Plan of OFHS

A Formative Review of the 2013-2014 School Improvement Plan of OFHS. Presented to the Orchard Farm R-V Board of Education Tuesday, February 18, 2014. AMO’s, Attendance and ACT Scores.

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A Formative Review of the 2013-2014 School Improvement Plan of OFHS

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  1. A Formative Review of the 2013-2014 School Improvement Plan of OFHS Presented to the Orchard Farm R-V Board of Education Tuesday, February 18, 2014

  2. AMO’s, Attendance and ACT Scores Measurable Objective #1: Annual Measurable Objectives will be met in all areas—OFHS will take EOC tests in the following subjects: English I and II, Algebra, Biology, American History and American Government. Initial results will be availablein May, 2014 and finalized in August, 2014. Measurable Objective #2: 90% or more of students (active and withdrawn) will achieve an attendance rate of 90% or greater—currently, 89.1 % of OFHS students have an attendance rate of 90% or higher as of Feb. 3, 2014 Measurable Objective #3: OFHS Graduate ACT scores will show improvement and will be above the national and state averages—through January, 2014, the Class of 2014 average is 23.2. The Class of 2013 average was22.0. The national average is 21.1 and Missouri’s average is 21.6. Anticipated final results are expectedin the range of 22.7 to 23.2and will be final in July, 2014.

  3. College/Career Readiness, Assessments and Post-Secondary Placement Measurable Objective #4: OFHS will have 67% or higher of its students score at or above the state standard of the ACT, SAT, COMPASS or ASVAB—currently, 70 % of students have met this standard. Measurable Objective #5: OFHS will have 38% or higher of its students score at or above the state standard on TSA assessments or receive college credit through dual credit courses—OFHS anticipates that 50% of students will meet this standard by the end of the 2013-14 school year. Measurable Objective #6: OFHS will have 90% or higher of its graduates place in post-secondary education, technical training or in the military—currently, 89.5 % of students are anticipated to meet this standard. Final results will be available in June, 2014.

  4. Graduation Rate, Student Involvement And Climate/Culture Survey Measurable Objective #7: OFHS will have a 92% or higher graduation rate for the Class of 2014—currently, 91.3% are expected to meet this standard based on 85 anticipated graduates plus 8 members who dropped out or will take 4+ years to graduate of the cohort of the Class of 2014. Final results to be determined in June, 2014. Measurable Objective #8: Increase extracurricular involvement within the OFHS student body—currently, 60 % of students participate in one or more clubs or activities, compared to 57% in 2013. Measurable Objective #9: Increase positive atmosphere for teachers and students measured by the annual Climate and Culture survey—results will be available to the BOE in March, 2014.

  5. Positive Recognition, Technology and Freshman Orientation Measurable Objective #10: Increase positive student recognition program beyond current practice of positive referrals and Wall of Fame—added Sportsmanship Measurable Objective #11: Expand the use of technology in the classroom setting to promote student engagement—a pilot project involving 3 HS teachers and 90 devices began in January 2014 with plans to continue the pilot into the 1st semester of the 14-15 school year before a final decision is to be made on a 1 to 1 device. Measurable Objective #12: Initiate a freshman orientation program beginning in the 2014-2015 school year—planning has begun to revise the current freshman orientation program and the February, 2014 Professional Development Day was spent determining pillars of importance for freshmen to be successful.

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