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Welcome to English 1302

Welcome to English 1302. Mrs . Lowrance. Goals for the first class:. Overview of the Course Course Policies/ Additional Course Policies RaiderWriter BA 1 Class blog: http://ttu1302.wordpress.com Participation assignment due next Tuesday/Monday. Course Policies.

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Welcome to English 1302

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  1. Welcome to English 1302 Mrs. Lowrance

  2. Goals for the first class: • Overview of the Course • Course Policies/ Additional Course Policies • RaiderWriter • BA 1 • Class blog: http://ttu1302.wordpress.com • Participation assignment due next Tuesday/Monday

  3. Course Policies • While I will coverthe high points of the course policies in the textbook and in my additional course policies, we do not have time for me to read every word today. You are responsible for reading these course policies and knowing them. • Being familiar/unfamiliar with course policies often impacts grades!

  4. PRINT THESE • You will need to print these course policies and sign the last page. I will not accept your participation homework next week without the last page of the course policies signed and turned in with it. Please don’t forget! • Keep a folder/binder that has both the course policies and the syllabus printed in it and bring it to class every week.

  5. RaiderWriter(where we submit our work) • RaiderWriter’surl has changed!! • https://raiderwriter.engl.ttu.edu • Change your bookmarks

  6. BA 1 • DUE: Friday night for Monday classes and Saturday night for Tuesday classes. • 12:00 Midnight Deadline (for dramatic purposes?) • There are several steps you will need to complete in order to turn this assignment in, and some of them involve technology (technology sometimes goes wrong)! If you wait until Saturday night, it may be too late to contact the correct channels for help.

  7. BA 1 Steps - Models • Register in RaiderWriter (link forthcoming) • Buy the St. Martins e-handbook. If you have the e-handbook, you will need to switch sections. • From the St. Martin’s website, take the pre-semester diagnostic exam. • In RaiderWriter, read the assignment description for BA 1 carefully. Type a response in Word or another program that catches errors and paste the response into RaiderWriter.

  8. Participation Assignment • Due in class next week • This is a warm up for BA 2 as well as important preparation for the Literature Review. What you will do for BA 2 will be more expansive and will require you to follow the assignment instructions carefully.

  9. Participation Assignment • This preparation will be 1 full page typed and printed that you bring with you to the next class. Use 1" margins and Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced. Put only your name and course section at the top, in the right corner, single spaced. • The directions are also on the blog.

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