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Time to Change: Enhancing Children's Mental Health in Schools

Learn how the 'Time to Change' programme supports a holistic approach to healthy school enhancement, focusing on improving outcomes for children and young people's mental wellbeing. Discover how this initiative promotes awareness of mental health issues and provides resources for schools to support students effectively. Join us in creating a positive environment for our future generation's mental health.

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Time to Change: Enhancing Children's Mental Health in Schools

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  1. Welcome CYP Programme South East Region Launch Event

  2. Sue Baker Director of Time to Change

  3. Liz Mcavan Kent Community Health NHS Trust

  4. ‘Time To Change’ Supporting a Heart, Head and Hands approach to Healthy School Enhancement. Liz McAvan Children and Young People Wellbeing Manager Health and Wellbeing Directorate Kent Community Health NHS Trust

  5. Strategic Vision “To be the provider of choice by delivering excellent care and improving the health of our communities” Core Values Caring with Compassion Listening Responding and Empowering Leading Through Partnerships Learning Sharing and Innovating Striving For Excellence KCHT Transformation Programme Business Objectives: To improve outcomes for children by strengthening integrated partnerships.

  6. Prevention Pays: Our Children Deserve Better, “My generation unquestioningly expected our future to be better than our parents and grandparents. But our children and grandchildren face a far more challenging outlook. We need a renewed focus on children” “This report questions whether we have got the balance right in our society and should act as a wake-up call. The evidence is crystal clear and the opportunity is huge investing in children is a certain way of improving the economic health of our nation, as well as our children’s well-being.” (Professor Dame Sally C Davies, Chief Medical Officer; Oct 2013) ‘Time to Change’ will help schools engage with strategic objectives of Kent’s Healthy School Enhancement; Developing healthy behaviours Supporting raised achievement. Helping to reduce inequalities Promoting social inclusion. Caring with Compassion

  7. Listening Responding and Empowering Curriculum planning & work with outside agencies Policy development Assessing recording & reporting (HSEM) Teaching & learning Partnership with Parents/carers & local communities WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH Staff CPD, health and welfare needs Leadership, management & managing change Giving pupils a voice Provision of pupil support services School culture & environment

  8. ‘Mind The Gap’; KCC Inequalities Plan 2012-2015 Marmot’ life course approach to PH Outcomes Framework: Healthy Weight Yr R, Yr 6 U 18 Conceptions Smoking prevalence 15 years Harmful effects of alcohol misuse Targeted focus on young people who have complex or multiple needs ‘Time to Change’ will enhance local healthy school partnerships promoting ‘No Health Without Mental Health’; Schools, young people, parent/carers Health Providers Alternative Curriculum Providers Youth and Community Groups LA and Borough Council Services Voluntary Sector Agencies Business and commercial sector Local forums and action groups Leading Through Partnerships

  9. ‘Time to Change’ complements the key principles of Kent’s Healthy School Enhancement model ; Data led Founded on national guidance, Evidence based practice Promotes local initiatives Builds capacity Increases the knowledge bank Learning Sharing and Innovating

  10. For the CYP Wellbeing Service; 130+ schools for 14-18 age range 10% 11-16 yr olds, inc 7% post 16 ‘feel sad or depressed most days’ (NFER) For schools; Behaviour and Safety Attendance Achievement Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils Extent to which the education provided meets the needs of the range of pupils Safeguarding ‘Time to Change’ can be embedded to Kent Healthy School Enhancement model, For schools to evidence to Ofsted how they plans to ‘narrow the gap’. Striving For Excellence

  11. It’s Time To Change Just Do It!

  12. Emma Salt Time to Change Young Volunteer

  13. Break

  14. Beverley Roberts Specialist Community PractitionerNHS Trust

  15. Why is this important 1 in 5 children and young people suffer from anxiety 2-3 in 100 young people (11-18) will have a diagnosis of depression 1 in 15 young people carry out self harm 75% of young offenders have a mental health issue (ONS 2012) Children and Young Peoples Mental Health

  16. In 2011 We contacted Time to Change – they sent us some leaflets for our community bus event In 2012 They sent us badges , leaflets and a DVD for our community bus event In 2013 They attended our local high school with a `pop up village` to support our event! – Raising awareness of mental health for children and young people Why `Time to Change`

