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Sustainable Energy Savings in Building Renovations: A Case Study

Explore the embodied and operational energy use of buildings through a study on renovating a row dwelling built between 1966-1976. This research delves into insulation methods, efficient boilers, heat pumps, and ventilation systems, assessing their impact on energy savings over 30 years. Discover how low-energy buildings and eco-friendly materials can reduce environmental impacts in both renovation and new construction projects. Draw conclusions on primary energy use, environmental effects, and the importance of optimizing solar energy solutions.

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Sustainable Energy Savings in Building Renovations: A Case Study

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  1. Embodied and operational energy use of buildings:How sustainable are energy savings? 13 June 2009 Laure Itard

  2. Renovation of a row dwelling built between 1966-1976

  3. 1. Insulation envelope 2. HR++-glas 3. High efficiency boiler (HR107) 4. HR boiler + heat pump boiler 5. HR boiler + solar boiler 6. Balanced ventilation

  4. Life cycle analysis – Embodied energy resources Production waste Transport use Operational energy use

  5. Operational primary energy savings(after 30 years)

  6. Operational & embodied energy (LCA analysis), after 30 years

  7. New built: low-energy buildings Ecobuild test dwellings, ECN, Petten, EPC~0.6 Concrete Heat Pump Timber frame Rc= 5 m2K/W 3-layer glass (U=1 W/m2K) Heat Recovery Ventilation HE Boiler

  8. Embodied & operational primary energy Concrete, boiler Concrete, heat pump Timber frame, heat pump

  9. Embodied & operational primary energy Concrete, boiler Concrete, heat pump Timber frame, heat pump

  10. Embodied & operational primary energy Concrete, boiler Concrete, heat pump Timber frame, heat pump

  11. Embodied & operational primary energy Concrete, boiler Concrete, heat pump Timber frame, heat pump

  12. Energy use & Environmental effects

  13. Resource depletion • Biotic resources • A-biotic resources • Infinite, renewable resources

  14. Global warming [Bron: United Nations Environmental Programme]

  15. Ozone layer depletion

  16. Photochemical oxidation (smog) [Source: Alex Fraaij, Kees Duijvenstein]

  17. Humane toxicity

  18. Aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicity

  19. Acidification

  20. Eutrophication

  21. Operational environmental impacts onlyna 30 jaar (Renovation)

  22. Embodied & operational envir. Impactsna 30 jaar (Renovation)

  23. Operational & embodied environmental impacts na 75 jaar (Ecobuild houses)

  24. Conclusions • Decreasing Primary energy use # environmental friendly • Primary energy is good/ predictor for depletion, global warming and eutrophication • Primary energy is not a good predictor of other environmental impacts. • Insulation measures are always efficient • Solar boiler must be optimized (materials, production) • Using electricity (not from renewables) instead of gas produces an enormous increase of environmental impact

  25. Conclusions • Embodied energy in renovation activities is low  What about passive renovation? • Embodied energy in new built low-energy housing is high  To minimize it should be a main challenge

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