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Join the Evaluation & Research team in a short interview to work on your geoscience program's action plan for the upcoming year. Reflect on outcomes assessment, set SMART goals, develop strategies, and explore engagement tactics. Prepare a 5-minute presentation to showcase your plan.
Geoscience program and individual action planningShort (~5-7 minute) interviews – Evaluation & Research team member • 2:00-3:15 Work on your institution’s geoscience program action plan for the coming year (keeping in the mind the three project strands) • 3:15-3:30 One-minute points: What is one thing you want feedback on regarding your geoscience program action plan • 3:30 Daily roadcheck • 3:30-3:45 Break • 3:45-5:00 More time for action planning • Prepare a 5-minute presentation (3-4 slides) about your geoscience program action plan for Friday morning • Work on program and individual action plans
Action plan for your geoscience program for the upcoming year, considering the 3 project strands • Reflection: • What are key results and implications from your outcomes assessment and the associated implications for equity and the results of departmental/program inventory? • Considering your action plan from last year, how do you plan to build on, extend, and/or expand that plan? • Based on these data, what are the key issues for your program? • How have you addressed the three project strands in these issues? • Goals: • What are your SMART goals for the upcoming year? • How are you going to use the data you’ve got from the outcomes assessment and department inventory? • Plans: • What are your plans or strategies for achieving these goals? Answer at the level of detail that makes sense to you, including a schedule and list of who will do what. • Place your plans in context: how will you build on what you’ve already done? How does your plan tie in with the points/issues identified in the reflection section above? • What are your measures of success? Are there other data you’d like to collect or incorporate in your work? • Engaging others: • Recognizing that your colleagues may have a range of frames, how are you going to continue to engage your geoscience colleagues, including the adjunct faculty? • How are you going to continue to engage your Champion Team? • How are you going to engage the administration? Other offices on campus? Others off campus? Again, recognizing different frames. • Purpose statement: Revise or reaffirm your purpose statement
SMART Goals • Specific • Measurable • Achievable (Assignable) • Relevant (Realistic) • Time bound
Five-minute presentation (3-4 slides) for Friday morning • Present your action plan for your program for the next year, addressing all elements of your plan OR selecting one to highlight. • Goals and anticipated outcomes • Plans (strategies/approaches) • Relate to some of your data (e.g., outcomes measures, department inventory) • Include aspect of engaging others (e.g., colleagues) • List 1-2 questions for which you’d like suggestions or feedback (optional) • Could frame as If-then statements; could consider the story you want to tell • Include a title: e.g., Action plan for geoscience program at Highline College • Upload by 7:00 am
Geoscience program and individual action planningShort (~5-7 minute) interviews – Evaluation & Research team member • 2:00-3:15 Work on your institution’s geoscience program action plan for the coming year (keeping in the mind the three project strands) • 3:15-3:30 One-minute points: What is one thing you want feedback on regarding your geoscience program action plan • 3:30 Daily roadcheck • 3:30-3:45 Break • 3:45-5:00 More time for action planning • Prepare a 5-minute presentation (3-4 slides) about your geoscience program action plan for Friday morning - upload it by 7:00 am on Friday • Work on program and individual action plans • The evening: Museum visits, tall boat views, walks, dinner on your own, in groups, your call