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Delve into the origins of the universe, humanity, and sin through the lens of the Book of Genesis. Explore the literary analysis, cosmic creation, and communal themes within the biblical text.
OriginsThe Book of Genesis 1-11 • By Chaplain Ron McCants
Six Days of Forming and Filling God beginning heavens and earth formless, uninhabitable, watery, darkness, hovering Spirit 1 light 2 water/skies 3 dry land w/plants 4 filled with lights 5 filled with fish & birds 6 filled with beasts, man “Thus, heavens and earth completed… … and all their hosts.” 2:1 Notice: all these created things were also Egyptian gods. First laws of covenant: God alone, no other gods, no idols. Compare Gen 1 order to Deut 4:15-19 (Gen 1 in reverse)
The Yahwist deals with the character flaws, blatant sins, of the main characters. He exposes: • the lie of Abraham when he tells Pharaoh that Sarah is his sister (Genesis 12:10-20) • the underhanded deceit of Jacob in tricking Esau and Laban (Genesis 27; 30-31) • the dastardly trick of Simeon and Levi in killing the Shechemites (Genesis 34)
The Elohist had a special interest in the faith and obedience of the covenant people. He was concerned that the people be obedient first of all to God. • The Elohist is fond of using repetitions when God is calling someone, for example, "Abraham, Abraham" (Genesis 22) and "Moses, Moses" (Exodus 3). And the preferred response is "I'm here".
D (Deuteronomist) mostly found in Deuteronomy. Some scholars contend that it is the oldest of the four sources during the time of King Kezekiah and/or King Josiah of the Southern Kingdom.
P deals more with formal religion and worship, the priesthood and its regulations, genealogies, and sacrificial practices; in short, everything that enabled the community to maintain a right relationship with God and retain its identity in the face of changing times.
Note Table 3.1: • The apparent parallels between Genesis 1 and the Babylonian Creation Epic (Enuma Elish) on page 54
The Communal OriginsGenesis 2-3 • Catalyst: The serpent tempts the woman. • Rebellion: The woman and man eat the forbidden fruit. • Confrontation: The man and woman hide, but the LORD finds and confronts them. • Rationalization: The man blames the woman ( and by implication, God ); the woman blames the serpent. • Result (alienation): The harmony of humankind with the creator and with nature, and the harmony of male and female, is broken.
Christian theologian, Saint Augustine (354-430 C.E.) Christian doctrine “Original Sin.” The view that sin is inherited by all subsequent humans after Adam and Eve.
Class Assignment • On Page 71 – Read Genesis 3: The Garden of Eden • Divide into three groups. • Give presentation of statement and answers in class. • Group a. Focus on the portrayal … (read the rest and answer questions) • Group b. Some readers take the story literally … (read the rest and answer questions) • Group c. Some feminist readers reject the story … (read the rest and answer questions) • Be prepared to discuss in class. • Each student will turn in a written response to questions that pertain to his or her group.