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Public Hearing Academic Excellence Indicator System 2011-2012 . Linda Theret, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction. Academic Excellence Indicator System 2011-2012. Annual Report and Public Hearing Laredo ISD January 15, 2013.
Public HearingAcademic Excellence Indicator System 2011-2012 Linda Theret, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction
Academic Excellence Indicator System 2011-2012 Annual Report and Public Hearing Laredo ISD January 15, 2013
Academic Excellence Indicator System(AEIS) • Comprehensive reporting system defined by statute • Published annually since 1990-91 • 2011 Accountability Manual http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/account/2011/manual/index.html • Required reporting guidelines at public hearings • TEC §39.261 requires districts to post on the students report cards • the student’s campus distinction designation or if the campus has been designated an unacceptable rating (no state ratings assigned for 2011-2012) • TEC §39.262 requires districts to post on their website • the most current accountability ratings, Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) reports, and School Report Cards (no SRC for 2011-2012), by the 10th day after the first day of instruction of each school year • Gives parents and community a snapshot of • District/Campus Performance (Section I of AEIS Report) • District/Campus Profile (Section II of AEIS Report) • District/Campus Performance (Section III of AEIS Report) • Contains all data used to determine District/Campus accountability ratings • Uses data collected through: • State data reporting system (PEIMS) • Student assessment system (TAKS)
2011 – 2012 Student Percent ComparisonEthnicity and Economically Disadvantage
College Readiness IndicatorAdvanced Course/Dual Enrollment Completion This indicator is based on a count of students who complete and receive credit for at least one advanced course in grades 9-12.
College Ready IndicatorsAP/IB ResultsScores >= Criterion *Percent of scores for juniors and seniors at or above the criterion score 3 on AP or 4 on IB
College Readiness IndicatorRHSP/DAP Graduates The number of graduates reported with graduation codes for Recommended High School Program or Distinguished Achievement Program divided by the number of graduates.
College Readiness Indicators Texas Success Initiative (TSI)-ELA The percent of students who were exempted from taking a test for the Texas Success Initiative because they had a high enough score on their exit-level TAKS tests for mathematics and English language arts (ELA), as set by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).
College Readiness Indicators Texas Success Initiative (TSI)-Math The percent of students who were exempted from taking a test for the Texas Success Initiative because they had a high enough score on their exit-level TAKS tests for mathematics and English language arts (ELA), as set by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).
College Ready GraduatesELA Combination ELA score of 2200 TAKS and 3+ composition score or 1070 total SAT or 23 composite ACT.
College Ready GraduatesMath Combination mathematics score of 2200 TAKS or 1070 total SAT or 23 composite ACT.
District, Region, State Attendance Rate The total number of days students were present in 2010-11 divided by the total number of days students were in membership in 2010-11.
5 Year Graduation RateDistrict Wide A student’s 06-07 cohort graduated within 5 yrs. still counts for class of 2010
Turnover Percent Rate for Teachers This percent shows the total FTE count of teachers from the fall of 2010-11 who were subsequently not employed in the district in the fall of 2011-12, divided by the total teacher FTE count for the fall of 2010-11.
Financial Information • Calendar year 2011 Tax Information • Adopted Tax Rate • Maintenance & Operations: $1.040 • Interest & Sinking Fund #: $0.234 • Total Rate (sum of above): $1.274 Note: Total Rate has not changed since 2007. • Fund Balance • Fund Balance (End of Year 2010-11 audited): $58,910,905 The amount of undesignated, unreserved fund balance that existed at the end of the 2010-11 school year is reported for each district.
English as a Second Language District Performance (Grades 10 & 11)
Possession of Controlled SubstanceDistrict Wide Violations include, but not limited to, selling, being in possession, being under the influence of marijuana or any other controlled substance (including felony charges for controlled substance abuse). http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/cgi/sas/broker
Violation of Code of Conduct District Wide Violations include, but not limited to: LEVEL I – cheating, leaving school without permission, inappropriate physical contact, possessing electronic devices, violating dress code standards and disobeying rules concerning conduct while on school buses LEVEL II – stealing, extortion, discharging a fire extinguisher when there is no fire, fighting, bullying and hazing. http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/cgi/sas/broker
Criminal Mischief District Wide Violations primarily include, but are not limited to, vandalism, destruction of property, graffiti, etc. http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/cgi/sas/broker
Discipline Action DAEP District Wide Placement in on/off CAMP DAEP
Discipline Code Firearms *No firearms have been found in LISD in current and/or previous school year.
Fighting Mutual Combat District Wide Defined when both the parties enter voluntarily; it implies a common intent to fight, but not necessarilyanexchange of blows. http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/cgi/sas/broker
Students with 10+ Unexcused Absences District Wide http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/cgi/sas/broker
Accessing the AEIS Reports • The report is available: • TEA website http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/cgi/sas/broker • District website http://www.laredoisd.org/ • Campus libraries or offices
Academic Excellence Indicator System 2011-2012 Annual Report and Public Hearing Laredo ISD January 15, 2013