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Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Created by Elyse Rhodes. Civilized having an advanced or humane culture, society, etc. polite; well-bred; refined. of or pertaining to civilized people: The civilized world must fight ignorance.
Lord of the Fliesby William Golding Created by Elyse Rhodes
Civilized having an advanced or humane culture, society, etc. polite; well-bred; refined. of or pertaining to civilized people: The civilized world must fight ignorance. easy to manage or control; well organized or ordered: The car is quiet and civilized, even in sharp turns. Barbaric without civilizing influences; uncivilized; primitive: barbaric invaders. of, like, or befitting barbarians: a barbaric empire; barbaric practices. crudely rich or splendid: barbaric decorations. Civilized Vs. Barbaric
William Gerald Golding • Born in Cornwall, England in 1911 • Educated at Oxford University • Joined the Royal Navy in 1940 • 1st novel, Lord of the Flies, was published in 1954 • He became a teacher and an author after WWII • 1983 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature • He died in 1993
Lord of the Flies ~ SettingA deserted island in the Pacific w/ NO grown-ups!
Lord of the Flies ~ Ralph • Protagonist • Age 12 • Light skinned and muscular • Daddy is in the Navy • He is elected Chief • He represents DEMOCRACY • He found the conch
Lord of the Flies ~ Piggy • He is short and chubby • He wears glasses and has asthma • Both of his parents are deceased and he was raised by his overprotective aunt • He is the most intelligent boy on the island • His glasses are used to start the fire • He is an outcast who is mercilessly picked on by the other boys • Piggy is killed by Roger
Lord of the Flies ~ Jack Merridew • Antagonist • Head of the choir • He is tall, thin and bony • He has read hair, blue eyes and freckles • He is ugly • He is obsessed with hunting and killing • He represents DICTATORSHIP
Lord of the Flies ~ Simon • Member of the choir • Has fainting spells • Nice to the “littluns” • Helpful • Has a secret fort/cave • Is brutally murdered by the entire group of savages re-enacting the pig hunt
Lord of the Flies ~ Roger • Small shifty boy • No one knew him prior to the plane crash • He keeps to himself • He is quiet and secretive • Mysterious • Roger murders Piggy
Lord of the Flies ~ Sam and Eric • Identical twins • They are blonde, chunky and lively • They seem to do everything at the same time, including breathe • They become “one” person on the island and are referred to as “Samneric” by the others
The Lord of the Flies • “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.” • “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.” • Peace offering to the “beastie” • Simon visualizes the pig head telling him that the other boys will kill him
“The Sound of the Shell”Chapter 1 • A plane load of young British school boys crash lands on a deserted island in the Pacific • There is a war going on - WWII • The conch is found ~ “We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They’ll come when they hear us ---” • Ralph is elected Chief • Jack hesitates and does not kill the pig that is tangled in the vines
“Fire on the Mountain”Chapter 2 • The conch shell will be used at meetings to determine who will speak • The “beastie” is introduced by the little boy with the mulberry colored birthmark ~ “He wants to know what you’re going to do about the snake thing.” • The boys build a signal fire using Piggy’s glasses • They accidentally set the jungle on fire • A “littlun” is missing
“Huts on the Beach”Chapter 3 • Ralph and Simon build huts for shelter on the beach • Jack hunts for pigs ~ “All you can talk about is pig, pig, pig!” • Ralph and Jack argue about the importance of building shelter vs. hunting for meat • Simon finds a hidden fort in the jungle where he can go and be alone
“Painted Faces and Long Hair”Chapter 4 • The “littluns” spend the days playing and the nights having nightmares • Jack has become obsessed with hunting/killing and he paints his face to camouflage himself from the pigs ~ “He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger.” • Ralph spots a ship on the horizon but the signal fire has burned out • Jack and his hunters kill their first pig • Jack punches Piggy and breaks his glasses
“Beast from Water”Chapter 5 • Ralph calls a late night meeting • He berates the boys for not following the rules and helping out with daily chores ~ “The fire is the most important thing on the island. How can we ever be rescued except by luck, if we don’t keep the fire going?” • Another “littlun” claims to have seen a beast that comes out of the ocean at night • The “beastie” that the child saw was only Simon going to his hiding place in the jungle
“Beast from Air”Chapter 6 • Samneric see a “beastie” that has fallen from the sky • They report the “beastie” sighting to Ralph who then organizes a search party to find and kill the beast • The search party explores parts of the island they have not previously been to, including a cave in the mountain ~ “I’m chief. I’ll go. Don’t argue.”
“Shadows and Tall Trees”Chapter 7 • The hunters track a wild boar which eventually escapes • Ralph participates in the hunt for the first time • The boys re-enact the hunt using Robert as the boar • In their frenzy, the boys nearly kill Robert ~ “Kill him! Kill him!” • Jack suggests next time they use a “littlun” to play the part of the boar • The group climbs the mountain and Ralph sees the “beastie” in the darkness
“Gift for the Darkness”Chapter 8 • Jack uses the conch to call a meeting • Jack calls Ralph a coward • Jack forms his own group of which he declares himself to be the chief ~ “I’m going to get more of the biguns away from the conch and all that. We’ll kill a pig and give a feast. And about the beast. When we kill we’ll leave some of the kill for it. Then it won’t bother us, maybe.”
“A View to a Death”Chapter 9 • Simon discovers the dead pilot who is tangled in his parachute on the mountain top • He goes down to the beach to tell the boys about the pilot and is mistaken for the “beastie” • The boys are in the midst of a hunting dance and kill Simon with their spears, teeth and bare hands ~ “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” • Simon’s dead body is washed out to sea
“The Shell and the Glasses”Chapter 10 • Ralph and Piggy discuss Simon’s murder ~ “It was an accident. Coming in the dark---he hadn’t no business crawling like that out of the dark. He was batty. He asked for it. It was an accident.” • Almost all of the boys have joined Jack’s tribe on Castle Rock • Jack and his tribe believe that the beast is able to morph into any disguise and that Simon was in fact the beast in disguise • Jack, Roger and Maurice attack Ralph, Piggy and Samneric in the middle of the night to steal Piggy’s glasses thus they steal the ability to make fire ~ “He was chief now in truth; and he made stabbing motions with his spear. From his left hand dangled Piggy’s broken glasses.”
“Castle Rock”Chapter 11 • Ralph and the boys go to Castle Rock to try and get Piggy’s glasses back • Jack’s guards tell Ralph to leave Castle Rock • Jack and Ralph fight • Roger pushes a huge boulder down the mountain at Piggy, causing him to fall off the mountain to his death ~ “High overhead, Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all of his weight on the lever.” • Piggy’s body is swept out to sea • Jack orders Samneric to be tied up and forces them to join his tribe • Ralph runs away and hides in the jungle
“Cry of the Hunters”Chapter 12 • Jack tortures Samneric in an attempt to find out where Ralph is hiding • Jack’s tribe hunts Ralph like a pig (i.e. spears, rocks, smoke, fire, tribal signals) ~ “They hate you Ralph. They’re going to do you. They’re going to hunt you tomorrow.” • Ralph hides in the jungle near Castle Rock • Ralph is discovered by the tribe and runs to the beach where the British Navy has just landed ~ “We saw your smoke. What have you been doing? Having a war or something?”
“Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.”