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WELCOME. TO. Medical Assisting Back-Office Class . THE PROGRAM. Sequence II. Chp . 23,24,25,30,31, 33. Chp . 14, 16, 17, 18. Chp . 9, 22, 30, 31, 33. What will I learn- Seq . II. HIPPA How & Why we do Vitals on Pt’s Draping procedures Chain of Infection Stages of Infectious Disease

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME TO Medical Assisting Back-Office Class


  3. Sequence II Chp. 23,24,25,30,31, 33 Chp. 14, 16, 17, 18 Chp. 9, 22, 30, 31, 33

  4. What will I learn-Seq. II • HIPPA • How & Why we do Vitals on Pt’s • Draping procedures • Chain of Infection • Stages of Infectious Disease • Surgical Procedures • Surgical Hand wash • Surgical Procedures • Suturing • Removing staples/sutures • Bandaging • Assistive Devices • CPT • ICD-9 Codes • Completing PA forms • Referral forms

  5. Sequence III Chp. 35,36 Chp.1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 47 Chp. 30, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43,

  6. What will I learn-Seq. III • How to use the PDR • 7-Rights • Drug names • Herbs, vitamins • Administration of Oral, Injectable meds • CLIA • OSHA • EKG’s • Holter Monitor • Urinalysis procedures

  7. Sequence IV Chp24,30,36,39,40,41,43,44 Chp. 26,27,28,29,30 Chp. 4, 5,6,11,34

  8. What will I learn-Seq. IV • Microscope use • Centrifuge • Bacteria staining • Needle safety • Order of draw • Drawing blood • Drawing capillary blood • Effective communication • Nutrition • Therapeutic diets • Pap-Tray set-up • Instructing Pt on Breast self exam, testicular exam. • Pediatric vitals, UA procedure.

  9. Attendance & PPS • You are responsible for contacting me when you will be absent from school. • It is not acceptable for you to text your friend in class to tell me you won’t be in class. If you do this you will lose 2-PPS points for Responsibility on your PPS as well as 2-points for Attendance. Future violations are worth 4pts each

  10. Attendance Cont. • If you are going to be out and you know in advance you will not be required to contact me on the date of your absence. • If you will be out you must do one of the following: • Email me Mrs. G Lgabaldon@pmi.edu Bobbie Bcisneros@pmi.edu • Call the school and leave a message for your instructor 890-4316 *When you are on externship you will be required to contact the school and the site if you are late and or going to be absent.

  11. Other sure ways to lose PPS pts • TEXTing this is a sure way to quickly lose your pts. (2pts 1stx 4pts each x after) • Food & Drinks- • Not turning in assignments when due • Being rude or out-of-control in class • Not following the rules

  12. DRESS CODE • Clean uniform scrubs (Personal scrubs may be worn on Thurs for the evening classes/Fri for the day classes) • Wrist watch • Solid color undershirt acceptable • Jackets should not be worn during lab-If you have tats you are covering w/a jacket figure something else out for this. • Closed toed shoes-clean/no holes • Long hair must be secured back • No visible body piercings • No visible tattoos • No sunglasses on your head • No long fingernails (fake/real) • No hickies • No hoop earrings • No excessive jewelry • 1-ring, 1-watch, 1-pair of earrings. • No excessive make-up • Shower daily • No or little perfume/body spray • Make sure you wash hands after smoking • Make sure you do not smell like smoke!

  13. I am not a mind reader.. • If you are having personal problems that are preventing you from being here I can not help if I do not know about it. • I know sometimes it’s hard to talk to someone face to face-so at the very least email me so I know what the heck is going on with you. • I am always willing to help but If I don’t know what’s going on I can’t help-I’m just going to think that you don’t care?

  14. Extra Help • Lab procedures • Understanding a concept • Just to talk • Direction • w/resume If you don’t ask, I can’t help *Please understand that tutoring or meeting time will most likely be done during the lunch hour or during the afternoon or evening class time.

  15. HOMEWORK Assignments • You will receive 10 homework points each day, if you are absent you may write a 1-page report over one of the chapters that we are covering and you will get 5 of the 10 points back.(Mrs. G’s Classes) • Homework that is assigned to be done at home will be due at the beginning of class on the due date, or you will receive a 10% reduction of points. • Late assignments will only be accepted if you are absent on the due date. You must turn it in on the day you return to school. You will receive a 10% deduction in points. • The chapters in the book should be read prior to the accompanying lecture, in order to provide you with a better understanding of the material.

  16. Assignments • It is YOUR responsibility to get any material you missed-therefore I would advise you to get to know your neighbor-if you are gone have them get a copy of the handout/notes etc. • This includes tests, it is your responsibility to take any missed tests the day you return. You will receive a 10% deduction in points. • Practical tests can not be made up due to the amount of time required to set-up. • If you do not take the test on the day you return you will receive a zero.

  17. Quizzes and Exams • Quia-this is an online program that is used for misc. activities, quizzes, and final exams • You may do these at home/work any place you have internet access. The computer lab at school is available m-th 7:30am-10, Fri 8-5, the public library has internet access. NO EXCUSSES will be accepted for incomplete quia tests or assignments. • If you choose not to do the quia work you will have PPS points deducted. • Quizzes are set for unlimited attempts it is in your best interest to obtain the highest grade possible • You can use book/notes other sources to complete these.

  18. COMMITMENT By enrolling in school you’ve made a commitment to yourself that you will attend class and complete all assignments necessary to complete the program.

  19. REMEMBER… • You probably enrolled in PIMA, because you could complete a program in 9mths- • We are going to cover a lot of material in the next 6mths so that means you are going to need to do a lot of work. • It is strongly advised that you read the chapter prior to me lecturing on it, this will help you to better understand the material when we discuss it.

  20. What this means Some lab procedures can not be made up if missed, therefore it will be your responsibility to make arrangements to be available when the missed lab is being taught in one of the other classes. *Please realize it is not fair to your classmates or your instructor to stop everything just because you missed class. *You must complete all required procedures proficiently in order to proceed to your externship.

  21. My Job • Is to prepare you to be the best MA that you can be. • I’m going to put you in uncomfortable situations. • I’m going to randomly ask you questions to make you think. • I’m going to help you realize that even if you don’t know the answer you know how to find it. • I’m going to challenge you and make you challenge yourselves

  22. TYPICAL DAY • Lecture w/accompany worksheet. • Lab- • Prepare for lab • Gather chart/box • Wash hands • Any new procedure to review • Practice skills • Any fluid procedures you should clean area w/bleach after each patient. • Hands washed after each patient • Clean-up • Personal supplies put away. • Everyone has chores-nobody goes home until everything is done.

  23. Certificate of completion This is to verify that (Insert your name here) Has completed the orientation power point ________________________________ Lisa M. Gabaldon, RMA, AHI Lead MA Instructor PIMA Albq. West Campus

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