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Religion and Colonization

Religion and Colonization. Webquest Read Blood Speaks Visual Reading and Performance Brebeuf’s Ghost Dialectical Journal Philosophical Chairs. Religion and Colonization day 1. Warm-up Write about a time when someone tried to make you do something that was against your beliefs. Agenda

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Religion and Colonization

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  1. Religion and Colonization • Webquest • Read Blood Speaks • Visual Reading and Performance • Brebeuf’s Ghost • Dialectical Journal • Philosophical Chairs

  2. Religion and Colonization day 1 Warm-up • Write about a time when someone tried to make you do something that was against your beliefs. Agenda • Choose a question to research • Begin web quest

  3. Religion and Colonization research day 2 Warm-up • Pick a tribe and write letters back and forth as young Native American people being displaced by Colonization and religion. Describe your day and your feelings to your pen pal. Agenda • Continue researching on webquest • Make sure to annotate, take notes, cite and create a running bibliography of your research.

  4. Religion and Colonization research day 3 Warm-up • Write a response letter to your pen pal. Agenda • Finish research for webquest • Construct Prezi from notes

  5. Religion and Colonization research day 4 Warm-up • Write another response letter to your pen pal. Make sure to base your letters off real live events. Agenda • Finish Prezi • Present Prezis • Take cornell notes on other presentations • Each groups needs to create 5 questions from your own Prezi for classmates to answer. Must not be level one questions- all need to be higher level.

  6. Blood Speaks day 1 Warm-up • Take quiz over Prezis Agenda • Begin reading Blood Speaks

  7. Blood Speaks day 2 Warm-Up • Answer a discussion question online Agenda • Read silently and annotate

  8. Blood Speaks day 3 Warm-Up • Answer a discussion question online Agenda • Read silently and annotate

  9. Blood Speaks day 4 Warm-Up • Answer a discussion question online Agenda • Assign Picture Reading Performance Groups • Assign scene(s) for each group to focus on • Work in groups to create a dramatic visual of your scene. • You will be acting it out, as well as providing some type of visuals at all moments for the class.

  10. Blood Speaks day 5 Warm-up • Answer discussion question online Agenda • Work in groups to create a dramatic visual of your scene. • You will be acting it out, as well as providing some type of visuals at all moments for the class • See assignments page for details

  11. Blood Speaks day 6 Warm-Up • Answer a discussion question online Agenda • Begin acting out play from beginning, using the Picture/ Visual reading projects

  12. Blood Speaks day 8 Warm-Up • Complete all replies on the discussion board online Agenda • Finish acting out play from where we left off using the Picture/ Visual reading projects • Complete a discussion board on what difference seeing it rather than reading it made.

  13. Brebeuf's Ghost day 1 Warm-up • Write a short Ghost story, it may be one you have heard before or one that you make up. Agenda • Explain requirements for dialectical journal • Create Character Map Posters to hang on walls • Read Act 1, Scene 1

  14. Brebeuf's Ghost day 2 Warm-Up Gallery Walk pictures; write down thoughts, reflections and questions. Agenda Read silently and write in your dialectical journal. Add to the character map posters Add questions to Parking Lot board. (Must be upper level thinking questions to get grade)

  15. Brebeuf's Ghost day 3 Warm-Up Watch a video clip over Brebeuf’s Ghost Agenda Read silently and write in your dialectical journal. Add to the character map posters Add questions to Parking Lot board. (Must be upper level thinking questions to get grade)

  16. Brebeuf's Ghost day 4 Warm-up Write a diary entry from the perspective of one of the characters.Make sure to include what scene you are writing during. Agenda Read silently and write in your dialectical journal. Add to the character map posters Add questions to Parking Lot board. (Must be upper level thinking questions to get grade)

  17. Brebeuf's Ghost day 5 Warm-Up Quick Write If you could change one scene, which one would it be, what would you change it into, and why? Agenda Read silently and write in your dialectical journal. Add to the character map posters Add questions to Parking Lot board. (Must be upper level thinking questions to get grade)

  18. Brebeuf's Ghost day 6 Warm-Up Pick a question from the parking lot, and use Think, Pair, Share to discuss your thoughts on it with a partner. Agenda Discuss questions from groups who have shared. Do a storyline synopsis of the story so far on the board as a class.

  19. Brebeuf's Ghost day 7 Warm-Up Take quiz based on your discussion questions from yesterday. Agenda Wrap up your reading silently and write in your dialectical journal. Dialectical Journal needs to be complete and turned in today. Discuss the character map posters if time permits.

  20. Brebeuf’s Ghost Day 8 Warm-Up Spend a few minutes deciding which three parts of their dialectical journal to discuss with class. Agenda Each student will present 3 pieces from dialectical journal to discuss with the class in a Roundtable Discussion

  21. Brebeuf's Ghost day 9 Warm-Up Answer Philosophical chairs questions with at least a paragraph each. These should be your opinions, but need to be based on the text in the play. Agenda Philosophical Chairs Discussions

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