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Political Epochs of Poor People ( A period of time in History) _________________________________________________________. Semi-Egalitarian Tribal Groups _ Small social groups lessen the chance of internal domination and divisions. Communal not private (land)
Political Epochs of Poor People ( A period of time in History) _________________________________________________________ Semi-Egalitarian Tribal Groups _ Small social groups lessen the chance of internal domination and divisions. Communal not private (land) Slavery - The most- powerful (aggressive) force others to do their work for them without compensation. Enslaved Africans were brought in chains to the Americans where their masters often worked them to death. Bronze Age - First significant wealth divisions appear. Only the richer and more powerful could afford elaborate metal items. The POOR COMMONERS continued to struggle with stone-age tools. FIRST CIVILIZATION - 3100BC - defined by the divisions of labor and class, ruled by a bureaucracy. Privileged class gets surplus. Enclosures - Rich use private armies to fence off communal lands for their private gain - especially lucrative wool-farming. E.g. Roman Empire 500BC* England 1500AD* Scotland 1800s* NZ 1860s* India 1900s. Landless Peasants work in prison like workhouses
Colonization _________________________________________________________ Profit - making companies use royal armies to conquer foreign lands and people for commercial gain. (e.g. East India Company, NZ Company, Hudson Bay Trading Co, Congo ‘Free’ State. 1700s Peasantry becomes working class - Some rural Peasants drift to market towns where they end up working in (manufacturing)factories and so evolve into the industrial Working Class. Their new bosses and the merchants - who sell the products of their labor - become the middle class.
The INDUSRTIAL REVOLUTION • 1700S - The French Revolution - 1787 - 1799 that shook France • 1770s - The American Revolution - the United Colonial Resistance 1772 - “The Boston Tea Party” 1773 - and other artisans- based radicals- “Mechanics” vs. Profiteers which later led to the Declaration of Independence 1776. • The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. • The Ground was prepared by the voyagers of discovery from Western Europe in the 15th & 16th century, which led to a vast influx of precious metal from the New World, raising prices, stimulating industry, and fostering a money economy. • In the 17th century the Dutch were in the fore front financially.
I.R. in Great Britain With the establishment of Bank of England in 1694. Capitalism appeared on a large scale, and a new type of commercial entrepreneur development from the old class of merchant adventures. Many machines were already known, and there were sizable factories using them, wood was the only fuel, water and wind the power of these early factories. 18th century an expanding and wealthier population demanded more and better goods. In the productive process, coal came to replace wood. Early -model steam engines were introduced to drain water and raise coal from the mines. Cotton Textile was the key industry early in the Industrial Revolution. James Hargreaves’s spinning jenny (patented 1770), Edmund Cartwright’s power loom (patented 1783)
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN THE 1700’S • Inventions increase production and profits for the privileged wealthy few, while life for the Poor becomes worse. • SOCIAL CONTRACTS - Tom Paine’s Rights of man’ and Mary Wollstonecraft’s ‘Rights of Women’ • say that rulers have an obligation to their subjects and that people contribute better to society when they are free. • (Later Marx’s’ Communism Manifesto’ Observed” the worker poorer the more wealth he produces.”) • 1789 -The French revolution - Extravagant lifestyles of the privileged rulers forces the nation to near bankrupt. The Poor and middle-class intellectuals turn on the aristocracy (people born in the highest class) and set up a more democratic-like government. • In the case of American Revolution, the people turned on their English Rulers.)
1837-CHARTISTS (principles of U.K. Reform Movement 1837-1848)_________________________________________________________ • Name taken from the Manifesto ‘Peoples Charter’ • Movement for parliamentary reform, including voting rights for the common Poor. ( Chartist influenced Socialist ideas) • EDUCATION - Education and other knowledge sharing tools like the printing press, TV and radio can tell the people that they don’t have to live in poverty. • UNFORTUNATELY,this mass communication is more often used by the Rich in spreading oppressive lying propaganda and so in effect education prepares the Poor for a life of servitude (slavery to a master).
