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LESSONS LEARNT. Lessons learnt - Debriefing at Patras on 05-10-2012 - Observer’s forms (7 out of 8 ) - Meeting at Pavia on 05-11-2012 - Individual comments. Preliminary considerations.
Lessonslearnt - DebriefingatPatras on 05-10-2012 - Observer’sforms(7 out of 8) - Meeting atPavia on 05-11-2012 - Individualcomments
Preliminary considerations Strong willingness and availability from TAS/YAS/GSCP to host the exercise and to be involved in the exerciseorganisation. Operational high skills. Separate deployment (BSA/STC and ASA) due to logisticreasons Tent camp mounted and functioning, butnotusedat night 1.5 (team) and 2.0 (pre-team) days of on-site activities
Lessonslearnt Macro-modulewelldeployed. Itprovesdeploymentcan be done in realemergencies and even in case of air or road deployment Excellentcooperation with LEMA for the HNS (arrival and departure to/from PatrasPort) and for definition of the 3 moduleactivities. Excellentcooperation with localtechnicians (multinational teams). Itproves the Build-Safemacromoduleisable to operate in the internationalcontext.
The exercisewaswellplanned and succesfull. • Unique in itsfield • 2 minor drawbacks: • the Tent Camp wasnotusedat night and most of the teams were on the fieldduringday time. • HenceBoOwasnotverymuchused • 1.5 daysof operationswerenotenough to test all the procedures (plan of action, security plan, media plan, list of event, list of decision, list of contacts, etc) and all the equipments.
Improvements Betterseparationof the planning and operationalroles Due to limitedresources and expertise 3 unitswere on the planning and on the operational side with frequent «stepin, step-out».
Betterinteroperabilityamong BSA-ASA-STC module FewmeetingsamongTLs or TLs and HoM Fewoperationalinteractionbetween the BSA-ASA-STC modules Mainly due to independenttasks for eachmodule and to limited time
BetterinteroperabilityamongBSA-ASA-STC modules • Interoperability to be improved in the followingitems: • Information management • Cartography • Communicationsystems • Wi-fiatTent Camp • Use of drop-box/groove/etc • Use of Virtual-Osocc • ……
Lessonlearnt - BSA module Difficultiesthatmayarise from differentassessmentmethodologies can be solved with proper briefing. Italian and Greekexpertsworkedverywelltogether (discussion and interaction) from the verybeginning Local experts are necessary to enterdamagedbuildings. Multinational teams are necessary. IT equipmentisveryimportant, butits use hasbeentoolimited in time Limited communicationsbetween TL and teams on the field
Lessonlearnt - ASA module 2 advancedassessmentshavebeencompleted in 1.5 days. Itconfirms the capability to operate in emergencysituations and in internationalcontexts. Final reports weretoo long. Itisnecessary to have a shortersummary report.
Lessonlearnt - STC Module The building and the type of interventionhasbeenselectedtogether with LEMA. The moduleisable to cooperate with LEMA. The interventionhasbeencompleted in 1.5 days. Itconfirms the operationalcapabilities in internationalemergency. Severalpractionersvisited the working site. Training of localtechnicians can be an addedvalue of the module.
Finaljudgmentabout the exercise From Good to Excellent