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Semantics Web Services Language Committee: Status Report

Semantics Web Services Language Committee: Status Report. David Martin SRI International Michael Kifer SUNY-SB http://www.daml.org/services/swsl. Administrative. Committee started forming in late 2002 Full committee activities started March 2003 Weekly telecons

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Semantics Web Services Language Committee: Status Report

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  1. Semantics Web Services Language Committee:Status Report David MartinSRI International Michael KiferSUNY-SB http://www.daml.org/services/swsl

  2. Administrative • Committee started forming in late 2002 • Full committee activities started March 2003 • Weekly telecons • Public mailing list: www-ws@w3.org • Web site: http://www.daml.org/services/swsl • Membership • Newest: Richard Goodwin (IBM Watson) Deb McGuinness (Stanford KSL) Ian Horrocks (U. Manchester) • F2F meeting primary goal: achieve substantial agreement on content of requirements document

  3. Activities • Produced mission statement and workplan • Requirements document under development • http://www.daml.org/services/swsl/requirements/ • Study of selected relevant technologies • E.g. PSL, F-Logic, BPEL4WS, E-Service Composition • Collecting use cases • Use case repository established; starting to grow: http://www.daml.org/services/use-cases.html • Discussion of general language requirements; e.g. • Monotonic vs. non-monotonic logics • Comparative approaches (FOL, F-Logic, Ontology-based)

  4. Mission & Objectives • Identify and develop technology that will provide a firm, longterm foundation for the future of Web services on the Internet • Support the most general approaches to service deployment and use that are currently technically feasible • … Consistent with the vision of the Semantic Web • … builds on and maximally consistent with commercial work on Web services • Provide a longer term perspective to the Web services standards community

  5. Mission & Objectives (2) • Sevelop standardized ways of conceptualizing and organizing semantic information about services. • Develop a language for the declarative specification of this semantic information. • Enable automation and dynamism in all aspects of Web service provision and use, such as discovery, selection, composition, negotiation and contracting, invocation, monitoring of progress, and recovery from failure; • Be extensible and allow for incremental exploitation; • Support a style of service use that is closely integrated with information resources on the Semantic Web; • Support the construction of powerful tools and methodologies. • Collaborative with architecture committee

  6. Workplan • Identify requirements for Web service description language(s) • Specification of a formal service model for semantic Web services • Establish the relationship to Web Service Standards and Semantic Web standards • Explore techniques for implementing and applying parts of the languages • Dissemination

  7. Workplan: Deliverables • Identify requirements for Web service description language(s) • A requirements document (in the style of a white paper) • A use case document

  8. Workplan: Deliverables • Specification of a formal service model for semantic Web services • Specification of the conceptual model • Specification of a formal model • Tutorials, overviews, etc.

  9. Workplan: Deliverables • Establish the relationship to Web Service Standards and Semantic Web standards • Specification of an XML encoding of the formal model • Specification of the use of the language with other Web standards

  10. Workplan: Deliverables • Explore techniques for implementing and applying parts of the languages • Report on implementation and reasoning techniques

  11. Workplan: Deliverables • Dissemination • Submission of input document to W3C or some other appropriate venue. • Publications in forums such as WWW Conference, ICWS, ISWC, etc. (on continuing basis)

  12. Requirements Document • Requirements being organized under 4 headings (subject to evolution): • General requirements • Advertising, discovery, matchmaking • Negotiation and contracting • Process modeling (including composition, monitoring and execution) • Also aiming to produce a paper from this document

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