LABOR UNIONS_________________________________________________________ • 1800’S - WORKERS band together to push powerful bosses for better working conditions and share of the profits. • 1890’s - Poor gets voting rights to elect their own representatives into parliament so they have a chance to rule their own lives. • 1890’s -DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS - For a while, rulers begin looking after the interest of the Poor, and not just the rich and powerful. Some return to communal property, resulting in a more equal distribution of wealth and so less poverty. • PEOPLE LIVE MUCH LONGER • 1980s - NEW RIGHT - Reactionary policies to re-instate the rich and powerful as rulers of the common people, resulting in an increase in poverty.
THE HISTORY OF TRADE UNIONS _________________________________________________________ • Formation of congress of Trades Council and other Federations of Trades Societies. • February 21st 1868, the Manchester and Salford Trades Council • The purpose was, since Manchester was the main centre of Industries in the provinces. • The organizers felt by confining the congress to such bodies it was conceived that a deal of expense will be saved., as Trades will thus be represented collectively:
The subjects treated by the council are:- _________________________________________________________ 1. Trade Unions an absolute necessity. 2. Trade Unions and Political Economy. 3. The Effect of Trade Unions on Foreign Competition 4. Regulation of the Hours of Labor 5. Limitation of Apprentices 6. Technical Education 7. Arbitration and Courts of Conciliation 8. Co-Operation 9. The present Inequality of the Law in regard to Conspiracy, Intimidation, Picketing, Coercion, Etc 10. Factory Acts Extension Bill, 1867: the necessity of compulsory Inspection, & it’s application to all places where Women and Children are employed. 11. The present Royal Commission how worthy it is on T.U. Matters etc.
Why have a Congress of their own_________________________________________________________ In 1865 the trade unions found that the Social Science Association, as the middle class body in which the artizan class were,was almost entirely excluded. The then President Samuel Caldwell Nichlson & William Dronfield the Tresurer pondered, of trade unionist going to these congresses of allegedly “progressive” middle class organizations, were methodically suppressed. There came a suggestion why not have a congress of pur own. If we put the clock back in 1824, all Trade Unions combinations was illegal. Individual trade unions then found themselves struggling on a vulnerable isolation, with no national representative body through which they could hope to speak and act in unison. The first delegate conference was held in March 1868.
1 MTUC_________________________________________________________1 MTUC_________________________________________________________ SEJARAH PERGERAKAN KESATUAN SEKERJA DIMALAYSI • Sekitar 1890-1920 Pertubuhan-Pertubuhan Sulit dan Kebajikan berfungsi sebagai Kesatuan Sekerja • Dipelopori oleh pekerja Cina-ia merupakan sebahagian dari budaya dan adat resam kehidupan mereka • Terkenal dikalangan pekerja-pekerja mahir, tukang jahit, pembuat kasut, tukang emas, tukang kayu dan jurubina • Berkhidmat menyelaras pembekalan tenaga kerja kepada anggota ahli, menentukan kualiti produk, gaji masa kerja • Persatuan Mekanik, Jurugegas, Tukang Paip, Juru Kimpal ditubuhkan sekitar 1925 • Walaupun mereka tumbuh sebagai pertubuhan yang besar dengan mempunyai cawangan namum mereka diketepikan kerana dakwaan ada kaitan dengan pertubuhan sulit
2 MTUC_________________________________________________________2 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • Awal 1920an - Pekerja-pekerja India bertindak secara kolektif • Tetapi disebabkan perbuatan khianat dan pemecatan, pertubuhan yang lebih teratur tidak dapat ditubuhkan sehingga penghujung tahun 1930 • Terbentuk Parti Komunis Cina di Negeri China, merangsang pekerja Cina memperhebatkan kempen pertubuhan seterusnya menyemarkan pertubuhan kesatuan sekerja di Malaya • Pertubuhan militan ini mengancam kepentingan Kerajaan Penjajah dan Perniagaan – menangguhakn pengiktirafan sah
