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Attendance Matters at TPS. September 2013. Why do we care so much?
Attendance Matters at TPS September 2013 Why do we care so much? Because research clearly shows direct connections between the success of a student and the amount of time spent in school! We have so much to teach and so little time for it all…every moment matters! Our teachers carefully plan their year, month, week and day to make sure that your children are getting the very best education. Missing school means missing some valuable instruction as well as consistency in learning. Positive attendance patterns promote positive attitudes towards school, learning and friendships. “But I can’t help it…they have to miss school!” We understand that there are always times that require students to miss some school and that is why our target goal for each student is to miss no more than 3 days each school year. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss with your children the importance of attending school. You can share that there are times when missing school is important, like in the case of illness or a family emergency. We share with students that it is important to eat healthy and exercise so that we build strong bodies. When we are sick, it is just as important to rest and get well so that you can come back to school to learn and grow! Did you know… in 2006, an estimated 71% of students aged 5-17 years missed school days because of illness, 56% missed 1 to 5 days, 10% missed 6 to10 days and 5% missed more than 11 days of school. www.cdc.gov/ TPS GOAL: Students will attend school 95.7% of the time! The attendance committee will continue to celebrate excellent attendance throughout the year. As a school, our target is for students to be here 95.7% of the time. When we meet that goal each month, you will receive a note home sharing that exciting news and how we will celebrate as a school. In the past, we have done so with crazy hat days, school spirit days, and other fun activities. Our attendance rate so far this year has been: August 97.5% WOW! Keep it up TPS! School Health Staff Here to Help You! The Health Room at Thurmont Primary is staffed by Becki Esposito, Certified Nursing Assistant, Health Room Technician. Ms. Becki is supervised by School Nurse, Deirdre Dorr, Registered Nurse. If you would like help with any of your child’s health needs (health insurance, counseling, prescriptions, glasses, dental referrals, etc.), please call Nurse Deirdre Dorr, her direct line is 240-236-2807.