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Protists. Protists. Andy Dough-man Kris Cherry Aleksander Falcon. Stentor. Cilia It moves by beating its cilia Its cilia are its est adaptation. Amoeba. Sarcodina It moves using its psudeopods It also uses food vacuoles. Paramecium. Ciliaphora It moves with its ciliates

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Protists Protists Andy Dough-man Kris Cherry Aleksander Falcon

  2. Stentor Cilia It moves by beating its cilia Its cilia are its est adaptation.

  3. Amoeba • Sarcodina • It moves using its psudeopods • It also uses food vacuoles

  4. Paramecium Ciliaphora It moves with its ciliates It moves quickly

  5. Spirostonium Ciliaphora It propels its self using hairlike like fiber It found in both fresh and salt water

  6. Euglena Euglenophyta It moves using flagella It does not have a cell wall

  7. Volvox Chlorophyta Gold Colored Clorophil

  8. Nostoc Cynobacteria Blue Green Chlorophil

  9. Chlamydomonas Chlorophyta It has Flagella that move it Green Chlorophil

  10. Navicula Heterokontophyta Green Chlorophil

  11. Oedogonium Chlorphyta Green Chlorophil

  12. Anabaena Cynabacteria Blue Green Algea

  13. Spirogyra

  14. Peridinium

  15. Sphacelaria

  16. Callithamanion

  17. Trypanosome

  18. Giardia

  19. Vorticella

  20. Radiolaria

  21. Desmids

  22. Plasmodium

  23. Leshmania HAIR BALL

  24. Trichomonas

  25. Termite Flagelates HOT DOG!!!!!

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