3 MTUC_________________________________________________________3 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • 1925 – GLU ditubuhkan di Singapura, ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa siri tindakan mogok antara tahun 1926 hingga 1928 oleh Jurugegas Cina, Pekerja Singapore Traction Company, Pembuat kasut dan Lain-lain lagi • GLU tidak dapat bertahan kerana serangan dan tekanan dari pihak polis antara 1928 – 1931
4 MTUC_________________________________________________________4 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • Tahun 1920an Pengetahuan Politik dan Perjuangan Kesatuan sekerja di India, dan peningkatan lebih ramai pekerja berpendidikan menyumbang kepada kesedaran kepentingan kesatuan sekerja dikalangan pekerja-pekerja India • 1936 Central Indian Association of Malaya (CIAM), Klang District Indian Union ditubuhkan
5 MTUC_________________________________________________________5 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • Awal 1941 Mogok oleh Pekerja Ladang India di Kawasan Kelang • Menuntut gaji lebih baik • Menentang layanan buruk terhadap pekerja dan keluarga mereka • Kurang keperluan-keperluan asas sosial • Mogok merebak di seluruh Negeri Selangor dan Negeri Sembilan • 16 Mei 1941 British menghantar tentera dan mengistiharkan darurat di negeri Selangor • Penahan dan serangan kerajaan menyebabkan kematian 5 pekerja, kecederaan serius, pengusiran, penangkapan dan penahanan pemimpin-pemimpin yang melancarkan mogok
6 MTUC_________________________________________________________6 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • Kerajaan penjajah tidak mengiktiraf kesatuan sehingga perang dunia kedua • Sikap Anti Kesatuan oleh Majikan Eropah • Tidak ada undang-undang berkaitan kesatuan sekerja • Ketegangan Kaum Buruh tahun 1930 menyebabkan kerajaan mengubal undang-undang • 1939 Trade Union Bill dan Industrial Court Bill diperkenalkan dan dikuatkuasakan dalam tahun 1940 • Namun tiada apapun berlaku sehingga selepas perang dunia kedua
7 MTUC_________________________________________________________7 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • Kesan peranan tentera Jepun dari tahun 1942 – 1945 • Peningkatan Pertubuhan Pekerja • 1945 – 1948 Perkembangan puak Pelampau Komunis menjurus kepada berkesatuan • General Labour Union tertubuh • Di-ikuti penubuhan PMGLU kemudian PMFTU Lewat tahun 1945 – mogok besar-besaran oleh pekerja, bas, keretapi, ladang, lombong dan pelabuhan – dianjurkan oleh GLU • Tuntutan – mendapatkan lebih beras, pergerakan bebas barangan makanan, pengecualian bil air dan api, juga menuntut kenaikan harga getah dan timah
8 MTUC_________________________________________________________8 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • Sifat atau wadah perjuangan kesatuan PMGLU berubah • Mogok dan protes oleh pelbagai kaum • Perubahan dan perpaduan membimbangkan Kerajaan Penjajah • Usaha dijalankan untuk meletakan kesatuan dibawah kawalan kerajaan • Sistem Perhubungan Perindustrian teratur diujudkan • Menghormati Konvensyen ILO • Undang undang Selepas Perang – Ordinan Kesatuan sekerja 1940 akhirnya dilaksanakan di Malaya darei 1 Julai 1946 • Kesatuan Sekerja British dari Keretapi British dibawa masuk bertindak sebagai Penasihat Kesatuan Sekerja
9 MTUC________________________________________________________9 MTUC________________________________________________________ • Pelaksanaan Ordinan Kesatuan Sekerja menjadikan pendaftaran penubuhan kesatuan sekejra diwajibkan • Ini adalah kaedah untuk menghapuskan kesatuan militan yang diketuai oleh PMGLU Akta Kesatuan Sekerja pada masa kini tidak berubah sejak dari kerajaan British memperkenalkan TUO 1940 • Larangan – Pembatasan – Campurtangan pihak Berkuasa • 25 Ogos 1946 PMGLU ditukar dan dikenali sebagai PMFTU • 1947 kerajaan dan majikan bergabung bertindak menentang pentumbuhan kesatuan sekerja
