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Peace Laboratory: Lessons Learned and Impacts on Colombian Communities

Explore the benefits and challenges of Peace Laboratories in Colombia, focusing on civil society empowerment and sustainable development. Learn about the EU's nonreimbursable cooperation projects and their impact.

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Peace Laboratory: Lessons Learned and Impacts on Colombian Communities

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  1. Third Peace Laboratory Identification y preparation Anders Rudqvist Collegium for Development Studies Uppsala University The quantitative documentation is from the Delegation of the European Commission to Colombia and Ecuador


  3. Cooperation 2002-2006: more than € 230 millones

  4. Projects with national coverage : 12 at € 31 M (18.6%)


  6. Cultivos ilícitos

  7. MAP INDIGENOUS RESERVATIONS Aprox. locación of reservations Colonial reservations Large reservations

  8. PEACE LABORATORIES Impacts and experiences • Strengthening of the civil society • Empowerment of communities • Facilitate dialogues and reconciliation processes • Promote participation of local authorities • Democratic decision-making processes • Deep ties to the land • Interest on the part of illegal armed groups • Participation of the Colombian Government

  9. Lessons learned • Difficult to attract public investment and participation, to the point of substitution and a parallel state • Low management response by the government and need to decentralize also the administration • Social processes with weaknesses in taking roots in the local, national and international economy • Public policies for peace and local development are weak or inexistent • Incipient stage of the PDP, regarding capacity and absorption, together wit complexity of procedures cause slowness in implementation and disbursement.

  10. Origin of the III Laboratory • Necessary experience to nurture peace processes at the local level (third generation laboratory) • Country Strategy Paper 2002-2006: 24.2 million € from reserve fond • The development and peace thematic bloc of the international cooperation strategy of the Government – Cartagena • Complementariness with the action of EU Member States and UNDP • Co-financing with Government and The World Bank

  11. GEOGRAPHICAL COMPONENT method for selection of PDP • Comparative study of 9 PDP (Cordepaz, Darién, Mirada al Sur, Montes de Maria, Paz y Competitividad, Sepas, Sierra Nevada, Tolipaz, Vallenpaz) • Analysis of the regional problematic and potential, and the capacity of the PDP • 2 workshops with DNP, Redprodepaz, World Bank, UNDP to prioritize the PDP in accordance with the problematic and potential. • Analysis by Member States

  12. Geographical Component Decision – alternative 2 CORDEPAZ (Corporación Desarrollo para la Paz del Piedemonte Oriental) – Church + Private Sector + Cinep y Pastoral Social – limited number of municipalities (10-15) – complementariness MMSS-UNDP PDPMMa (Fundación Red Desarrollo y Paz de los Montes de Maria) – Church + Private Sector of Bolivar and Sucre – 16 municipalities – complementariness MMSS-UNDP, WB financing

  13. Chronogram

  14. Logical Framework

  15. Construction of the Logical Framework The logical framework was prepared through meetings, workshops and working groups, incorporating a representative selection of institutions, social organizations and grassroots groups in the two regions – Meta and Montes de María (Bolívar, Sucre)

  16. General Objective To collectively construct the conditions for durable peace and peaceful coexistence based on a life in dignity and with opportunities for all inhabitants

  17. Specific Objective • The specific objective is developed in 3 components: Geographic, Thematic, Policies The Geographic component is articulated in three strategic axes: • Peace, Human Rights, Life in Dignity • Participatory Governance • Sustainable and Integral Development

  18. Results - Peace, Human Rights, Life in Dignity The organized and strengthened civil society constructs spaces and instruments for the respect and force of human rights and peaceful coexistence that advance, with institutional support, in the creation of conditions from the local level of a life in dignity, especially with the groups affected by the internal violence generated by the conflict with the illegal armed groups

  19. Results - Participatory Governance A new social pact has been constructed with two-way trust and credibility between institutions, government and citizens through processes of citizens´ participation and public strengthening of the local level that improves the democratic and endogenous governance, evident through the capacity of formulating and implementing effective public policies on ethical grounds

  20. Results - Sustainable and Integral Development Economically and environmentally sustainablesocioeconomic development has been strengthened in harmony with subregional, endogenous solutions that improve the conditions of equality, trust and security of the population involved in the Laboratory

  21. Results - ThematicComponent Ethnic Groups: Endogenous forms of governance, autonomy and culture of ethnic peoples have been strengthened to overcome their vulnerability to the risks associated with the conflict, and to increase their negotiation capacity at different territorial levels on the base of their own development plans (planes de vida), strengthening their participation in civil society activities aiming at promoting peace

  22. Results- Women, Youth and other peace initiatives Organizations of women, youth and other peace initiatives have been mobilized, made visible and strengthened, guaranteeing their participation, articulation and interlocutory to influence public policies and spaces at local, regional y national levels, thus guaranteeing their rights and confronting their vulnerability in front of the risks associated with the conflict

  23. Result - Political Component Development and Peace: Identification and construction of national, regional y local public policies for Development and Peace, to attack the local root causes of the violence and the violations of the human rights

  24. Activities -GeographicalComponent Peace, Human Rights, Life in Dignity: • Promote the creation and strengthening of social and governmental organizations and institutions so they can implement and improve programmes and scenarios oriented toward the promotion, defence and exercise of human rights, peaceful coexistence and resolution of conflicts. • Create a regional network (social, governmental and international organizations) entrusted with the identification of risks of human rights violations and infringements of international humanitarian law, and the establishment of a system of early warning and rapid reaction. • Promote the creation and strengthening of pedagogical initiatives for peace and peaceful coexistence that can be implemented by the education communities, the industrial and commercial sectors, the media of communication, etc., in the regions. • Facilitate the institutional support for the civil initiatives that are striving for autonomy with respect to the illegal armed groups, etc. (there are 12 activities).