  17. Schools welcomed multi agency staff into the school to raise awareness of mental health It was an opportunity to let young people know that the school nurse was available to see them on a regular basis and offered a confidential `drop in` service Young people were made aware of other services available within the local community – Youth service, Cruse bereavement support , Targeted youth support , Samaritans. Time to Change - resources Impact on the School

  18. Young people were made aware of local services Young people were given information on positive mental health – how to keep healthy Where to go if you need to talk Its ok to talk about mental health concerns Who / where /when help is available Resources available from `Time to Change` THE DIFFERENCE THIS HAS MADE

  19. Offering support to young people Early identification of problems Tier One interventions Appropriate referral School Nurse support Safeguarding guidelines Time to Change resources

  20. The Stand up Kid DVD Impact on young people Impact on multi agency professionals `Train the trainer` training `POP UP` Village Impact on the School – now have permanent display board around mental health Assemblies Time to Change resources

  21. Appropriate referral Non judgemental approach Young person understands the limits of confidentiality Identifying the young persons own support network Listening Offering alternative strategies See the young person not the mental health issue Looking after yourself Strategies for support

  22. The impact on support for Young People “Too often we underestimate the power of touch, smile, a kind word a listening ear, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the Potential to turn a life around...” Leo Buscaglia

  23. Any Questions ? Thank you! Questions & Thanks

  24. Rachel Walsh Wellbeing Worker Nuneaton Academy

  25. Our Experience

  26. The Challenge Last October ‘Time to Change’ launched its first ever competition in schools to get students talking about mental health. Students were asked to design a campaign that challenges people’s attitudes and behaviour towards people with mental health problems. Over 50 schools in the West Midlands area signed up to take part in the competition.

  27. How Students from the Nuneaton Academy got involved Students and Teachers in the Academy took part with campaigns using; • Creative writing • Short film • Art • Baking (Including a message on biscuits about time to change and how to make a pledge) • Power points • Stalls at parents evening • Posters around the school • Information on school website • Article in school news letter

  28. My experience being involved in the campaign • Lead Staff member for the Academy promoting the campaign • Supporting the Wellbeing Student Leader group with their ideas to promote this • Created a Form Time Programme for a period of 6 weeks that explored mental wellbeing and lead up to the competition • Providing materials and making links resources available to whole school • Finding any opportunity to get the message spread throughout the academy and community • Creating an online page for students and staff that explore mental health, 5 a day to improved mental wellbeing and links to Time to Change Website

  29. How its impacted on my work • Staff, students and parents becoming increasingly more open talking about mental health issues • Students with a mental health illness are talking more openly about their experiences. • Staff and students understand the importance of my role supporting students with their wellbeing. • Everybody talking a more active role in breaking the taboo surrounding mental health illness • This time last year we asked 108 students at random what they understood in relation to wellbeing only 8 students could provide some kind of response. This year we are in the process of collating feedback from the same number of students. Already from 70 responses I have 47 qualitative responses that discuss how we take care of our body and mind, as well as attitudes towards others

  30. Why wanted to explore this • To generate greater awareness about mental wellbeing and to allow staff, students and local community to be more informed of how mental illness does not discriminate anyone and impacts on all areas of life. • To help staff, students and the community to be able to talk openly about mental health in positive manner which would allow those with an illness to be able to access support they may need without feeling judged. • With a high level of students in our school experiencing mental health illness to help normalise their experiences

  31. Young carers have come forward in relation to supporting parent/s with a mental illness Student and parent feedback given to Head Teacher to say how effectively the issues of mental health have been addressed. Students, staff and parents talking more openly about mental health issues. What we achieved and unexpected benefits/successes Sharing Time to Change message at a student voice network meeting National/Local news Positive language associated with mental health with students, parents and teachers. A year on and the assemblies we delivered had a lasting impression with staff and students. From this we have developed a strong student leader well-being group. New challenges are being accepted by students. 223 pledges

  32. Hopes and vision for the Time to Change Campaign Train future wellbeing leaders Be innovative Time to Change message in schools nationally

  33. Q & A

  34. Thank you

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