10 MTUC_________________________________________________________10 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • Tahun 1947 sebanyak 300 mogok direkodkan • Tindakan ganas dan kejam polis menentang mogok • Di Kedah polis menembak untuk menyuraikan mogok dan mesyuarat pekerja ladang mengakibatkan kecederaan, dipenjarakan dan kematian • Gangguan, tindakan disiplin, penginayaan, pemecatan Pengelola PMFTU dan pemimpin cawangan oleh pihak pengurusan dengan dibantu oleh polis • Penghakiman Willan yang memalukan pada Oktober 1947 - menjalankan tindakan mogok boleh dipecat
11 MTUC_________________________________________________________11 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • 1948 MCP dan PMFTU diharamkan • 16 Jun 1948 darurat di-istiharkan • Peraturan Darurat memberi hak Polis untuk menyurai sebarang perjumpaan dan perhimpunan 5 orang pekerja atau lebih • Mogok kilat dianggap tidak sah • Tekanan kuat terhadap mereka dikenal pasti bersama PMFTU diteruskan • Ramai diusir keluar negeri • Dengan peristiharan Darurat, keahlian kesatuan jatuh dari 195,113 dalam tahun 1947 kepada 41,305 dalam tahun1949
12 MTUC_________________________________________________________12 MTUC_________________________________________________________ KESATUAN SEKERJA BARU • Peningkatan “Mengawal dan Menyelia” Kesatuan dalam tahun 1947: • Pekerja kerani, pekerja ladang, pekerja letrik, hospital, mekanik, pekerja keretapi,pekerja jabatan kerja raya • Jabatan Hal Ehwal Kesatuan Sekerja menyokong kesatuan sekerja ‘sederhana’ dalam usaha menghapuskan saki-baki PMFTU • Kesatuan baru kecil, lemah dan dengan kuasa menawar terbatas terhadap majikan
13 MTUC_________________________________________________________13 MTUC_________________________________________________________ KELAHIRAN MTUC • 1949 Kerajaan Penjajah selepas perang mengalakkan penubuhan kesatuan baru,Undang-Undang Darurat digunakan memerangi Kesatuan Sekerja Militan dan Organisasi berfahaman Komunis, bermula pertengahan tahun 1948 langkah diambil kearah penubuhan Malayan Trade Union Council (MTUC) • MTUC berperanan bertindak sebagai badan penyelaras kesatuan sekerja dalam negara • Membuat representasi kepada kerajaan, mengambil bahagian dalam majlis penasihat, ahli lembaga dan suruhanjaya-suruhanjaya
14 MTUC_________________________________________________________14 MTUC_________________________________________________________ Perkembangan Awal 1950 – 1957 • Kesan dari Darurat dan Kawalan Ketat Kerajaan serta Perawakan Pemimpin Kesatuan Sederhana mempamirkan kelemahan pergerakan kesatuan yang mana merupakan jentera kepada kerajaan memerangi fahaman kominis Pengujudan semula kesatuan sekerja militan menjelang negara mencapai kemerdekaan dalam tahun 1957 • Pemimpin Kesatuan Sekerja terus menerus di-awasi • Polisi Kerajaan – anti kesatuan sekerja berpolitik
15 MTUC_________________________________________________________15 MTUC_________________________________________________________ Tuntutan MTUC Tahun 1957 • Mendapatkan Hak dan menuntut Kebebasan tulin pekerja dan kebajikan nya • Menuntut memilik negarakan industri getah dan timah • Pendidikan percuma untuk kanak-kanak dan dewasa • Peruntukan perumahan bagi pekerja • Pengenalan gaji minimum • Cadangan penajaan penubuhan Parti Buruh • Memprotes kenaikan yuran sekolah • Memprotes campurtangan polis dalam pertikaian industri • Membantah kuasa berlebihan kepada RTU
16 MTUC_________________________________________________________16 MTUC_________________________________________________________ MTUC dan Pertikaian Buruh 1957-1969 • Pertikaian Pekerja Keretapi – Pemimpin MTUC menegaskan perlunya keharmonian perindustrian • Pemimpin MTUC meegaskan supaya mengendalikan perhubungan perindustrian teratur dan menyeru kepada pengunaan pengawalan • Percubaan Kerajaan membentuk strategi dan mekanisma untuk mengabungkan MTUC memimpin pergerakan kesatuan sekerja • SOALAN JIKA ADA • TERIMA KASIH
20 MTUC_________________________________________________________20 MTUC_________________________________________________________ • TERIMA KASIH • SOALAN JIKA ADA