  25. Activities – Participatory Governance • Promote the creation and strengthening of citizen’s networks, social organizations and public institutions, at local, subregional, regional and/or departamental levels that may strengthen democracy and the culture of peace. • Develop processes of citizenship formation for public servants, local government and the community to strengthen the democratic institutions and promote local y regional agreements on good governanace, as well as to promote the “dialogue of knowledges”, the respect, the tolerance, the recognition of the other, the mutual responsibility and local and regional good governance. • Strengthen the continuous participation in participatory planning processes (from formulation, monitoring and evaluation to execution), preparation of participatory budgets, social control (citizen oversight and budget accountability mechanisms, transparency pacts) providing the necessary tools. • Promote regional integration processes with civil society participation, on the basis of the revision, adjustment and coordination of the territorial regulation plans and the development of an easily accessible information system, and a regional and/or departmental system of participatory planning, etc. (there are 9 activities).

  26. Activities - Sustainable and Integral Development • Application of decrees 2007 of 2001 and 250 of 2005, to achieve the protection of the assets of the population displaced by the violence, and support the titling and legalization processes in favour of the poor and/or vulnerable population. • Formulate and launch environmental management programmes including their operational instruments articulated with the territorial regulation plans. • Promote endogenous development with clean technologies and local y regional competitiveness and productivity, to improve food security and chains of production that dynamize the market in the territories of the Laboratory, articulating them with national and international markets through principles of justice and trust. • Implementing processes of strengthening organizations and micro enterprises of the poor and vulnerable population, linked to the productive activities of the territories of the Laboratory in the spirit of cooperative economy, culture and social law, etc. (there are 9 activities).

  27. Activities - Thematic Component Ethnic Groups • Promote the indigenous forms of production in accordance with traditions and customs, to secure food sovereignty and continuity in the territory despite the effects of the conflict. • Strengthen the processes of interethnic articulation of the national peace movements, based on the reappropriation of and respect for cultural identity. • Facilitate the implementation of clean and endogenous agrarian technologies, and the access to markets through principles of justice and trust. • Promote meetings of knowledge and experiences of resistance among peoples, to facilitate articulation with peace movements and popular constituent assemblies. • Reappropriate and strengthen the traditional forms of resolving and dealing with conflicts and peaceful coexistence, and validating differential reparation policies (there are 9 activities).

  28. Activities- Women, Youth and other peace initiatives • Strengthen the processes of articulation and alliances of the organizations of youth, women and other peace initiatives. • Generate and strengthen sustainable and integral production processes for the economic development and income generation with emphasis on youth and women to guarantee their food security. • Strengthen the existing networks and initiatives for resistance and non-violent action promoted by women and youth and articulate them with peace movements and popular constituent assemblies. • Promote the forums of expression for youth and women to include new points of view, interpretations y expressions concerning the conflict, with a view to their articulation with the peace movements. • Develop strategies focused on the reduction of conflict risks, which make visible nationally and internationally the humanitarian situation of youth, women as well as directly and indirectly affected local peace initiatives (there are 9 activities).

  29. Activities- Political Component • Development and Peace: • Build a strategy of knowledge management that allows systematization, diffusion and feedback of the successful experiences, lessons and methods developed in the context of the Peace and Development Programmes, Peace Laboratories and other Peace Initiatives through exchange and feedback of experience on peace and development between the civil society and the territorial levels of the State (e.g. territorial peace councils), coordinate actions with and support to the development of the “Banks of good practices” of UNDP and knowledge management methods regarding local development knowledge. • Disseminate the results of the proposed studies, to government and civil society in order to promote application of the results. • Realize 2 International Seminars on peace initiatives and carry out national and regional meetings for exchange and reflection on methods and experiences as a result of the activities just mentioned. • Produce public policy proposals based on the results of the study and the systematization of peace experiences, and define three strategic dimensions for the development of a public policy in the context of the Peace Laboratory, including areas such as:

  30. Activities – Political Component(continuation) • Socio-economic justice: land tenure/safeguarding assets, protection of real estate and other properties [forced displacement] • Humanitarian aspects: protection of threatened communities (early warning, humanitarian spaces, territorial committees for prevention of forced displacement) arbitrary detention, recruitment and freedom to carry out humanitarian actions. • Strengthen the public and communitarian institutions, and democracy: access to legal justice, citizens’ participation, territorial regulation and a taxation framework favourable for the productive use of the territory. • Develop a system of indicators for the follow-up, monitoring and evaluation of the contributions to Peace, Human Rights and a Life in Dignity, Participatory Governance, Sustainable and Integral Development, the national Peace Initiatives,and the most vulnerable groups.

  31. III Peace Laboratory categories and executors

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