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Hordaland Climate activities and co-operation MARE 25 th of May 2010

Hordaland Climate activities and co-operation MARE 25 th of May 2010 Gudrun Mathisen , Head of climate and natural resources. The County of Hordaland. 33 municipalities Norway’s second largest – Bergen. Norway’s smallest – Modalen. Climate Plan for Hordaland 2010 – 2020 Proposal.

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Hordaland Climate activities and co-operation MARE 25 th of May 2010

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  1. Hordaland Climate activities and co-operation MARE 25th of May 2010 Gudrun Mathisen, Head of climate and natural resources

  2. The County of Hordaland 33 municipalities • Norway’s second largest – Bergen • Norway’s smallest – Modalen

  3. Climate Plan for Hordaland 2010 – 2020Proposal Facilitate coordination of national, regional and municipal activity and provide a basis for decisions concerning use and protection of resources Annual Action programme The County Council has appointed a committee to prepare for the political decision 8th of June 2010

  4. Climate Plan for Hordaland - Aim A comprehensive plan with concrete measures Goals, strategies, objectives and measures for: • Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions • Development of other energy sources • Adaption to climate changes + increase knowledge and competence on climate and energy and contribute to change in attitudes and actions

  5. Climate Plan for Hordaland - Content • Vision and Goals • Climate Change and Emissions 1 Co-operation and Tools 2 Energy 3 Consumption and Waste 4 Buildings 5 Land use and Transport 6 Business 7 Adaption to Climate Change

  6. Climate Plan for Hordaland – Proposal Theme 5 Land use – main goal: Land use in Hordaland shall be efficient (i.e. Intensive), reducing the need for travel, encouraging more environmentally friendly transport and avoiding to damage valuable natural resources Objective: Secure nature's own ability to store water and carbon Measures : Better planning, more efficient land use and development

  7. Theme 5 Land Use – Policy GuidelinesNeed to differentiate?

  8. Theme 7 Climate Adaption – main goal Hordaland shall be prepared for climate change. Climate adaptation shall be based on the precautionary principle, research and knowledge of local conditions

  9. Theme 7 Climate Adaption - strategies A Develop knowledge B Secure buildings, roads, other infrastructure and biodiversity C Adapt nature-based industries (farming, tourism) D Implement climate adaptation in public health and social conditions

  10. Strategy 7 A: Knowledge Development Objective 1: Climate Adaptation in Hordaland shall be based on relevant and updated knowledge Possible measures: • Regional research fund • Risk and vulnerability Analysis (ROS) • Climate vulnerability as a theme in municipal ROS-analysis • Climate changes and nature diversity

  11. Strategy 7 B: Buildings, infrastructure, biodiversity Objective 2: Existing public buildings and infrastructure shall be secured against negative effects of climate changes Objective 3: From 2013 new buildings and infrastructure shall be established in areas without known risk of negative effects from climate changes Objective 4 Minimize loss of biodiversity caused by climate change Possible measures: • Regional Guideline (prohibiting construction lower than 2 m above average water stand) • Climate Adaptation Strategies in municipal planning • Protection against landslides, flooding and sea level rise in the municipalities • Regional Sea-level rise Project

  12. Strategy 7 C: Nature-based industries Objective: Nature-based industries (agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, renewable energy production and tourism), must prepare for climate change and make the necessary adjustments Challenge: Higher temperature, new species Possible measures: • Regional Development Programme - redirection • Evaluate current climate adaptation measures in the Hordaland Agriculture

  13. Strategy 7 D: Public health and social conditions Objectives 6: Hordaland shall be a healthy, safe and inclusive region to live in regardless of climate changes Possible measures: • Public health in a climate perspective (info initiatives)

  14. Theme 1 Co-operation and tools Objective 1: Effective co-operation on monitoring and implementing the Climate Plan for Hordaland Central measures • Climate network Hordaland - Local authorities including Bergen, State Governor, Regional state authorities, others • Climate Cut - Government purchase of local climate quotas (CDM) • Climax Hordaland – each municipality is challenged to make one outstanding measure, to join into a Climate Tour of Hordaland

  15. Hordaland fylkeskommune – Water Region Authority • The EU's Water Framework Directive • Water regulations apply to all freshwater and coastal waters out to 1 nautical mil off the baseline • Norway is divided into 11 Water Regions

  16. Comprehensive Water Management Plans 2 keys to success:Comprehensive planningCo-operation

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