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Welcome to Mrs. Jeanneret’s English class!!. Expectations. Respect: Always be respectful of yourself, of your fellow classmates, and of me, your teacher
Expectations • Respect: Always be respectful of yourself, of your fellow classmates, and of me, your teacher • Preparedness: Always come to class ready to work. This means bringing the tools you need for class, reading the materials, completing all assigned work, etc. • Participation
Respect: We are always classy ladies and gentlemen. • Show respect towards everyone in class—the teacher, your fellow students, and yourself. • Arrive to class in a timely fashion. Be in your seat when the bell rings. • Talk and listen at appropriate times. • Use language that is courteous and appropriate—even when “just joking.” • Refrain from any sort of physical contact in the room. • Use respectful posture.
Respect: These items are not allowed in this class • iPods, cell phones, calculators, etc are not permitted in the classroom
Respect • Food: Please refrain from bringing food into the classroom, as it disrupts learning and is against school policy • Garbage: Please clean up garbage around you before leaving the room (this means little pieces of notebook paper, etc).
Respect in a high tech world • Respect also means you are not fooling around on your iPad during class time. • iPads are strictly for academic use during class. • If I catch you playing games, iMessaging, etc., you will suffer the consequences. • Your app bar must always be cleared at the start of class. I reserve the right to check it.
Preparedness • Being prepared means bringing the following to class: • Notebook • Two-pocket folder or binder • Loose-leaf paper • Black or blue pens • Red or green pens for peer editing • Appropriate texts • Your iPad must be charged. An uncharged or malfunctioning iPad will not excuse you from the day’s work.
Policy regarding leaving the classroom • I do not appreciate nor tolerate students interrupting class by leaving the room. Please take care of ALL business prior to the start of class during the passing period. • This means the bathroom, going to your locker, getting water, etc. • You get two passes per quarter—use them wisely.
Participation • Always raise your hand • Wait until others have finished speaking—do not interrupt • Be prepared • Be on time • Do not slouch or have your head on your desk • Participation counts towards your grade!
Late work policy • Saint Viator High School English Department Late Work Policy • The English department’s late work policy is as follows: • If you are in the building on the day an assignment is due, you must turn it in to your teacher by the start of class, regardless of whether you attend class or not. • Late work will be scored according to the following scale: • Up to 1 day late: 25% deduction • 2 days late: 50% deduction • More than 2 days late: no credit
Late work, cont • If you are turning an assignment in late, you must attach a late homework sheet and place it in the appropriate bin for your class period. • Do not leave it on my desk! I will not accept late work that is left on my desk.
Turnitin Policy • The English Department Turnitin policy is as follows: • All students must use their Saint Viator email address for Turnitin. No other email addresses will be recognized nor permitted. • All major writing assignments, as well as others indicated by the teacher, must be submitted to Turnitin. • In order to receive full credit, students must submit a hard copy to the teacher on the due date, and the assignment must also be submitted to the Turnitin website by the time class begins. Failure to complete both steps will result in the assignment being counted as late. • These late assignments will be graded according to the department’s late policy.
Email rules • I am more than happy to communicate with you by email; however, please keep the following things in mind: • You MUST use your Saint Viator Gmail account. I will not respond to other accounts. • You MUST copy your parents on all communication with me. • If I have not responded, do not assume anything. See me before school with any issues.
Excuses, excuses • Please do not come to class and tell me “Mrs. J, my printer wasn’t working!” You’re basically telling me “My dog ate my homework!” Translation? “I don’t have my work done on time.” • If you are having issues, please email me BEFORE CLASS to ensure that I receive your assignment. Come see me if I haven’t responded to your plea. • If you are having issues, save it to your flash/jump drive and come to my room BEFORE CLASS, so we can print it. • If you are having issues, save it to your flash/jump drive and print it at school BEFORE CLASS. • Be prepared for the network to be down!
Need to talk? • If you’re ever confused, have a question, a great story, or just need to talk, feel free to drop by during one of my free periods. • You’ll have a better chance of securing time with me if you make an appointment for before school, one of my free periods, or after school.
In short… • This is going to be a GREAT year! • I’m so excited to have you in my class, and I can’t wait to get to know each and everyone of you. • Always be respectful, be prepared, and always participate! • Always be classy ladies and gentlemen! • Be proud to be a LION!!!