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Welcome to presentation on Minority Vs Majority. How 3.5% Minority (Brahmin) were able to exploit/ rule 80% (Majority) OBC/SC/ST so long?. 52% population of OBC(Other backwards classes do not know that they are shudra i.e. lowest level of chaturvarna system)
How 3.5% Minority(Brahmin) were able to exploit/ rule 80% (Majority) OBC/SC/ST so long? • 52% population of OBC(Other backwards classes do not know that they are shudra i.e. lowest level of chaturvarna system) • They also do not know the reasons for their backwardness • Even 22% SC/ST population consider themselves as shudra while they are not at all in varna system but as recognised avarna(not in varna)
What is varna system? • Aryan Brahmin conquered the natives of this country and divided them in vast number of caste. (Arya entered in Asia in search of food) • There are total 4000 caste are existing as on today. • 52% Shudra population are divided into 3000 caste( The details of state wise list of caste is available on national commission of backward classes (www.ncbc.nic.in) Brahmin 3.5% Twice born group Kshtriya vaishya 52% Shudra (OBC) 22% Sc/ST
Why OBC/SC/ST Do not have any common Platform? • The caste system is direct outcome of Chaturvarna system • Caste system has two aspects • 1. It divided men into separate communities • 2 It places these communities in graded order one above the other in social status • Caste form graded system of sovereignties, high and low which jealous of each other • Caste system degrades the masses by denying them opportunities of education and prohibiting them to hold arms
Caste are more concern or conscious of their communities. Caste system do not allow social interaction( No inter caste marriage and inter dinning) All provision are made for no unity occurs between different caste. Whenever OBC’s realized reasons for their backwardness and tried to come on common platform ,Brahmin started calling them as hindu thus stopped their movements on many occasion. Why OBC/SC/ST Do not come on common Platform?
How SC/ST got their reservarion not representation? • Do you think Arya Brahmin were liberal enough to give reservation to depressed classes(SC/ST)? By virtue of social awareness and mass movement in pre independence era, depressed classes were gathered and rallied in masses under the strong leadership of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar. They demanded special representation and compulsory education for downtrodden (who were direct victims of evil customs of hindu system)
How SC/ST got their reservarion not representation? • Communal award was nothing but result of social and political awareness of depressed classes. SC/ST people were given direct representation of their representative according to their population (1931 census) but Brahmin Bania resisted it with life and SC/ST people got reservation instead of representation in the Indian constitution and deprived of their legitimate right .
What is difference between reservation and representation? • In communal award, SC/ST people had got two(double) votes in their constituencies. • In Pre election SC/ST voters caste their vote to chose two three SC/ST candidates among themselves • In final election these chosen candidates which were true representative of SC/ST got finally elected by all voter of constituencies. • Now Congress and BJP will choose the candidate for SC/ST ( which is most unsuitable to SC/ST and who is not able to speak in parliament on behalf of SC/ST) .
Final words • Is it not the duty of government to give representation to all classes of this country according to their population (Considering Social, economical, educational and political backwardness) ? • It is matter of great wonder that 52% population of backward classes(who are the backbone of this country) is not counted in census since1931 and given only 27% reservation in government jobs in 1992. • After 18 years 5.89% OBC are in Goverment. Job(Ref: Rajyasabha Question no 3158 dated 17.12.09 by Matilal sarkar) • Who are systematically looting the legitimate share of majority of masses? Think and act accordingly.
Thank You! Lack of education leads to lack of wisdom, which leads to lack of morals, which leads to lack of progress, which leads to lack of money, which leads to the oppression of the lower classes. See what state of the society one lack of education can cause…….Mahatma Jyotiba phule